<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=964646 --> <!-- ========= PLEASE KEEP THIS IN SYNC WITH test_animations.html ========= This test mimicks the content of test_animations.html but performs tests specific to animations that run on the compositor thread since they require special (asynchronous) handling. Furthermore, these tests check that animations that are expected to run on the compositor thread, are actually doing so. If you are making changes to this file or to test_animations.html, please try to keep them consistent where appropriate. --> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Test for css3-animations running on the compositor thread (Bug 964646)</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/paint_listener.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="animation_utils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> <style type="text/css"> @keyframes transform-anim { to { transform: translate(100px); } } @keyframes anim1 { 0% { transform: translate(0px) } 50% { transform: translate(80px) } 100% { transform: translate(100px) } } @keyframes anim2 { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } } @keyframes anim3 { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } } @keyframes anim4 { from { transform: translate(0px, 0px) } to { transform: translate(0px, 100px) } } @keyframes kf1 { 50% { transform: translate(50px) } to { transform: translate(150px) } } @keyframes kf2 { from { transform: translate(150px) } 50% { transform: translate(50px) } } @keyframes kf3 { 25% { transform: translate(100px) } } @keyframes kf4 { to, from { display: none; transform: translate(37px) } } @keyframes kf_cascade1 { from { transform: translate(50px) } 50%, from { transform: translate(30px) } /* wins: 0% */ 75%, 85%, 50% { transform: translate(20px) } /* wins: 75%, 50% */ 100%, 85% { transform: translate(70px) } /* wins: 100% */ 85.1% { transform: translate(60px) } /* wins: 85.1% */ 85% { transform: translate(30px) } /* wins: 85% */ } @keyframes kf_cascade2 { from, to { opacity: 0.3 } } @keyframes kf_cascade2 { from, to { transform: translate(50px) } } @keyframes kf_cascade2 { from, to { transform: translate(100px) } } @keyframes kf_tf1 { 0% { transform: translate(20px); animation-timing-function: ease } 25% { transform: translate(60px); } 50% { transform: translate(160px); animation-timing-function: steps(5) } 75% { transform: translate(120px); animation-timing-function: linear } 100% { transform: translate(20px); animation-timing-function: ease-out } } @keyframes always_fifty { from, to { transform: translate(50px) } } #withbefore::before, #withafter::after { content: "test"; animation: anim4 1s linear alternate 3; display:block; } @keyframes multiprop { 0% { transform: translate(10px); opacity: 0.3; animation-timing-function: ease; } 25% { opacity: 0.5; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } 50% { transform: translate(40px); } 75% { transform: translate(80px); opacity: 0.6; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } } @keyframes cascade { 0%, 25%, 100% { transform: translate(0px) } 50%, 75% { transform: translate(100px) } 0%, 75%, 100% { opacity: 0 } 25%, 50% { opacity: 1 } } @keyframes cascade2 { 0% { transform: translate(0px) } 25% { transform: translate(30px); animation-timing-function: ease-in } /* beaten by rule below */ 50% { transform: translate(0px) } 25% { transform: translate(50px) } 100% { transform: translate(100px) } } @keyframes primitives1 { from { transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(0px) scaleX(1) translate(0px) scale3d(1, 1, 1); } to { transform: rotate(270deg) translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1) translateY(0px) scaleY(1); } } @keyframes important1 { from { opacity: 0.5; } 50% { opacity: 1 !important; } /* ignored */ to { opacity: 0.8; } } @keyframes important2 { from { opacity: 0.5; transform: translate(100px); } to { opacity: 0.2 !important; /* ignored */ transform: translate(50px); } } @keyframes empty { } @keyframes nearlyempty { to { transform: translate(100px); } } .target { /* The animation target needs geometry in order to qualify for OMTA */ width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: white; } .visitedLink:link { background-color: yellow } .visitedLink:visited { background-color: blue } @keyframes opacitymid { 0% { opacity: 0.2 } 100% { opacity: 0.8 } } @keyframes transformnone { 0%, 100% { transform: translateX(50px) } 25%, 75% { transform: none } } </style> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=964646">Mozilla Bug 964646</a> <div id="display"></div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> "use strict"; /** Test for css3-animations running on the compositor thread (Bug 964646) **/ // Global state var gDisplay = document.getElementById("display") , gDiv = null; // Shortcut omta_is and friends by filling in the initial 'elem' argument // with gDiv. [ 'omta_is', 'omta_todo_is', 'omta_is_approx' ].forEach(function(fn) { var origFn = window[fn]; window[fn] = function() { var args = Array.slice(arguments); if (!(args[0] instanceof Element)) { args.unshift(gDiv); } return origFn.apply(window, args); }; }); // Shortcut new_div and done_div to update gDiv var originalNewDiv = window.new_div; window.new_div = function(style) { [ gDiv ] = originalNewDiv(style); }; var originalDoneDiv = window.done_div; window.done_div = function() { originalDoneDiv(); gDiv = null; }; SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); SimpleTest.requestLongerTimeout(2); runOMTATest(function() { var onAbort = function() { if (gDiv) { done_div(); } }; runAllAsyncAnimTests(onAbort).then(function() { SimpleTest.finish(); }); }, SimpleTest.finish); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Test cases // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This test is not in test_animations.html but is here to test that // transform animations are actually run on the compositor thread as expected. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: transform-anim linear 300s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(200000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 * 2 / 3 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "OMTA animation is animating as expected"); done_div(); }); function *testFillMode(fillMode, fillsBackwards, fillsForwards) { var style = "transform: translate(30px); animation: 10s 3s anim1 linear"; var desc; if (fillMode.length > 0) { style += " " + fillMode; desc = "fill mode " + fillMode + ": "; } else { desc = "default fill mode: "; } new_div(style); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); if (fillsBackwards) omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, desc + "does affect value during delay (0s)"); else omta_is("transform", { tx: 30 }, RunningOn.MainThread, desc + "doesn't affect value during delay (0s)"); advance_clock(2000); if (fillsBackwards) omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, desc + "does affect value during delay (0s)"); else omta_is("transform", { tx: 30 }, RunningOn.MainThread, desc + "does affect value during delay (0s)"); check_events([], "before start in testFillMode"); advance_clock(1000); check_events([{ type: "animationstart", target: gDiv, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, animationName: "anim1", elapsedTime: 0.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after start in testFillMode"); // If we have a backwards fill then at the start of the animation we will end // up applying the same value as the fill value. Various optimizations in // RestyleManager may filter out this meaning that the animation doesn't get // added to the compositor thread until the first time the value changes. // // As a result we look for this first sample on either the compositor or the // computed style yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Either, desc + "affects value at start of animation"); advance_clock(125); // We might not add the animation to compositor until the second sample (due // to the optimizations mentioned above) so we should wait for paints before // proceeding yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 2 }, RunningOn.Compositor, desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2375); omta_is("transform", { tx: 40 }, RunningOn.Compositor, desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 80 }, RunningOn.Compositor, desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 90 }, RunningOn.Compositor, desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2375); omta_is("transform", { tx: 99.5 }, RunningOn.Compositor, desc + "affects value during animation"); check_events([], "before end in testFillMode"); advance_clock(125); check_events([{ type: "animationend", target: gDiv, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, animationName: "anim1", elapsedTime: 10.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after end in testFillMode"); // Currently the compositor will apply a forwards fill until it gets told by // the main thread to clear the animation. As a result we should wait for // paints to be flushed before checking that the animated value does *not* // appear on the compositor thread. yield waitForPaints(); if (fillsForwards) omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, desc + "affects value at end of animation"); advance_clock(10); if (fillsForwards) omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, desc + "affects value after animation"); else omta_is("transform", { tx: 30 }, RunningOn.MainThread, desc + "does not affect value after animation"); done_div(); } addAsyncAnimTest(function() { return testFillMode("", false, false); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function() { return testFillMode("none", false, false); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function() { return testFillMode("forwards", false, true); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function() { return testFillMode("backwards", true, false); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function() { return testFillMode("both", true, true); }); // Test that animations continue running when the animation name // list is changed. // // test_animations.html combines all these tests into one block but this is // difficult for OMTA because currently there are only two properties to which // we apply OMTA. Instead we break the test down into a few independent pieces // in order to exercise the same functionality. // Append to list addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim1 linear 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Either, "just anim1, translate at start"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 16 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "just anim1, translate at 1s"); // append anim2 gDiv.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s, anim2 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 16 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2, translate at 1s"); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2, opacity at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 32 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2, translate at 2s"); omta_is("opacity", 0.1, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2, opacity at 2s"); done_div(); }); // Prepend to list; delete from list addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim1 linear 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Either, "just anim1, translate at start"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 16 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "just anim1, translate at 1s"); // prepend anim2 gDiv.style.animation = "anim2 linear 10s, anim1 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 16 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, translate at 1s"); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, opacity at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 32 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, translate at 2s"); omta_is("opacity", 0.1, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, opacity at 2s"); // remove anim2 from list gDiv.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 32 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "just anim1, translate at 2s"); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, "just anim1, opacity at 2s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 48 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "just anim1, translate at 3s"); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, "just anim1, opacity at 3s"); done_div(); }); // Swap elements addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim1 linear 10s, anim2 linear 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Either, "anim1 + anim2, translate at start"); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2, opacity at start"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 16 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2, translate at 1s"); omta_is("opacity", 0.1, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2, opacity at 1s"); // swap anim1 and anim2, change duration of anim2 gDiv.style.animation = "anim2 linear 5s, anim1 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 16 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, translate at 1s"); omta_is("opacity", 0.2, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, opacity at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 32 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, translate at 2s"); omta_is("opacity", 0.4, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1, opacity at 2s"); // list anim2 twice, last duration wins, original start time still applies gDiv.style.animation = "anim2 linear 5s, anim1 linear 10s, anim2 linear 20s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 32 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 + anim1 + anim2, translate at 2s"); is(SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.getOMTAStyle(gDiv, "opacity"), "0.1", "anim2 + anim1 + anim2, opacity at 2s"); // drop one of the anim2, and list anim3 as well, which animates // the same property as anim2 gDiv.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s, anim2 linear 20s, anim3 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 32 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, translate at 2s"); is(SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.getOMTAStyle(gDiv, "opacity"), "0", "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, opacity at 2s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 48 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, translate at 3s"); is(SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.getOMTAStyle(gDiv, "opacity"), "0.1", "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, opacity at 3s"); // now swap the anim3 and anim2 order gDiv.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s, anim3 linear 10s, anim2 linear 20s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 48 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim3 + anim2, translate at 3s"); is(SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.getOMTAStyle(gDiv, "opacity"), "0.15", "anim1 + anim3 + anim2, opacity at 3s"); advance_clock(2000); // (unlike test_animations.html, we seek 2s forwards here // since at 4s anim2 and anim3 produce the same result so // we can't tell which won.) omta_is("transform", { tx: 80 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim3 + anim2, translate at 5s"); is(SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.getOMTAStyle(gDiv, "opacity"), "0.25", "anim1 + anim3 + anim2, opacity at 5s"); // swap anim3 and anim2 back gDiv.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s, anim2 linear 20s, anim3 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 80 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, translate at 5s"); is(SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.getOMTAStyle(gDiv, "opacity"), "0.3", "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, opacity at 5s"); // seek past end of anim1 advance_clock(5100); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, translate at 10.1s"); // Change the animation fill mode on the completed animation. gDiv.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s forwards, anim2 linear 20s, anim3 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, translate at 10.1s with fill mode"); advance_clock(900); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, translate at 11s with fill mode"); // Change the animation duration on the completed animation, so it is // no longer completed. // XXX Not sure about this---there seems to be a bug in test_animations.html // in that it drops the fill mode but the test comment says it has a fill mode gDiv.style.animation = "anim1 linear 20s, anim2 linear 20s, anim3 linear 10s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 82 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, translate at 11s with fill mode"); is(SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.getOMTAStyle(gDiv, "opacity"), "0.9", "anim1 + anim2 + anim3, opacity at 11s"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3. Keyframes * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#keyframes */ // Test the rules on keyframes that lack a 0% or 100% rule: // (simultaneously, test that reverse animations have their keyframes // run backwards) addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { // 100px at 0%, 50px at 50%, 150px at 100% new_div("transform: translate(100px); " + "animation: kf1 ease 1s alternate infinite"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 0.0s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 0.1s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 0.3s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 0.5s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 0.7s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 0.9s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is("transform", { tx: 150 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 1.0s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 1.1s"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 1.4s"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 1.7s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 1.9s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0% at 2.0s"); done_div(); // 150px at 0%, 50px at 50%, 100px at 100% new_div("transform: translate(100px); " + "animation: kf2 ease-in 1s alternate infinite"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 150 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 0.0s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 0.1s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 0.3s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 0.5s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 0.7s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 0.9s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 1.0s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 1.1s"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 1.4s"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 1.7s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 1.9s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is("transform", { tx: 150 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-100% at 2.0s"); done_div(); // 50px at 0%, 100px at 25%, 50px at 100% new_div("transform: translate(50px); " + "animation: kf3 ease-out 1s alternate infinite"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.0s"); advance_clock(50); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.05s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.15s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.25s"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.55s"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.85s"); advance_clock(150); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.0s"); advance_clock(150); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.15s"); advance_clock(450); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.6s"); advance_clock(250); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.85s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.95s"); advance_clock(50); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "no-0%-no-100% at 2.0s"); done_div(); // Test that non-animatable properties are ignored. // Simultaneously, test that the block is still honored, and that // we still override the value when two consecutive keyframes have // the same value. new_div("animation: kf4 ease 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); var cs = window.getComputedStyle(gDiv); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (linear, 0s)"); omta_is("transform", { tx: 37 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animatable properties should still apply (linear, 0s)"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (linear, 1s)"); omta_is("transform", { tx: 37 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animatable properties should still apply (linear, 1s)"); done_div(); new_div("animation: kf4 step-start 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); cs = window.getComputedStyle(gDiv); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (step-start, 0s)"); omta_is("transform", { tx: 37 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animatable properties should still apply (step-start, 0s)"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (step-start, 1s)"); omta_is("transform", { tx: 37 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animatable properties should still apply (step-start, 1s)"); done_div(); // Test cascading of the keyframes within an @keyframes rule. new_div("animation: kf_cascade1 linear 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); // 0%: 30px // 50%: 20px // 75%: 20px // 85%: 30px // 85.1%: 60px // 100%: 70px omta_is("transform", { tx: 30 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 0s"); advance_clock(2500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 2.5s"); advance_clock(2500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 5s"); advance_clock(2000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 7s"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 7.5s"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 8s"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 30 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 8.5s"); advance_clock(10); // For some reason we get an error of 0.0003 for this test only omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 60 }, 0.001, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 8.51s"); advance_clock(745); omta_is("transform", { tx: 65 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "kf_cascade1 at 9.2505s"); done_div(); // Test cascading of the @keyframes rules themselves. new_div("animation: kf_cascade2 linear 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, "last @keyframes rule with transform should win"); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "last @keyframes rule with transform should win"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3.1. Timing functions for keyframes * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#timing-functions-for-keyframes- */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: kf_tf1 ease-in 10s alternate infinite"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 0s (test needed for flush)"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 2s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 3s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 4s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 160 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 5s"); advance_clock(1010); // avoid floating-point error omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 6s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 7s"); advance_clock(990); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 8s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 9s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 10s"); advance_clock(20000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 30s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 31s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 32s"); advance_clock(990); // avoid floating-point error omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 33s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 34s"); advance_clock(1010); omta_is("transform", { tx: 160 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 35s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 36s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 37s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 38s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 39s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 40s"); done_div(); // spot-check the same thing without alternate new_div("animation: kf_tf1 ease-in 10s infinite"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 20 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 0s (test needed for flush)"); advance_clock(11000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 11s"); advance_clock(3000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 14s"); advance_clock(2010); // avoid floating-point error omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 16s"); advance_clock(1990); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "keyframe timing functions test at 18s"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3.2. The 'animation-name' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-name-property- */ // animation-name is reasonably well-tested up in the tests for Section // 2, particularly the tests that "Test that animations continue running // when the animation name list is changed." // Test that 'animation-name: none' stops the animation, and setting // it again starts a new one. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim2 ease-in-out 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "after setting animation-name to anim2"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in_out(0.1), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "before changing animation-name to none"); gDiv.style.animationName = "none"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, "after changing animation-name to none"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, "after changing animation-name to none plus 1s"); gDiv.style.animationName = "anim2"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "after changing animation-name to anim2"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in_out(0.1), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "at 1s in animation when animation-name no longer none again"); gDiv.style.animationName = "none"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, "after changing animation-name to none"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, "after changing animation-name to none plus 1s"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3.3. The 'animation-duration' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-duration-property- */ // FIXME: test animation-duration of 0 (quite a bit, including interaction // with fill-mode, count, and reversing), once I know what the right // behavior is. /* * css3-animations: 3.4. The 'animation-timing-function' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#animation-timing-function_tag */ // tested in tests for section 3.1 /* * css3-animations: 3.5. The 'animation-iteration-count' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-iteration-count-property- */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim2 ease-in 10s 0.3 forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 0s"); advance_clock(2000); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 2s"); advance_clock(900); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.29), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 2.9s"); advance_clock(100); // Animation has reached the end so allow it to be cleared from the compositor yield waitForPaints(); // For transform animations we can tell whether a transform on the compositor // thread was set by animation or not since there is a special flag for it. // // For opacity animations, however, there is no such flag so we'll get an // "OMTA" opacity even when it wasn't set by animation. When we pause an // opacity animation we don't worry about where it is reported to be running // (main thread or compositor) so long as the result is correct, hence we // check for "either" below. omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 3s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 3.1s"); advance_clock(5000); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 8.1s"); done_div(); // The corresponding test in test_animations.html runs three animations in // parallel but since we only have two properties that are OMTA-enabled at // this time and no additive animation we split this test into two parts. new_div("animation: anim2 ease-in 10s 0.3, " + "anim4 ease-out 20s 1.2 alternate forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 0s"); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 0s"); advance_clock(2000); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 2s"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.1) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 2s"); advance_clock(900); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.29), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 2.9s"); advance_clock(200); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 3.1s"); advance_clock(2000); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 5.1s"); advance_clock(14700); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.99) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 19.8s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is("transform", { ty: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 20s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.99) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 20.2s"); advance_clock(3600); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.81) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 23.8s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 24s"); advance_clock(200); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 25s"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.8) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 25s"); done_div(); new_div("animation: anim4 ease-in-out 5s 1.6 forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 0s"); advance_clock(2000); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 2s"); advance_clock(2900); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.98) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 4.9s"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.02) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 5.1s"); advance_clock(2800); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.58) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 7.9s"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 8s"); advance_clock(100); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 8.1s"); advance_clock(16100); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Either, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 25s"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3.6. The 'animation-direction' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-direction-property- */ // Tested in tests for sections 3.1 and 3.5. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim2 ease-in 10s infinite"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "normal"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 0s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 0s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 0s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 0s"); advance_clock(2000); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "normal"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 2s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 2s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 2s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 2s"); advance_clock(5000); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "normal"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.7), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 7s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 7s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.7), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 7s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 7s"); advance_clock(5000); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "normal"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 12s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 12s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 12s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 12s"); advance_clock(10000); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "normal"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 22s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 22s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 22s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 22s"); advance_clock(30000); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "normal"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 52s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 52s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 52s"); gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 52s"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3.7. The 'animation-play-state' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-play-state-property- */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { // simple test with just one animation new_div(""); gDiv.style.animationTimingFunction = "ease"; gDiv.style.animationName = "anim1"; gDiv.style.animationDuration = "1s"; gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; gDiv.style.animationIterationCount = "2"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1, at 0s"); advance_clock(250); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1 at 250ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 1 at 250ms"); advance_clock(250); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 1 still at 500ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "running"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1 still at 500ms"); advance_clock(500); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1 at 1000ms"); advance_clock(250); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1 at 1250ms"); advance_clock(250); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1 at 1500ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 1 at 1500ms"); advance_clock(2000); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 1 at 3500ms"); advance_clock(500); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 1 at 4000ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = ""; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1 at 4000ms"); advance_clock(500); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 * gTF.ease(0.5) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 1 at 4500ms"); advance_clock(250); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 1, at 4750ms"); advance_clock(250); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 1, at 5000ms"); done_div(); // The corresponding test in test_animations.html tests various cases of // pausing individual animations in a list of three different animations // but since there are only two OMTA properties we can animate // independently this test is substantially simpler. new_div(""); gDiv.style.animationTimingFunction = "ease-out, ease-in"; gDiv.style.animationName = "anim2, anim4"; gDiv.style.animationDuration = "1s, 2s"; gDiv.style.animationDirection = "alternate, normal"; gDiv.style.animationIterationCount = "4, 2"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 2, at 0s"); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 3, at 0s"); advance_clock(250); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "paused, running"; // pause 1 yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); // As noted with the tests for animation-iteration-count, for opacity // animations we don't strictly check the finished animation is being animated // on the main thread, but simply that it is producing the correct result. omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.25), 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 2 at 250ms"); // paused omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.125) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 3 at 250ms"); advance_clock(250); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.25), 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 2 at 500ms"); // paused omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.25) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 3 at 500ms"); advance_clock(250); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "running, paused"; // unpause 1, pause 2 yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(250); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.5), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 2 at 1000ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 3 at 1000ms"); // paused gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; // pause all yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(3000); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.5), 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 2 at 4000ms"); // paused omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 3 at 4000ms"); // paused gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "running, paused"; // pause 2 yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(850); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.65), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 2 at 4850ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 3 at 4850ms"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.35), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 2 at 5150ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 3 at 5150ms"); advance_clock(2300); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.05), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 2 at 7450ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 3 at 7450ms"); advance_clock(100); // test 2 has finished so wait for it to be removed from the // compositor (otherwise it will fill forwards) yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-play-state test 2 at 7550ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375) }, 0.01, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 3 at 7550ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "running"; // unpause 2 yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-play-state test 2 at 7550ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.875) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 3 at 7550ms"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-play-state test 2 at 8050ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.125) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 3 at 8050ms"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-play-state test 2 at 9050ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.625) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 3 at 9050ms"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-play-state test 2 at 9550ms"); omta_is_approx("transform", { ty: 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.875) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-play-state test 3 at 9550ms"); advance_clock(500); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "animation-play-state test 2 at 10050ms"); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "animation-play-state test 3 at 10050ms"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3.8. The 'animation-delay' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-delay-property- */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { // test positive delay new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.5s ease-out"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); // NOTE: getOMTAStyle() can't detect the animation is running on the // compositor or not during the delay phase, since no opacity style is // applied during the delay phase. omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "positive delay test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "positive delay test at 400ms"); advance_clock(100); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "positive delay test at 500ms"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "positive delay test at 500ms"); done_div(); // test dynamic changes to delay (i.e., that we preserve the start time // that's before the delay) new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.5s ease-out both"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); // NOTE: As noted above, getOMTAStyle() can't detect the animation is running // on the compositor during the delay phase. omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Either, "dynamic delay delay test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Either, "dynamic delay delay test at 400ms (1)"); gDiv.style.animationDelay = "0.2s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic delay delay test at 400ms (2)"); gDiv.style.animationDelay = "0.6s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(200); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Either, "dynamic delay delay test at 600ms"); advance_clock(200); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic delay delay test at 800ms"); advance_clock(1000); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "dynamic delay delay test at 1800ms (1)"); gDiv.style.animationDelay = "1.5s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.3), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic delay delay test at 1800ms (2)"); gDiv.style.animationDelay = "2s"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Either, "dynamic delay delay test at 1800ms (3)"); done_div(); // test delay and play-state interaction new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.5s ease-out"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); // NOTE: As noted above, getOMTAStyle() can't detect the animation is running // on the compositor during the delay phase. omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "delay and play-state delay test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "delay and play-state delay test at 400ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(100); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, // paused "delay and play-state delay test at 500ms"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.MainThread, // paused "delay and play-state delay test at 1000ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "running"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(100); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "delay and play-state delay test at 1100ms"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "delay and play-state delay test at 1200ms"); gDiv.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, RunningOn.Either, "delay and play-state delay test at 1300ms"); done_div(); // test negative delay and implicit starting values new_div("transform: translate(1000px)"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(300); gDiv.style.transform = "translate(100px)"; gDiv.style.animation = "kf1 1s -0.1s ease-in"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "delay and implicit starting values test"); done_div(); // test large negative delay that causes the animation to start // in the fourth iteration new_div("animation: anim2 1s -3.6s ease-in 5 alternate forwards"); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.4), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "large negative delay test at 0ms"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 3.6, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationiteration', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 3.6, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after start in large negative delay test"); advance_clock(380); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.02), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "large negative delay test at 380ms"); check_events([]); advance_clock(20); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "large negative delay test at 400ms"); check_events([{ type: 'animationiteration', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 4.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after start in large negative delay test"); advance_clock(800); omta_is_approx("opacity", gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "large negative delay test at 1200ms"); check_events([]); advance_clock(200); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "large negative delay test at 1400ms"); check_events([{ type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 5.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after start in large negative delay test"); done_div(); }); /* * css3-animations: 3.9. The 'animation-fill-mode' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-fill-mode-property- */ // animation-fill-mode is tested in the tests for section (2). /* * css3-animations: 3.10. The 'animation' Shorthand Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-shorthand-property- */ /** * Basic tests of animations on pseudo-elements */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div(""); listen(); gDiv.id = "withbefore"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":before test at 0ms", "::before"); advance_clock(400); omta_is("transform", { ty: 40 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":before test at 400ms", "::before"); advance_clock(800); omta_is("transform", { ty: 80 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":before test at 1200ms", "::before"); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, ":before animation should not affect element"); advance_clock(800); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":before test at 2000ms", "::before"); advance_clock(300); omta_is("transform", { ty: 30 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":before test at 2300ms", "::before"); advance_clock(700); check_events([ { type: "animationstart", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "::before" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "::before" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 2, pseudoElement: "::before" }, { type: "animationend", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 3, pseudoElement: "::before" }]); done_div(); new_div(""); listen(); gDiv.id = "withafter"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":after test at 0ms", "::after"); advance_clock(400); omta_is("transform", { ty: 40 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":after test at 400ms", "::after"); advance_clock(800); omta_is("transform", { ty: 80 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":after test at 1200ms", "::after"); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, ":before animation should not affect element"); advance_clock(800); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":after test at 2000ms", "::after"); advance_clock(300); omta_is("transform", { ty: 30 }, RunningOn.Compositor, ":after test at 2300ms", "::after"); advance_clock(700); check_events([ { type: "animationstart", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "::after" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "::after" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 2, pseudoElement: "::after" }, { type: "animationend", animationName: "anim4", elapsedTime: 3, pseudoElement: "::after" }]); done_div(); }); /** * Test handling of properties that are present in only some of the * keyframes. */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: multiprop 1s ease-in-out alternate infinite"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 10 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 0ms"); omta_is("opacity", 0.3, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 0ms"); advance_clock(100); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 100ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.3 + 0.2 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 100ms"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 300ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.5 + 0.1 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 300ms"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 40 + 40 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 600ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.5 + 0.1 * gTF.ease_out(0.7), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 600ms"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 - 80 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 800ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.6 + 0.4 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 800ms"); advance_clock(400); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 80 - 80 * gTF.ease_in(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 1200ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.6 + 0.4 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 1200ms"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 40 + 40 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.4) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 1400ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.5 + 0.1 * gTF.ease_out(0.7), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 1400ms"); advance_clock(300); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.6) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 1700ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.5 + 0.1 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 1700ms"); advance_clock(200); omta_is_approx("transform", { tx: 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.2) }, 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop transform at 1900ms"); omta_is_approx("opacity", 0.3 + 0.2 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, RunningOn.Compositor, "multiprop opacity at 1900ms"); done_div(); }); // Test for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=651456 -- make // sure that refreshing of animations doesn't break when we get two // refreshes with the same timestamp. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim2 1s linear"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 651456 at 0ms"); advance_clock(100); omta_is("opacity", 0.1, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 651456 at 100ms (1)"); advance_clock(0); // still forces a refresh omta_is("opacity", 0.1, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 651456 at 100ms (2)"); advance_clock(100); omta_is("opacity", 0.2, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 651456 at 200ms"); done_div(); }); // test_animations.html includes a test that UA !important rules override // animations. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any UA !important rules // for opacity or transform except for one targetting a pseudo-element and // pseudo elements are not animated on the compositor. As a result we cannot // currently test this behavior. // Test that author !important rules override animations, but // that animations override regular author rules. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s linear infinite; " + "transform: translate(200px)"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animations override regular author rules"); done_div(); new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s linear infinite; " + "transform: translate(200px) ! important;"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 200 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "important author rules override animations"); done_div(); }); // Test interaction of animations and restyling (Bug 686656). // This test depends on kf3 getting its 0% and 100% values from the // rules below it in the cascade; we're checking that the animation // isn't rebuilt when the restyles happen. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: kf3 1s linear forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 686656 test 1 at 0ms"); advance_clock(250); gDisplay.style.color = "blue"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 686656 test 1 at 250ms"); advance_clock(375); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 686656 test 1 at 625ms"); advance_clock(375); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "bug 686656 test 1 at 1000ms"); done_div(); gDisplay.style.color = ""; }); // Test interaction of animations and restyling (Bug 686656), // with reframing. // This test depends on kf3 getting its 0% and 100% values from the // rules below it in the cascade; we're checking that the animation // isn't rebuilt when the restyles happen. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: kf3 1s linear forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 686656 test 2 at 0ms"); advance_clock(250); gDisplay.style.overflow = "scroll"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 686656 test 2 at 250ms"); advance_clock(375); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "bug 686656 test 2 at 625ms"); advance_clock(375); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "bug 686656 test 2 at 1000ms"); done_div(); gDisplay.style.overflow = ""; }); // Test that cascading between keyframes rules is per-property rather // than per-rule (bug ), and that the timing function isn't taken from a // rule that's skipped. (Bug 738003) addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: cascade 1s linear forwards; position: relative"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 0ms"); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 0ms"); advance_clock(125); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 125ms"); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 125ms"); advance_clock(125); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 250ms"); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 250ms"); advance_clock(125); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 375ms"); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 375ms"); advance_clock(125); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 500ms"); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 500ms"); advance_clock(125); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 625ms"); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 625ms"); advance_clock(125); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 750ms"); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 750ms"); advance_clock(125); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (transform) at 875ms"); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade test (opacity) at 875ms"); advance_clock(125); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "cascade test (transform) at 1000ms"); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Either, "cascade test (opacity) at 1000ms"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: cascade2 8s linear forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade2 test at 0s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade2 test at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade2 test at 2s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade2 test at 3s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade2 test at 4s"); advance_clock(3000); omta_is("transform", { tx: 75 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "cascade2 test at 7s"); advance_clock(1000); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "cascade2 test at 8s"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: primitives1 2s linear forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { }, RunningOn.Compositor, "primitives1 at 0s"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", [ -0.707107, 0.707107, -0.707107, -0.707107, 0, 0 ], RunningOn.Compositor, "primitives1 at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", [ 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], RunningOn.MainThread, "primitives1 at 0s"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: important1 1s linear forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.Compositor, "important1 test at 0s"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("opacity", 0.65, RunningOn.Compositor, "important1 test at 0.5s"); advance_clock(500); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 0.8, RunningOn.Either, "important1 test at 1s"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: important2 1s linear forwards"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.Compositor, "important2 (opacity) test at 0s"); omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "important2 (transform) test at 0s"); advance_clock(1000); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Either, "important2 (opacity) test at 1s"); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "important2 (transform) test at 1s"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { // Test that it's the length of the 'animation-name' list that's used to // start animations. // note: anim2 animates opacity from 0 to 1 // note: anim4 animates transform's y translation component from 0 to 100px new_div("animation-name: anim2, anim4; " + "animation-duration: 1s; " + "animation-timing-function: linear; " + "animation-delay: -250ms, -250ms, -750ms, -500ms;"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.25, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-name list length is the length that matters"); omta_is("transform", { ty: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-name list length is the length that matters"); done_div(); new_div("animation-name: anim2, anim4, anim2; " + "animation-duration: 1s; " + "animation-timing-function: linear; " + "animation-delay: -250ms, -250ms, -750ms, -500ms;"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.75, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-name list length is the length that matters, " + "and the last occurrence of a name wins"); omta_is("transform", { ty: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "animation-name list length is the length that matters"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { var dyn_sheet_elt = document.createElement("style"); document.head.appendChild(dyn_sheet_elt); var dyn_sheet = dyn_sheet_elt.sheet; dyn_sheet.insertRule( "@keyframes dyn1 { from { transform: translate(0px) } " + "50% { transform: translate(50px) } " + "to { transform: translate(100px) } }", 0); dyn_sheet.insertRule( "@keyframes dyn2 { from { transform: translate(100px) } " + "to { transform: translate(200px) } }", 1); var dyn1 = dyn_sheet.cssRules[0]; var dyn2 = dyn_sheet.cssRules[1]; new_div("animation: dyn1 1s linear"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, initial state"); advance_clock(250); omta_is("transform", { tx: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, 250ms"); dyn2.name = "dyn1"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 125 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, change in @keyframes name applies"); dyn2.appendRule("50% { transform: translate(0px) }"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, @keyframes appendRule"); // currently 0% { transform: translate(100px) } var dyn2_kf1 = dyn2.cssRules[0]; dyn2_kf1.style.transform = "translate(-100px)"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: -50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, keyframe style set"); dyn2.name = "dyn2"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, " + "change in @keyframes name applies (second time)"); // currently 50% { transform: translate(50px) } var dyn1_kf2 = dyn1.cssRules[1]; dyn1_kf2.keyText = "25%"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, change in keyframe keyText"); dyn1.deleteRule("25%"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 25 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "dynamic rule change test, @keyframes deleteRule"); done_div(); dyn_sheet_elt.parentNode.removeChild(dyn_sheet_elt); dyn_sheet_elt = null; dyn_sheet = null; }); /* * Bug 1004361 - CSS animations with short duration sometimes don't dispatch * a start event */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.1s"); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(1200); // Skip past end of animation's entire active duration check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over animation interval"); done_div(); }); /* * Bug 1007513 - AnimationEvent.elapsedTime should be animation time * * There is no OMTA-version of this test since it is specific to the * contents of animation events which are dispatched on the main thread. * * We *do* provide an OMTA-version of some tests regarding the *dispatch* of * events to catch possible regressions if in future event dispatch is tied * to animation throttling. */ /* * Bug 1004365 - zero-duration animations */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("transform: translate(0, 200px); animation: anim4 0s 1s both"); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(0); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "transform during backwards fill of zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); // Skip over animation yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "transform during backwards fill of zero-duration animation"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over zero-duration animation"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("transform: translate(0, 200px); animation: anim4 0s 1s both"); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(0); // Seek to exactly the point where the animation starts and stops advance_clock(1000); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "transform during backwards fill of zero-duration animation"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after seeking to end of zero-duration animation"); // Check no further events are dispatched advance_clock(0); advance_clock(100); check_events([]); done_div(); }); // We don't need to include all the animation-direction related tests // found in test_animations.html. We have already asserted above that // these zero-length animations do in fact run on the main thread and // we have checked that they dispatch events correctly. // The actual calculation of values on the main thread is covered by // test_animations.html // We do however still want to test with an infinite repeat count and zero // duration to ensure this does not confuse the screening of OMTA animations. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("transform: translate(0, 200px); " + "animation: anim4 0s 1s both infinite"); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(0); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "transform during backwards fill of infinitely repeating " + "zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 100 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "transform during forwards fill of infinitely repeating " + "zero-duration animation"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after seeking to end of infinitely repeating " + "zero-duration animation"); done_div(); }); // Test with negative delay addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("transform: translate(0, 200px); " + "animation: anim4 0s -1s both reverse 12.7 linear"); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(0); omta_is("transform", { ty: 30 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "transform during forwards fill of reversed and repeated " + "zero-duration animation with negative delay"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'anim4', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over zero-duration animation " + "with negative delay"); done_div(); }); /* * Bug 1004377 - Animations with empty keyframes rule */ addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: empty 2s 1s both"); listen(); advance_clock(0); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); check_events([], "events during delay"); advance_clock(2000); // Skip to middle of animation gDiv.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events during middle of animation with empty keyframes rule"); advance_clock(1000); // Skip to end of animation gDiv.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 2, pseudoElement: "" }], "events at end of animation with empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); }); // Test with a zero-duration animation and empty @keyframes rule addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: empty 0s 1s both"); listen(); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(1000); gDiv.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events at end of zero-duration animation with " + "empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); }); // Test with a keyframes rule that becomes empty addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: nearlyempty 1s both linear"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "Animation is animating on compositor"); // Update keyframes rule and check the result gets removed listen(); findKeyframesRule("nearlyempty").deleteRule("to"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { }, RunningOn.MainThread, "Animation with (now) empty keyframes rule is cleared " + "from compositor"); // Check we still dispatch the end event however advance_clock(500); gDiv.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationend', target: gDiv, animationName: 'nearlyempty', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "" }], "events at end of animation with newly " + "empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); }); // Test when we update to point to an empty animation addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s both linear"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "Animation is animating on compositor"); // Update animation name listen(); gDiv.style.animationName = "empty"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { }, RunningOn.MainThread, "Animation updated to use empty keyframes rule is cleared " + "from compositor"); // Check events advance_clock(500); gDiv.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: gDiv, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events at start of animation updated to use " + "empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); }); // Bug 996796 patch 12 - test for correct visited styles during // animation-only style flush. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { var isb2g = SpecialPowers.Services.appinfo.name == "B2G"; if (isb2g) { todo(false, "no global history on B2G; can't run test"); return; } var div1 = document.createElement("div"); div1.classList.add("target"); div1.style.height = "10px"; div1.style.animation = "anim2 linear 1s"; var visitedLink = document.createElement("a"); visitedLink.setAttribute("href", window.top.location.href); visitedLink.classList.add("visitedLink"); visitedLink.classList.add("target"); visitedLink.style.display = "block"; visitedLink.style.height = "10px"; visitedLink.style.animation = "anim2 linear 1s"; var refVisitedLink = document.createElement("a"); refVisitedLink.setAttribute("href", window.top.location.href); refVisitedLink.classList.add("visitedLink"); gDisplay.appendChild(div1); gDisplay.appendChild(visitedLink); gDisplay.appendChild(refVisitedLink); // Wait for visited link coloring. yield waitForVisitedLinkColoring(refVisitedLink, "background-color", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"); // Wait for animations to start. yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); var bgColor = SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils .getVisitedDependentComputedStyle(visitedLink, "", "background-color"); is(bgColor, "rgb(0, 0, 255)", "initial visited link background color"); advance_clock(250); // Trigger a style change on div1 that will force us to do a miniflush, // but which will not trigger a style change on visitedLink. div1.style.color = "blue"; advance_clock(250); bgColor = SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils .getVisitedDependentComputedStyle(visitedLink, "", "background-color"); is(bgColor, "rgb(0, 0, 255)", "visited link background color after animation-only flush"); div1.remove(); visitedLink.remove(); refVisitedLink.remove(); }); /* * Bug 962594 - Turn off CSS animations when the element is display:none, or * is in a display:none subtree. */ // Check that it works if the animated element itself becomes display:none addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim4 linear 10s"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation is running on compositor"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { ty: 10 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation is at 1s on compositor"); gDiv.style.display = "none"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", "none", RunningOn.MainThread, "transform animation stopped on compositor"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", "none", RunningOn.MainThread, "transform animation 1s after display:none"); gDiv.style.display = ""; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation after display:block"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { ty: 10 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation 1s after display:block"); done_div(); }); // Check that it works if an ancestor of the animated element becomes display:none addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("animation: anim4 linear 10s"); var ancestor = document.createElement("div"); gDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(ancestor, gDiv); ancestor.appendChild(gDiv); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation is running on compositor"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { ty: 10 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation is at 1s on compositor"); gDiv.style.display = "none"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", "none", RunningOn.MainThread, "transform animation stopped on compositor"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", "none", RunningOn.MainThread, "transform animation 1s after display:none"); gDiv.style.display = ""; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { ty: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation after display:block"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("transform", { ty: 10 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transform animation 1s after display:block"); ancestor.parentNode.insertBefore(gDiv, ancestor); ancestor.parentNode.removeChild(ancestor); done_div(); }); // Bug 1125455 - Transitions should not run when animations are running. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("transition: opacity 2s linear; opacity: 0.8"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.8, RunningOn.MainThread, "initial opacity"); gDiv.style.opacity = "0.2"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.8, RunningOn.Compositor, "opacity transition at 0s"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("opacity", 0.65, RunningOn.Compositor, "opacity transition at 0.5s"); gDiv.style.animation = "opacitymid 2s linear"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.2, RunningOn.Compositor, "opacity animation overriding transition at 0s"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("opacity", 0.35, RunningOn.Compositor, "opacity animation overriding transition at 0.5s"); done_div(); }); // Bug 847287 - Test that changes of when an animation is dynamically // overridden work correctly. addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { // anim2 and anim3 are both animations from opacity 0 to 1 new_div("animation: anim2 1s linear forwards; opacity: 0.5 ! important"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.MainThread, "opacity overriding animation at start (0s)"); advance_clock(750); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.MainThread, "opacity overriding animation while running (750ms)"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.MainThread, "opacity overriding animation while filling (1750ms)"); done_div(); new_div("animation: anim2 1s linear; opacity: 0.5 ! important"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.MainThread, "opacity overriding animation at start (0s)"); advance_clock(750); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.MainThread, "opacity overriding animation while running (750ms)"); advance_clock(1000); omta_is("opacity", 0.5, RunningOn.MainThread, "opacity overriding animation after complete (1750ms)"); done_div(); // One animation overriding another, and then not. new_div("animation: anim2 1s linear, anim3 500ms linear reverse"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 1, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim3 overriding anim2 at start (0s)"); advance_clock(400); omta_is("opacity", 0.2, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim3 overriding anim2 at 400ms"); advance_clock(200); // Wait for paints because we're resending animations to the // compositor via an UpdateOpacityLayer hint, which does the resending // via painting. yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 0.6, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at 600ms"); done_div(); // One animation overriding another, and then not, but without a // restyle when the overriding one ends. new_div("animation: anim2 1s steps(8, end)"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at start (0s)"); advance_clock(300); omta_is("opacity", 0.25, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at 300ms"); gDiv.style.animation = "anim2 1s steps(8, end), anim3 500ms steps(4, end)"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim3 overriding anim2 at 300ms"); advance_clock(475); omta_is("opacity", 0.75, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim3 the same as anim2 at 775ms"); advance_clock(50); // Wait for paints because we're resending animations to the // compositor via an UpdateOpacityLayer hint, which does the resending // via painting. yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 0.75, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at 825ms"); advance_clock(75); omta_is("opacity", 0.875, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at 900ms"); done_div(); // Exactly the same as the previous test, except with an extra // waitForPaintsFlushed(), since that extra one exposes other bugs. new_div("animation: anim2 1s steps(8, end)"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at start (0s)"); advance_clock(300); omta_is("opacity", 0.25, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at 300ms"); gDiv.style.animation = "anim2 1s steps(8, end), anim3 500ms steps(4, end)"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("opacity", 0, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim3 overriding anim2 at 300ms"); advance_clock(475); omta_is("opacity", 0.75, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim3 the same as anim2 at 775ms"); // Extra waitForPaintsFlushed to expose bugs. yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); advance_clock(50); // Wait for paints because we're resending animations to the // compositor via an UpdateOpacityLayer hint, which does the resending // via painting. yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("opacity", 0.75, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at 825ms"); advance_clock(75); omta_is("opacity", 0.875, RunningOn.Compositor, "anim2 at 900ms"); done_div(); // Test that an interpolation that produces transform: none doesn't // crash. new_div("animation: transformnone 1s linear"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 50 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transformnone animation at 0ms"); advance_clock(500); omta_is("transform", { tx: 0 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transformnone animation at 500ms, interpolating none values"); done_div(); }); addAsyncAnimTest(function *() { new_div("transform: translate(100px); transition: transform 10s 5s linear"); yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); gDiv.style.transform = "translate(200px)"; yield waitForPaintsFlushed(); // NOTE: As noted above, getOMTAStyle() can't detect the animation is running // on the compositor during the delay phase. omta_is("transform", { tx: 100 }, RunningOn.Either, "transition runs on compositor thread during delay"); // At the *very* start of the transition the start value of the transition // will match the underlying transform value. Various optimizations in // RestyleManager may recognize this a "no change" and filter out the // transition meaning that the animation doesn't get added to the compositor // thread until the first time the value changes. As a result, we fast-forward // a little past the beginning and then wait for the animation to be sent // to the compositor. advance_clock(5100); yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 101 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transition runs on compositor at start of active interval"); advance_clock(4900); omta_is("transform", { tx: 150 }, RunningOn.Compositor, "transition runs on compositor at during active interval"); advance_clock(5000); // Currently the compositor will apply a forwards fill until it gets told by // the main thread to clear the animation. As a result we should wait for // paints before checking that the animated value does *not* appear on the // compositor thread. yield waitForPaints(); omta_is("transform", { tx: 200 }, RunningOn.MainThread, "transition runs on main thread at end of active interval"); done_div(); }); </script> </html>