<!doctype html> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1183461 --> <!-- This test is similar to those in test_animations.html with the exception that those tests interact with a single element at a time. The tests in this file are specifically concerned with testing the ordering of events between elements for which most of the utilities in animation_utils.js are not suited. --> <head> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>Test for CSS Animation and Transition event ordering (Bug 1183461)</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <!-- We still need animation_utils.js for advance_clock --> <script type="application/javascript" src="animation_utils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> <style> @keyframes anim { to { margin-left: 100px } } @keyframes animA { to { margin-left: 100px } } @keyframes animB { to { margin-left: 100px } } @keyframes animC { to { margin-left: 100px } } </style> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1183461">Mozilla Bug 1183461</a> <div id="display"></div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> 'use strict'; // Take over the refresh driver right from the start. advance_clock(0); // Common test scaffolding var gEventsReceived = []; var gDisplay = document.getElementById('display'); [ 'animationstart', 'animationiteration', 'animationend', 'transitionend' ] .forEach(event => gDisplay.addEventListener(event, event => gEventsReceived.push(event), false)); function checkEventOrder(...args) { // Argument format: // Arguments = ExpectedEvent*, desc // ExpectedEvent = // [ target|animationName|transitionProperty, (pseudo,) message ] var expectedEvents = args.slice(0, -1); var desc = args[args.length - 1]; var isTestingNameOrProperty = expectedEvents.length && typeof expectedEvents[0][0] == 'string'; var formatEvent = (target, nameOrProperty, pseudo, message) => isTestingNameOrProperty ? `${nameOrProperty}${pseudo}:${message}` : `${target.id}${pseudo}:${message}`; var actual = gEventsReceived.map( event => formatEvent(event.target, event.animationName || event.propertyName, event.pseudoElement, event.type) ).join(';'); var expected = expectedEvents.map( event => event.length == 3 ? formatEvent(event[0], event[0], event[1], event[2]) : formatEvent(event[0], event[0], '', event[1]) ).join(';'); is(actual, expected, desc); gEventsReceived = []; } // 1. TESTS FOR SORTING BY TREE ORDER // 1a. Test that simultaneous events are sorted by tree order (siblings) var divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.setAttribute('style', 'animation: anim 10s'); div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); getComputedStyle(div).animationName; // trigger building of animation }); advance_clock(0); checkEventOrder([ divs[0], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[1], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[2], 'animationstart' ], 'Simultaneous start on siblings'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 1b. Test that simultaneous events are sorted by tree order (children) divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; // Create the following arrangement: // // display // / \ // div[0] div[1] // / // div[2] gDisplay.appendChild(divs[0]); gDisplay.appendChild(divs[1]); divs[0].appendChild(divs[2]); divs.forEach((div, i) => { div.setAttribute('style', 'animation: anim 10s'); div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); getComputedStyle(div).animationName; // trigger building of animation }); advance_clock(0); checkEventOrder([ divs[0], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[2], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[1], 'animationstart' ], 'Simultaneous start on children'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 1c. Test that simultaneous events are sorted by tree order (pseudos) divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; // Create the following arrangement: // // display // | // div[0] // ::before, // ::after // | // div[1] gDisplay.appendChild(divs[0]); divs[0].appendChild(divs[1]); divs.forEach((div, i) => { div.setAttribute('style', 'animation: anim 10s'); div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); var extraStyle = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(extraStyle); var sheet = extraStyle.sheet; sheet.insertRule('#div0::after { animation: anim 10s }', 0); sheet.insertRule('#div0::before { animation: anim 10s }', 1); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).animationName; // build animation getComputedStyle(divs[1]).animationName; // build animation advance_clock(0); checkEventOrder([ divs[0], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[0], '::before', 'animationstart' ], [ divs[0], '::after', 'animationstart' ], [ divs[1], 'animationstart' ], 'Simultaneous start on pseudo-elements'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; sheet = undefined; extraStyle.remove(); extraStyle = undefined; // 2. TESTS FOR SORTING BY TIME // 2a. Test that events are sorted by time divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.setAttribute('style', 'animation: anim 10s'); div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); divs[0].style.animationDelay = '5s'; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(20000); checkEventOrder([ divs[1], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[0], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[1], 'animationend' ], [ divs[0], 'animationend' ], 'Sorting of start and end events by time'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 2b. Test different events within the one element var div = document.createElement('div'); gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.animation = 'anim 4s 2, ' + // Repeat at t=4s 'anim 10s 5s, ' + // Start at t=5s 'anim 3s'; // End at t=3s div.setAttribute('id', 'div'); getComputedStyle(div).animationName; // build animation advance_clock(0); advance_clock(5000); checkEventOrder([ div, 'animationstart' ], [ div, 'animationstart' ], [ div, 'animationend' ], [ div, 'animationiteration' ], [ div, 'animationstart' ], 'Sorting of different events by time within an element'); div.remove(); div = undefined; // 2c. Test negative delay is sorted equal to zero delay but before // positive delay divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); divs[0].style.animation = 'anim 20s 5s'; // Positive delay, sorts last divs[1].style.animation = 'anim 20s'; // 0s delay divs[2].style.animation = 'anim 20s -5s'; // Negative delay, sorts same as // 0s delay, i.e. use document // position advance_clock(0); advance_clock(5000); checkEventOrder([ divs[1], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[2], 'animationstart' ], [ divs[0], 'animationstart' ], 'Sorting of events including negative delay'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 3. TESTS FOR SORTING BY animation-name POSITION // 3a. Test animation-name position div = document.createElement('div'); gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.animation = 'animA 10s, animB 5s, animC 5s 2'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div'); getComputedStyle(div).animationName; // build animation advance_clock(0); checkEventOrder([ 'animA', 'animationstart' ], [ 'animB', 'animationstart' ], [ 'animC', 'animationstart' ], 'Sorting of simultaneous animationstart events by ' + 'animation-name'); advance_clock(5000); checkEventOrder([ 'animB', 'animationend' ], [ 'animC', 'animationiteration' ], 'Sorting of different types of events by animation-name'); div.remove(); div = undefined; // 3b. Test time trumps animation-name position div = document.createElement('div'); gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.animation = 'animA 10s 2s, animB 10s 1s'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div'); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(3000); checkEventOrder([ 'animB', 'animationstart' ], [ 'animA', 'animationstart' ], 'Events are sorted by time first, before animation-position'); div.remove(); div = undefined; // 4. TESTS FOR TRANSITIONS // 4a. Test sorting transitions by document position divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.style.transition = 'margin-left 10s'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; divs.forEach(div => div.style.marginLeft = '100px'); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10000); checkEventOrder([ divs[0], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[1], 'transitionend' ], 'Simultaneous transitionend on siblings'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 4b. Test sorting transitions by document position (children) divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; // Create the following arrangement: // // display // / \ // div[0] div[1] // / // div[2] gDisplay.appendChild(divs[0]); gDisplay.appendChild(divs[1]); divs[0].appendChild(divs[2]); divs.forEach((div, i) => { div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.style.transition = 'margin-left 10s'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; divs.forEach(div => div.style.marginLeft = '100px'); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10000); checkEventOrder([ divs[0], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[2], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[1], 'transitionend' ], 'Simultaneous transitionend on children'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 4c. Test sorting transitions by document position (pseudos) divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; // Create the following arrangement: // // display // | // div[0] // ::before, // ::after // | // div[1] gDisplay.appendChild(divs[0]); divs[0].appendChild(divs[1]); divs.forEach((div, i) => { div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); extraStyle = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(extraStyle); sheet = extraStyle.sheet; sheet.insertRule('div, #div0::after, #div0::before { ' + ' transition: margin-left 10s; ' + ' margin-left: 0px }', 0); sheet.insertRule('div.active, #div0.active::after, #div0.active::before { ' + ' margin-left: 100px }', 1); sheet.insertRule('#div0::after, #div0::before { ' + ' content: " " }', 2); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; divs.forEach(div => div.classList.add('active')); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10000); checkEventOrder([ divs[0], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[0], '::before', 'transitionend' ], [ divs[0], '::after', 'transitionend' ], [ divs[1], 'transitionend' ], 'Simultaneous transitionend on pseudo-elements'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; sheet = undefined; extraStyle.remove(); extraStyle = undefined; // 4d. Test sorting transitions by time divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); divs[0].style.transition = 'margin-left 10s'; divs[1].style.transition = 'margin-left 5s'; getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; divs.forEach(div => div.style.marginLeft = '100px'); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10000); checkEventOrder([ divs[1], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[0], 'transitionend' ], 'Sorting of transitionend events by time'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 4e. Test sorting transitions by time (with delay) divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); divs[0].style.transition = 'margin-left 5s 5s'; divs[1].style.transition = 'margin-left 5s'; getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; divs.forEach(div => div.style.marginLeft = '100px'); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10 * 1000); checkEventOrder([ divs[1], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[0], 'transitionend' ], 'Sorting of transitionend events by time' + '(including delay)'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 4f. Test sorting transitions by transition-property div = document.createElement('div'); gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.opacity = '0'; div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.style.transition = 'all 5s'; getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; div.style.opacity = '1'; div.style.marginLeft = '100px'; getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10000); checkEventOrder([ 'margin-left', 'transitionend' ], [ 'opacity', 'transitionend' ], 'Sorting of transitionend events by transition-property') div.remove(); div = undefined; // 4g. Test document position beats transition-property divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.style.opacity = '0'; div.style.transition = 'all 10s'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; divs[0].style.opacity = '1'; divs[1].style.marginLeft = '100px'; getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10000); checkEventOrder([ divs[0], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[1], 'transitionend' ], 'Transition events are sorted by document position first, ' + 'before transition-property'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; // 4h. Test time beats transition-property div = document.createElement('div'); gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.opacity = '0'; div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.style.transition = 'margin-left 10s, opacity 5s'; getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; div.style.opacity = '1'; div.style.marginLeft = '100px'; getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(10000); checkEventOrder([ 'opacity', 'transitionend' ], [ 'margin-left', 'transitionend' ], 'Transition events are sorted by time first, before ' + 'transition-property'); div.remove(); div = undefined; // 4i. Test sorting transitions by document position (negative delay) divs = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; divs.forEach((div, i) => { gDisplay.appendChild(div); div.style.marginLeft = '0px'; div.setAttribute('id', 'div' + i); }); divs[0].style.transition = 'margin-left 10s 5s'; divs[1].style.transition = 'margin-left 10s'; getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; divs.forEach(div => div.style.marginLeft = '100px'); getComputedStyle(divs[0]).marginLeft; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(15 * 1000); checkEventOrder([ divs[1], 'transitionend' ], [ divs[0], 'transitionend' ], 'Simultaneous transitionend on siblings'); divs.forEach(div => div.remove()); divs = []; SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.restoreNormalRefresh(); </script> </body> </html>