<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=435442 --> <!-- ====== PLEASE KEEP THIS IN SYNC WITH test_animations_omta.html ======= test_animations_omta.html mimicks the content of this file but with extra machinery for testing animation values on the compositor thread. If you are making changes to this file or to test_animations_omta.html, please try to keep them consistent where appropriate. --> <head> <title>Test for css3-animations (Bug 435442)</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="animation_utils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> <style type="text/css"> @keyframes anim1 { 0% { margin-left: 0px } 50% { margin-left: 80px } 100% { margin-left: 100px } } @keyframes anim2 { from { margin-right: 0 } to { margin-right: 100px } } @keyframes anim3 { from { margin-top: 0 } to { margin-top: 100px } } @keyframes anim4 { from { margin-bottom: 0 } to { margin-bottom: 100px } } @keyframes anim5 { from { margin-left: 0 } to { margin-left: 100px } } @keyframes kf1 { 50% { margin-top: 50px } to { margin-top: 150px } } @keyframes kf2 { from { margin-top: 150px } 50% { margin-top: 50px } } @keyframes kf3 { 25% { margin-top: 100px } } @keyframes kf4 { to, from { display: none; margin-top: 37px } } @keyframes kf_cascade1 { from { padding-top: 50px } 50%, from { padding-top: 30px } /* wins: 0% */ 75%, 85%, 50% { padding-top: 20px } /* wins: 75%, 50% */ 100%, 85% { padding-top: 70px } /* wins: 100% */ 85.1% { padding-top: 60px } /* wins: 85.1% */ 85% { padding-top: 30px } /* wins: 85% */ } @keyframes kf_cascade2 { from, to { margin-top: 100px } } @keyframes kf_cascade2 { from, to { margin-left: 200px } } @keyframes kf_cascade2 { from, to { margin-left: 300px } } @keyframes kf_tf1 { 0% { padding-bottom: 20px; animation-timing-function: ease } 25% { padding-bottom: 60px; } 50% { padding-bottom: 160px; animation-timing-function: steps(5) } 75% { padding-bottom: 120px; animation-timing-function: linear } 100% { padding-bottom: 20px; animation-timing-function: ease-out } } @keyframes always_fifty { from, to { margin-left: 50px } } #withbefore::before, #withafter::after { content: ""; animation: anim2 1s linear alternate 3; } @keyframes multiprop { 0% { padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 30px; animation-timing-function: ease; } 25% { padding-left: 50px; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } 50% { padding-top: 40px; } 75% { padding-top: 80px; padding-left: 60px; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } } @keyframes uaoverride { 0%, 100% { line-height: 3; margin-top: 20px } 50% { margin-top: 120px } } @keyframes cascade { 0%, 25%, 100% { top: 0 } 50%, 75% { top: 100px } 0%, 75%, 100% { left: 0 } 25%, 50% { left: 100px } } @keyframes cascade2 { 0% { text-indent: 0 } 25% { text-indent: 30px; animation-timing-function: ease-in } /* beaten by rule below */ 50% { text-indent: 0 } 25% { text-indent: 50px } 100% { text-indent: 100px } } @keyframes primitives1 { from { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(0px) scaleX(1) translate(0px) scale3d(1, 1, 1); } to { -moz-transform: rotate(270deg) translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1) translateY(0px) scaleY(1); } } @keyframes important1 { from { margin-top: 50px; } 50% { margin-top: 150px !important; } /* ignored */ to { margin-top: 100px; } } @keyframes important2 { from { margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom: 100px; } to { margin-top: 150px !important; /* ignored */ margin-bottom: 50px; } } @keyframes empty { } @keyframes nearlyempty { to { margin-left: 100px; } } @keyframes lowerpriority { 0% { top: 0px; left: 0px; } 100% { top: 100px; left: 100px; } } @keyframes overrideleft { 0%, 100% { left: 0px } } @keyframes overridetop { 0%, 100% { top: 0px } } @keyframes opacitymid { 0% { opacity: 0.2 } 100% { opacity: 0.8 } } </style> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=435442">Mozilla Bug 435442</a> <div id="display"></div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> "use strict"; /** Test for css3-animations (Bug 435442) **/ var e = new AnimationEvent("foo", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, animationName: "name", elapsedTime: 0.5, pseudoElement: "pseudo" }); is(e.bubbles, true); is(e.cancelable, true); is(e.animationName, "name"); is(e.elapsedTime, 0.5); is(e.pseudoElement, "pseudo"); is(e.isTrusted, false) // Shortcut new_div to update div, cs var div, cs; var originalNewDiv = window.new_div; window.new_div = function(style) { [ div, cs ] = originalNewDiv(style); }; // take over the refresh driver right from the start. advance_clock(0); /* * css3-animations: 2. Animations * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#animations */ // Test that animations don't affect the computed value before the // start of the animation or after its end. Test without // animation-fill-mode, but then repeat the test with all the values of // animation-fill-mode. function test_fill_mode(fill_mode, fills_backwards, fills_forwards) { var style = "margin-left: 30px; animation: 10s 3s anim1 linear"; var desc; if (fill_mode.length > 0) { style += " " + fill_mode; desc = "fill mode " + fill_mode + ": "; } else { desc = "default fill mode: "; } new_div(style); listen(); if (fills_backwards) is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", desc + "does affect value during delay (0s)"); else is(cs.marginLeft, "30px", desc + "doesn't affect value during delay (0s)"); advance_clock(2000); if (fills_backwards) is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", desc + "does affect value during delay (2s)"); else is(cs.marginLeft, "30px", desc + "doesn't affect value during delay (2s)"); check_events([], "before start in test_fill_mode"); advance_clock(1000); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, animationName: 'anim1', elapsedTime: 0.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after start in test_fill_mode"); if (fills_backwards) is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", desc + "affects value at start of animation"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.marginLeft, "2px", desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2375); is(cs.marginLeft, "40px", desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2500); is(cs.marginLeft, "80px", desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2500); is(cs.marginLeft, "90px", desc + "affects value during animation"); advance_clock(2375); is(cs.marginLeft, "99.5px", desc + "affects value during animation"); check_events([], "before end in test_fill_mode"); advance_clock(125); check_events([{ type: 'animationend', target: div, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, animationName: 'anim1', elapsedTime: 10.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after end in test_fill_mode"); if (fills_forwards) is(cs.marginLeft, "100px", desc + "affects value at end of animation"); advance_clock(10); if (fills_forwards) is(cs.marginLeft, "100px", desc + "does affect value after animation"); else is(cs.marginLeft, "30px", desc + "does not affect value after animation"); done_div(); } test_fill_mode("", false, false); test_fill_mode("none", false, false); test_fill_mode("forwards", false, true); test_fill_mode("backwards", true, false); test_fill_mode("both", true, true); // Test that animations continue running when the animation name // list is changed. new_div("animation: anim1 linear 10s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "just anim1, margin-top at start"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "just anim1, margin-right at start"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "just anim1, margin-bottom at start"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "0px", "just anim1, margin-left at start"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "just anim1, margin-top at 1s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "just anim1, margin-right at 1s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "just anim1, margin-bottom at 1s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "16px", "just anim1, margin-left at 1s"); // append anim2 div.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s, anim2 linear 10s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-top at 1s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-right at 1s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-bottom at 1s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "16px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-left at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-top at 2s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "10px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-right at 2s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-bottom at 2s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "32px", "anim1 + anim2, margin-left at 2s"); // prepend anim3 div.style.animation = "anim3 linear 10s, anim1 linear 10s, anim2 linear 10s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-top at 2s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "10px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-right at 2s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-bottom at 2s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "32px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-left at 2s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "10px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-top at 3s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "20px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-right at 3s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-bottom at 3s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "48px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim2, margin-left at 3s"); // remove anim2 from end div.style.animation = "anim3 linear 10s, anim1 linear 10s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "10px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-top at 3s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-right at 3s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-bottom at 3s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "48px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-left at 3s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "20px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-top at 4s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-right at 4s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-bottom at 4s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "64px", "anim3 + anim1, margin-left at 4s"); // swap anim1 and anim3, change duration of anim3 div.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s, anim3 linear 5s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "40px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-top at 4s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-right at 4s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-bottom at 4s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "64px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-left at 4s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "60px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-top at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-right at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-bottom at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "80px", "anim1 + anim3, margin-left at 5s"); // list anim1 twice, last duration wins, original start time still applies div.style.animation = "anim1 linear 10s, anim3 linear 5s, anim1 linear 20s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "60px", "anim1 + anim3 + anim1, margin-top at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim1 + anim3 + anim1, margin-right at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim1 + anim3 + anim1, margin-bottom at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "40px", "anim1 + anim3 + anim1, margin-left at 5s"); // drop one of the anim1, and list anim5 as well, which animates // the same property as anim1 div.style.animation = "anim3 linear 5s, anim1 linear 20s, anim5 linear 10s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "60px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-right at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-bottom at 5s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-left at 5s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "80px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 6s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-right at 6s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-bottom at 6s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "10px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-left at 6s"); // now swap the anim5 and anim1 order div.style.animation = "anim3 linear 5s, anim5 linear 10s, anim1 linear 20s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "80px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 6s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-right at 6s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-bottom at 6s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "48px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-left at 6s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 7s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-right at 7s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-bottom at 7s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "56px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-left at 7s"); // swap anim1 and anim5 back div.style.animation = "anim3 linear 5s, anim1 linear 20s, anim5 linear 10s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 7s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-right at 7s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-bottom at 7s"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "20px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-left at 7s"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "0px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 7.1s"); // Change the animation fill mode on the completed animation. div.style.animation = "anim3 linear 5s forwards, anim1 linear 20s, anim5 linear 10s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "100px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 7.1s, with fill mode"); advance_clock(900); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "100px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 8s, with fill mode"); // Change the animation duration on the completed animation, so it is // no longer completed. div.style.animation = "anim3 linear 10s, anim1 linear 20s, anim5 linear 10s"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-top"), "60px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-top at 8s, with fill mode"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "30px", "anim3 + anim1 + anim5, margin-left at 8s"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3. Keyframes * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#keyframes * * Also see test_keyframes_rules.html . */ // Test the rules on keyframes that lack a 0% or 100% rule: // (simultaneously, test that reverse animations have their keyframes // run backwards) // 100px at 0%, 50px at 50%, 150px at 100% new_div("margin-top: 100px; animation: kf1 ease 1s alternate infinite"); is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "no-0% at 0.0s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.2), 0.01, "no-0% at 0.1s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.6), 0.01, "no-0% at 0.3s"); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "no-0% at 0.5s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, "no-0% at 0.7s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.8), 0.01, "no-0% at 0.9s"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginTop, "150px", "no-0% at 1.0s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.8), 0.01, "no-0% at 1.1s"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 100 * gTF.ease(0.2), 0.01, "no-0% at 1.4s"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.6), 0.01, "no-0% at 1.7s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease(0.2), 0.01, "no-0% at 1.9s"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "no-0% at 2.0s"); done_div(); // 150px at 0%, 50px at 50%, 100px at 100% new_div("margin-top: 100px; animation: kf2 ease-in 1s alternate infinite"); is(cs.marginTop, "150px", "no-100% at 0.0s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "no-100% at 0.1s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6), 0.01, "no-100% at 0.3s"); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "no-100% at 0.5s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.4), 0.01, "no-100% at 0.7s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "no-100% at 0.9s"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "no-100% at 1.0s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "no-100% at 1.1s"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "no-100% at 1.4s"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6), 0.01, "no-100% at 1.7s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 150 - 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "no-100% at 1.9s"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginTop, "150px", "no-100% at 2.0s"); done_div(); // 50px at 0%, 100px at 25%, 50px at 100% new_div("margin-top: 50px; animation: kf3 ease-out 1s alternate infinite"); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "no-0%-no-100% at 0.0s"); advance_clock(50); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.2), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.05s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.6), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.15s"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "no-0%-no-100% at 0.25s"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.4), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.55s"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.8), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 0.85s"); advance_clock(150); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "no-0%-no-100% at 1.0s"); advance_clock(150); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.8), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.15s"); advance_clock(450); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.2), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.6s"); advance_clock(250); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.6), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.85s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 50 + 50 * gTF.ease_out(0.2), 0.01, "no-0%-no-100% at 1.95s"); advance_clock(50); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "no-0%-no-100% at 2.0s"); done_div(); // Test that non-animatable properties are ignored. // Simultaneously, test that the block is still honored, and that // we still override the value when two consecutive keyframes have // the same value. new_div("animation: kf4 ease 10s"); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (linear, 0s)"); is(cs.marginTop, "37px", "animatable properties should still apply (linear, 0s)"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (linear, 1s)"); is(cs.marginTop, "37px", "animatable properties should still apply (linear, 1s)"); done_div(); new_div("animation: kf4 step-start 10s"); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (step-start, 0s)"); is(cs.marginTop, "37px", "animatable properties should still apply (step-start, 0s)"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.display, "block", "non-animatable properties should be ignored (step-start, 1s)"); is(cs.marginTop, "37px", "animatable properties should still apply (step-start, 1s)"); done_div(); // Test cascading of the keyframes within an @keyframes rule. new_div("animation: kf_cascade1 linear 10s"); // 0%: 30px // 50%: 20px // 75%: 20px // 85%: 30px // 85.1%: 60px // 100%: 70px is(cs.paddingTop, "30px", "kf_cascade1 at 0s"); advance_clock(2500); is(cs.paddingTop, "25px", "kf_cascade1 at 2.5s"); advance_clock(2500); is(cs.paddingTop, "20px", "kf_cascade1 at 5s"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.paddingTop, "20px", "kf_cascade1 at 7s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.paddingTop, "20px", "kf_cascade1 at 7.5s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.paddingTop, "25px", "kf_cascade1 at 8s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.paddingTop, "30px", "kf_cascade1 at 8.5s"); advance_clock(10); is(cs.paddingTop, "60px", "kf_cascade1 at 8.51s"); advance_clock(745); is(cs.paddingTop, "65px", "kf_cascade1 at 9.2505s"); done_div(); // Test cascading of the @keyframes rules themselves. new_div("animation: kf_cascade2 linear 10s"); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "@keyframes rule with margin-top should be ignored"); is(cs.marginLeft, "300px", "last @keyframes rule with margin-left should win"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3.1. Timing functions for keyframes * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#timing-functions-for-keyframes- */ new_div("animation: kf_tf1 ease-in 10s alternate infinite"); is(cs.paddingBottom, "20px", "keyframe timing functions test at 0s (test needed for flush)"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.8), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 2s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 3s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 4s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.paddingBottom, "160px", "keyframe timing functions test at 5s"); advance_clock(1001); // avoid floating-point error is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.4), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 6s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.8), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 7s"); advance_clock(999); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.2), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 8s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.6), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 9s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.paddingBottom, "20px", "keyframe timing functions test at 10s"); advance_clock(20000); is(cs.paddingBottom, "20px", "keyframe timing functions test at 30s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.6), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 31s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.2), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 32s"); advance_clock(999); // avoid floating-point error is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.8), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 33s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.4), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 34s"); advance_clock(1001); is(cs.paddingBottom, "160px", "keyframe timing functions test at 35s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 36s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 37s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.8), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 38s"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 39s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.paddingBottom, "20px", "keyframe timing functions test at 40s"); done_div(); // spot-check the same thing without alternate new_div("animation: kf_tf1 ease-in 10s infinite"); is(cs.paddingBottom, "20px", "keyframe timing functions test at 0s (test needed for flush)"); advance_clock(11000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 20 + 40 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 11s"); advance_clock(3000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 60 + 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.6), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 14s"); advance_clock(2001); // avoid floating-point error is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 160 - 40 * step_end(5)(0.4), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 16s"); advance_clock(1999); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingBottom), 120 - 100 * gTF.linear(0.2), 0.01, "keyframe timing functions test at 18s"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3.2. The 'animation-name' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-name-property- */ // animation-name is reasonably well-tested up in the tests for Section // 2, particularly the tests that "Test that animations continue running // when the animation name list is changed." // Test that 'animation-name: none' steps the animation, and setting // it again starts a new one. new_div(""); div.style.animation = "anim2 ease-in-out 10s"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "after setting animation-name to anim2"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.1), 0.01, "before changing animation-name to none"); div.style.animationName = "none"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "after changing animation-name to none"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "after changing animation-name to none plus 1s"); div.style.animationName = "anim2"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "after changing animation-name to anim2"); advance_clock(1000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.1), 0.01, "at 1s in animation when animation-name no longer none again"); div.style.animationName = "none"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "after changing animation-name to none"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "after changing animation-name to none plus 1s"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3.3. The 'animation-duration' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-duration-property- */ // FIXME: test animation-duration of 0 (quite a bit, including interaction // with fill-mode, count, and reversing), once I know what the right // behavior is. /* * css3-animations: 3.4. The 'animation-timing-function' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#animation-timing-function_tag */ // tested in tests for section 3.1 /* * css3-animations: 3.5. The 'animation-iteration-count' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-iteration-count-property- */ new_div("animation: anim2 ease-in 10s 0.3 forwards"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 0s"); advance_clock(2000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 2s"); advance_clock(900); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.29), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 2.9s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 3s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 3.1s"); advance_clock(5000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 1 at 8.1s"); done_div(); new_div("animation: anim2 ease-in 10s 0.3" + ", anim3 ease-out 20s 1.2 alternate forwards" + ", anim4 ease-in-out 5s 1.6 forwards"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 0s"); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 0s"); is(cs.marginBottom, "0px", "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 0s"); advance_clock(2000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 2s"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 2s"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.4), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 2s"); advance_clock(900); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.29), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 2.9s"); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 3.1s"); advance_clock(1800); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.98), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 4.9s"); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 5.1s"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.02), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 5.1s"); advance_clock(2800); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.58), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 7.9s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.6), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 8s"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.6), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 8.1s"); advance_clock(11700); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.99), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 19.8s"); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 20s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.99), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 20.2s"); advance_clock(3600); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.81), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 23.8s"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.8), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 24s"); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-iteration-count test 2 at 25s"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.8), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 3 at 25s"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.6), 0.01, "animation-iteration-count test 4 at 25s"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3.6. The 'animation-direction' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-direction-property- */ // Tested in tests for sections 3.1 and 3.5. new_div("animation: anim2 ease-in 10s infinite"); div.style.animationDirection = "normal"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 0s"); div.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; is(cs.marginRight, "100px", "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 0s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 0s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; is(cs.marginRight, "100px", "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 0s"); advance_clock(2000); div.style.animationDirection = "normal"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 2s"); div.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 2s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 2s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 2s"); advance_clock(5000); div.style.animationDirection = "normal"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.7), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 7s"); div.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 7s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.7), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 7s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.3), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 7s"); advance_clock(5000); div.style.animationDirection = "normal"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 12s"); div.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 12s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 12s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 12s"); advance_clock(10000); div.style.animationDirection = "normal"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 22s"); div.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 22s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 22s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 22s"); advance_clock(30000); div.style.animationDirection = "normal"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (normal) at 52s"); div.style.animationDirection = "reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (reverse) at 52s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate) at 52s"); div.style.animationDirection = "alternate-reverse"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "animation-direction test 1 (alternate-reverse) at 52s"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3.7. The 'animation-play-state' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-play-state-property- */ // simple test with just one animation new_div(""); div.style.animationTimingFunction = "ease"; div.style.animationName = "anim1"; div.style.animationDuration = "1s"; div.style.animationDirection = "alternate"; div.style.animationIterationCount = "2"; is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", "animation-play-state test 1, at 0s"); advance_clock(250); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 250ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 250ms"); advance_clock(250); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 still at 500ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "running"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 still at 500ms"); advance_clock(500); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 1000ms"); advance_clock(250); is(cs.marginLeft, "100px", "animation-play-state test 1 at 1250ms"); advance_clock(250); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 1500ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 1500ms"); advance_clock(2000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 3500ms"); advance_clock(500); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 4000ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = ""; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 4000ms"); advance_clock(500); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginLeft), 80 * gTF.ease(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 1 at 4500ms"); advance_clock(250); is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", "animation-play-state test 1, at 4750ms"); advance_clock(250); is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", "animation-play-state test 1, at 5000ms"); done_div(); // more complicated test with multiple animations (and different directions // and iteration counts) new_div(""); div.style.animationTimingFunction = "ease-out, ease-in, ease-in-out"; div.style.animationName = "anim2, anim3, anim4"; div.style.animationDuration = "1s, 2s, 1s"; div.style.animationDirection = "alternate, normal, normal"; div.style.animationIterationCount = "4, 2, infinite"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-play-state test 2, at 0s"); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "animation-play-state test 3, at 0s"); is(cs.marginBottom, "0px", "animation-play-state test 4, at 0s"); advance_clock(250); div.style.animationPlayState = "paused, running"; // pause 1 and 3 is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 250ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.125), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 250ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 250ms"); advance_clock(250); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 500ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 500ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 500ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "paused, running, running"; // unpause 3 is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 500ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 500ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 500ms"); advance_clock(250); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.25), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 750ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 750ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 750ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "running, paused"; // unpause 1, pause 2 advance_clock(0); // notify refresh observers advance_clock(250); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 1000ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 1000ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.75), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 1000ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; // pause all advance_clock(0); // notify refresh observers advance_clock(3000); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.5), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 4000ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 4000ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.75), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 4000ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "running, paused"; // pause 2 advance_clock(0); // notify refresh observers advance_clock(850); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.65), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 4850ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 4850ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.6), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 4850ms"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.35), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 5150ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 5150ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.9), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 5150ms"); advance_clock(2300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.05), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 2 at 7450ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 7450ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.2), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 7450ms"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-play-state test 2 at 7550ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.375), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 7550ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.3), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 7550ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "running"; // unpause 2 advance_clock(0); // notify refresh observers advance_clock(1000); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-play-state test 2 at 7550ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.875), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 7550ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.3), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 7550ms"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-play-state test 2 at 8050ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.125), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 8050ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.8), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 8050ms"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-play-state test 2 at 9050ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.625), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 9050ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.8), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 9050ms"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-play-state test 2 at 9550ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.875), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 3 at 9550ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.3), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 9550ms"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "animation-play-state test 2 at 10050ms"); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "animation-play-state test 3 at 10050ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginBottom), 100 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.8), 0.01, "animation-play-state test 4 at 10050ms"); done_div(); // an initially paused animation (bug 1063992) new_div("animation: anim1 1s paused both"); is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", "animation-play-state test 5, at 0s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", "animation-play-state test 5, at 0.5s"); div.style.animationPlayState = "running"; is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", "animation-play-state test 5, at 0.5s after unpausing"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginLeft, "80px", "animation-play-state test 5, at 1s after unpaused"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3.8. The 'animation-delay' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-delay-property- */ // test positive delay new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.5s ease-out"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "positive delay test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "positive delay test at 400ms"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "positive delay test at 500ms"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, "positive delay test at 500ms"); done_div(); // test dynamic changes to delay (i.e., that we preserve the start time // that's before the delay) new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.5s ease-out both"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "dynamic delay delay test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "dynamic delay delay test at 400ms (1)"); div.style.animationDelay = "0.2s"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.2), 0.01, "dynamic delay delay test at 400ms (2)"); div.style.animationDelay = "0.6s"; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "dynamic delay delay test at 600ms"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.2), 0.01, "dynamic delay delay test at 800ms"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.marginRight, "100px", "dynamic delay delay test at 1800ms (1)"); div.style.animationDelay = "1.5s"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.3), 0.01, "dynamic delay delay test at 1800ms (2)"); div.style.animationDelay = "2s"; is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "dynamic delay delay test at 1800ms (3)"); done_div(); // test delay and play-state interaction new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.5s ease-out"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "delay and play-state delay test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "delay and play-state delay test at 400ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "delay and play-state delay test at 500ms"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "delay and play-state delay test at 1000ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "running"; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "delay and play-state delay test at 1100ms"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, "delay and play-state delay test at 1200ms"); div.style.animationPlayState = "paused"; advance_clock(0); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, "delay and play-state delay test at 1300ms"); done_div(); // test negative delay and implicit starting values new_div("margin-top: 1000px"); advance_clock(300); div.style.marginTop = "100px"; div.style.animation = "kf1 1s -0.1s ease-in"; is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginTop), 100 - 50 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "delay and implicit starting values test"); done_div(); // test large negative delay that causes the animation to start // in the fourth iteration new_div("animation: anim2 1s -3.6s ease-in 5 alternate forwards"); listen(); // rely on no flush having happened yet cs.animationName; // flush styles so animation is created advance_clock(0); // complete pending animation start is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.4), 0.01, "large negative delay test at 0ms"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 3.6, pseudoElement: "" }], "right after start in large negative delay test"); advance_clock(380); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.02), 0.01, "large negative delay test at 380ms"); check_events([]); advance_clock(20); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "large negative delay test at 400ms"); check_events([{ type: 'animationiteration', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 4.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "large negative delay test at 400ms"); advance_clock(800); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.marginRight), 100 * gTF.ease_in(0.8), 0.01, "large negative delay test at 1200ms"); check_events([]); advance_clock(200); is(cs.marginRight, "100px", "large negative delay test at 1400ms"); check_events([{ type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 5.0, pseudoElement: "" }], "large negative delay test at 1400ms"); done_div(); /* * css3-animations: 3.9. The 'animation-fill-mode' Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-fill-mode-property- */ // animation-fill-mode is tested in the tests for section (2). /* * css3-animations: 3.10. The 'animation' Shorthand Property * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/#the-animation-shorthand-property- */ // shorthand vs. longhand is adequately tested by the // property_database.js-based tests. /** * Basic tests of animations on pseudo-elements */ new_div(""); listen(); div.id = "withbefore"; var cs_before = getComputedStyle(div, ":before"); is(cs_before.marginRight, "0px", ":before test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); is(cs_before.marginRight, "40px", ":before test at 400ms"); advance_clock(800); is(cs_before.marginRight, "80px", ":before test at 1200ms"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", ":before animation should not affect element"); advance_clock(800); is(cs_before.marginRight, "0px", ":before test at 2000ms"); advance_clock(300); is(cs_before.marginRight, "30px", ":before test at 2300ms"); advance_clock(700); check_events([ { type: "animationstart", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "::before" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "::before" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 2, pseudoElement: "::before" }, { type: "animationend", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 3, pseudoElement: "::before" }]); done_div(); new_div(""); listen(); div.id = "withafter"; var cs_after = getComputedStyle(div, ":after"); is(cs_after.marginRight, "0px", ":after test at 0ms"); advance_clock(400); is(cs_after.marginRight, "40px", ":after test at 400ms"); advance_clock(800); is(cs_after.marginRight, "80px", ":after test at 1200ms"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", ":after animation should not affect element"); advance_clock(800); is(cs_after.marginRight, "0px", ":after test at 2000ms"); advance_clock(300); is(cs_after.marginRight, "30px", ":after test at 2300ms"); advance_clock(700); check_events([ { type: "animationstart", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "::after" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "::after" }, { type: "animationiteration", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 2, pseudoElement: "::after" }, { type: "animationend", animationName: "anim2", elapsedTime: 3, pseudoElement: "::after" }]); done_div(); /** * Test handling of properties that are present in only some of the * keyframes. */ new_div("animation: multiprop 1s ease-in-out alternate infinite"); is(cs.paddingTop, "10px", "multiprop top at 0ms"); is(cs.paddingLeft, "30px", "multiprop top at 0ms"); advance_clock(100); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.2), 0.01, "multiprop top at 100ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 30 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, "multiprop left at 100ms"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.6), 0.01, "multiprop top at 300ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 50 + 10 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, "multiprop left at 300ms"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 40 + 40 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.4), 0.01, "multiprop top at 600ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 50 + 10 * gTF.ease_out(0.7), 0.01, "multiprop left at 600ms"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 80 - 80 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "multiprop top at 800ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 60 - 60 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "multiprop left at 800ms"); advance_clock(400); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 80 - 80 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "multiprop top at 1200ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 60 - 60 * gTF.ease_in(0.2), 0.01, "multiprop left at 1200ms"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 40 + 40 * gTF.ease_in_out(0.4), 0.01, "multiprop top at 1400ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 50 + 10 * gTF.ease_out(0.7), 0.01, "multiprop left at 1400ms"); advance_clock(300); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.6), 0.01, "multiprop top at 1700ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 50 + 10 * gTF.ease_out(0.1), 0.01, "multiprop left at 1700ms"); advance_clock(200); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingTop), 10 + 30 * gTF.ease(0.2), 0.01, "multiprop top at 1900ms"); is_approx(px_to_num(cs.paddingLeft), 30 + 20 * gTF.ease(0.4), 0.01, "multiprop left at 1900ms"); done_div(); // Test for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=651456 -- make // sure that refreshing of animations doesn't break when we get two // refreshes with the same timestamp. new_div("animation: anim2 1s linear"); is(cs.marginRight, "0px", "bug 651456 at 0ms"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginRight, "10px", "bug 651456 at 100ms (1)"); advance_clock(0); // still forces a refresh is(cs.marginRight, "10px", "bug 651456 at 100ms (2)"); advance_clock(100); is(cs.marginRight, "20px", "bug 651456 at 200ms"); done_div(); // Test that UA !important rules override animations. // This test depends on forms.css having a rule // select { line-height: !important } // If that rule changes, we should rewrite it to depend on a different rule. var select; [ select, cs ] = new_element("select", ""); var default_line_height = cs.lineHeight; done_element(); [ select, cs ] = new_element("select", "animation: uaoverride 2s linear infinite"); is(cs.lineHeight, default_line_height, "animations should not override UA !important at 0ms"); is(cs.marginTop, "20px", "rest of animation should still work when UA !important present at 0ms"); advance_clock(200); is(cs.lineHeight, default_line_height, "animations should not override UA !important at 200ms"); is(cs.marginTop, "40px", "rest of animation should still work when UA !important present at 200ms"); done_element(); // Test that author !important rules override animations, but // that animations override regular author rules. new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s linear infinite; margin-left: 200px"); is(cs.marginLeft, "50px", "animations override regular author rules"); done_div(); new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s linear infinite;" + " margin-left: 200px ! important;"); is(cs.marginLeft, "200px", "important author rules override animations"); done_div(); // Test interaction of animations and restyling (Bug 686656). // This test depends on kf3 getting its 0% and 100% values from the // rules below it in the cascade; we're checking that the animation // isn't rebuilt when the restyles happen. new_div("animation: kf3 1s linear forwards"); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "bug 686656 test 1 at 0ms"); advance_clock(250); display.style.color = "blue"; is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "bug 686656 test 1 at 250ms"); advance_clock(375); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "bug 686656 test 1 at 625ms"); advance_clock(375); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "bug 686656 test 1 at 1000ms"); done_div(); display.style.color = ""; // Test interaction of animations and restyling (Bug 686656), // with reframing. // This test depends on kf3 getting its 0% and 100% values from the // rules below it in the cascade; we're checking that the animation // isn't rebuilt when the restyles happen. new_div("animation: kf3 1s linear forwards"); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "bug 686656 test 2 at 0ms"); advance_clock(250); display.style.overflow = "scroll"; is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "bug 686656 test 2 at 250ms"); advance_clock(375); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "bug 686656 test 2 at 625ms"); advance_clock(375); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "bug 686656 test 2 at 1000ms"); done_div(); display.style.overflow = ""; // Test that cascading between keyframes rules is per-property rather // than per-rule (bug ), and that the timing function isn't taken from a // rule that's skipped. (Bug 738003) new_div("animation: cascade 1s linear forwards; position: relative"); is(cs.top, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 0ms"); is(cs.left, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 0ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 125ms"); is(cs.left, "50px", "cascade test (top) at 125ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 250ms"); is(cs.left, "100px", "cascade test (top) at 250ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "50px", "cascade test (top) at 375ms"); is(cs.left, "100px", "cascade test (top) at 375ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "100px", "cascade test (top) at 500ms"); is(cs.left, "100px", "cascade test (top) at 500ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "100px", "cascade test (top) at 625ms"); is(cs.left, "50px", "cascade test (top) at 625ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "100px", "cascade test (top) at 750ms"); is(cs.left, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 750ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "50px", "cascade test (top) at 875ms"); is(cs.left, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 875ms"); advance_clock(125); is(cs.top, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 1000ms"); is(cs.left, "0px", "cascade test (top) at 1000ms"); done_div(); new_div("animation: cascade2 8s linear forwards"); is(cs.textIndent, "0px", "cascade2 test at 0s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.textIndent, "25px", "cascade2 test at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.textIndent, "50px", "cascade2 test at 2s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.textIndent, "25px", "cascade2 test at 3s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.textIndent, "0px", "cascade2 test at 4s"); advance_clock(3000); is(cs.textIndent, "75px", "cascade2 test at 7s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.textIndent, "100px", "cascade2 test at 8s"); done_div(); new_div("-moz-animation: primitives1 2s linear forwards"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform"), "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)", "primitives1 at 0s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform"), "matrix(-0.707107, 0.707107, -0.707107, -0.707107, 0, 0)", "primitives1 at 1s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform"), "matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0)", "primitives1 at 0s"); done_div(); new_div("animation: important1 1s linear forwards"); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "important1 test at 0s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginTop, "75px", "important1 test at 0.5s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.marginTop, "100px", "important1 test at 1s"); done_div(); new_div("animation: important2 1s linear forwards"); is(cs.marginTop, "50px", "important2 (margin-top) test at 0s"); is(cs.marginBottom, "100px", "important2 (margin-bottom) test at 0s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.marginTop, "0px", "important2 (margin-top) test at 1s"); is(cs.marginBottom, "50px", "important2 (margin-bottom) test at 1s"); done_div(); // Test that it's the length of the 'animation-name' list that's used to // start animations. // note: anim2 animates margin-right from 0 to 100px // note: anim3 animates margin-top from 0 to 100px new_div("animation-name: anim2, anim3;" + " animation-duration: 1s;" + " animation-timing-function: linear;" + " animation-delay: -250ms, -250ms, -750ms, -500ms;"); is(cs.marginRight, "25px", "animation-name list length is the length that matters"); is(cs.marginTop, "25px", "animation-name list length is the length that matters"); done_div(); new_div("animation-name: anim2, anim3, anim2;" + " animation-duration: 1s;" + " animation-timing-function: linear;" + " animation-delay: -250ms, -250ms, -750ms, -500ms;"); is(cs.marginRight, "75px", "animation-name list length is the length that matters, and the last occurrence of a name wins"); is(cs.marginTop, "25px", "animation-name list length is the length that matters"); done_div(); var dyn_sheet_elt = document.createElement("style"); document.head.appendChild(dyn_sheet_elt); var dyn_sheet = dyn_sheet_elt.sheet; dyn_sheet.insertRule("@keyframes dyn1 { from { margin-left: 0 } 50% { margin-left: 50px } to { margin-left: 100px } }", 0); dyn_sheet.insertRule("@keyframes dyn2 { from { margin-left: 100px } to { margin-left: 200px } }", 1); var dyn1 = dyn_sheet.cssRules[0]; var dyn2 = dyn_sheet.cssRules[1]; new_div("animation: dyn1 1s linear"); is(cs.marginLeft, "0px", "dynamic rule change test, initial state"); advance_clock(250); is(cs.marginLeft, "25px", "dynamic rule change test, 250ms"); dyn2.name = "dyn1"; is(cs.marginLeft, "125px", "dynamic rule change test, change in @keyframes name applies"); dyn2.appendRule("50% { margin-left: 0px }"); is(cs.marginLeft, "50px", "dynamic rule change test, @keyframes appendRule"); var dyn2_kf1 = dyn2.cssRules[0]; // currently 0% { margin-left: 100px } dyn2_kf1.style.marginLeft = "-100px"; is(cs.marginLeft, "-50px", "dynamic rule change test, keyframe style set"); dyn2.name = "dyn2"; is(cs.marginLeft, "25px", "dynamic rule change test, change in @keyframes name applies (second time)"); var dyn1_kf2 = dyn1.cssRules[1]; // currently 50% { margin-left: 50px } dyn1_kf2.keyText = "25%"; is(cs.marginLeft, "50px", "dynamic rule change test, change in keyframe keyText"); dyn1.deleteRule("25%"); is(cs.marginLeft, "25px", "dynamic rule change test, @keyframes deleteRule"); done_div(); dyn_sheet_elt.parentNode.removeChild(dyn_sheet_elt); dyn_sheet_elt = null; dyn_sheet = null; /* * Bug 1004361 - CSS animations with short duration sometimes don't dispatch * a start event */ new_div("animation: anim2 1s 0.1s"); listen(); advance_clock(0); // Trigger animation advance_clock(1200); // Skip past end of animation's entire active duration check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over animation interval"); done_div(); /* * Bug 1007513 - AnimationEvent.elapsedTime should be animation time */ new_div("animation: anim2 1s 2"); listen(); advance_clock(0); // Trigger animation advance_clock(500); // Jump to middle of first interval advance_clock(1000); // Jump to middle of second interval advance_clock(1000); // Jump past end of last interval check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationiteration', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 2, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping past event moments"); done_div(); new_div("animation: anim2 1s -2s"); listen(); cs.animationName; // build animation advance_clock(0); // finish pending check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over animation with negative delay"); done_div(); /* * Bug 1004365 - zero-duration animations */ new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: anim2 0s 1s both"); listen(); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during backwards fill of zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); // Skip over animation is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "100px", "margin-right during forwards fill of zero-duration animation"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over zero-duration animation"); done_div(); new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: anim2 0s 1s both"); listen(); advance_clock(0); // Seek to just before the animation starts and stops advance_clock(999); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right at exact end of zero-duration animation"); check_events([]); // Seek to exactly the point where the animation starts and stops advance_clock(1); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "100px", "margin-right at exact end of zero-duration animation"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after seeking to end of zero-duration animation"); // Check no further events are dispatched advance_clock(0); advance_clock(100); check_events([]); done_div(); // Test with animation-direction reverse new_div("margin-right: 200px;" + " animation: anim2 0s 1s both reverse"); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "100px", "margin-right during backwards fill of reversed zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during forwards fill of reversed zero-duration animation"); done_div(); // Test with animation-direction alternate new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: anim2 0s 1s both alternate 2"); listen(); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during backwards fill of alternating zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during forwards fill of alternating zero-duration animation"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after seeking to end of zero-duration animation" + " that repeats twice"); done_div(); // Test with animation-direction alternate and odd number of iterations new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: anim2 0s 1s both alternate 3"); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during backwards fill of alternating zero-duration " + "animation with odd number of iterations"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "100px", "margin-right during forwards fill of alternating zero-duration " + "animation with odd number of iterations"); done_div(); // Test with animation-direction alternate and non-integral number of iterations new_div("margin-right: 200px;" + " animation: anim2 0s 1s both alternate 7.3 linear"); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during backwards fill of alternating zero-duration " + "animation with non-integral number of iterations"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "70px", "margin-right during forwards fill of alternating zero-duration " + "animation with non-integral number of iterations"); done_div(); // Test with infinite iteration count // CSS Animations doesn't actually define what the behavior is in this case // (and many many other similar cases) so we follow the behavior defined in Web // Animations which is that the zero-duration "wins". new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: anim2 0s 1s both infinite"); listen(); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during backwards fill of infinitely repeating " + "zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "100px", "margin-right during forwards fill of infinitely repeating " + "zero-duration animation"); // Check we don't get infinite iteration events :) check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after seeking to end of infinitely repeating " + "zero-duration animation"); done_div(); // Test with infinite iteration count and alternating direction new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: anim2 0s 1s alternate both infinite"); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during backwards fill of infinitely repeating and " + "alternating zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during forwards fill of infinitely repeating and " + "alternating zero-duration animation"); done_div(); // Test with infinite iteration count and alternate-reverse direction new_div("margin-right: 200px;" + " animation: anim2 0s 1s alternate-reverse infinite both"); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "100px", "margin-right during backwards fill of infinitely repeating and " + "alternate-reverse zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "100px", "margin-right during forwards fill of infinitely repeating and " + "alternate-reverse zero-duration animation"); done_div(); // Test with negative delay new_div("margin-right: 200px;" + " animation: anim2 0s -1s both reverse 12.7 linear"); listen(); cs.animationName; // build animation advance_clock(0); // finish pending is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "30px", "margin-right during forwards fill of reversed and repeated " + "zero-duration animation with negative delay"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over zero-duration animation " + "with negative delay"); done_div(); // Test zero duration with zero iteration count new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: anim2 0s 1s both 0"); listen(); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during backwards fill of zero-duration animation"); advance_clock(2000); // Skip over animation is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", "margin-right during forwards fill of zero-duration animation"); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'anim2', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events after skipping over zero-duration, zero iteration count" + " animation"); done_div(); /* * Bug 1004377 - Animations with empty keyframes rule */ new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: empty 2s 1s both"); listen(); advance_clock(0); check_events([], "events during delay"); advance_clock(2000); // Skip to middle of animation div.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "middle of animation with empty keyframes rule"); advance_clock(1000); // Skip to end of animation div.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 2, pseudoElement: "" }], "end of animation with empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); // Test with a zero-duration animation and empty @keyframes rule new_div("margin-right: 200px; animation: empty 0s 1s both"); listen(); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(1000); div.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "end of zero-duration animation with empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); // Test with a keyframes rule that becomes empty new_div("animation: nearlyempty 1s both linear"); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(500); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "50px", "margin-left for animation that is about to be emptied"); listen(); findKeyframesRule("nearlyempty").deleteRule("to"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "0px", "margin-left for animation with (now) empty keyframes rule"); check_events([], "events after emptying keyframes rule"); advance_clock(500); div.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'nearlyempty', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: "" }], "events at end of animation with newly " + "empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); // Test when we update to point to an empty animation new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s both linear"); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(500); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "50px", "margin-left for animation that will soon point to an empty keyframes rule"); listen(); div.style.animationName = "empty"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-left"), "0px", "margin-left for animation now points to empty keyframes rule"); advance_clock(500); div.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'empty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: "" }], "events at start of animation updated to use " + "empty keyframes rule"); done_div(); /* * Bug 1031319 - 'none' animations * * The code under test here is run entirely on the main thread so there is no * OMTA version of these tests in test_animations_omta.html. */ // Setting "animation: none" after animations have finished should not trigger // animation events new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s"); listen(); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(1000); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: '' }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: '' }], "events after running initial animation"); div.style.animation = "none"; div.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([], "events after setting animation to 'none'"); done_div(); // Setting "animation: " after animations have finished should not trigger // animation events new_div("animation: always_fifty 1s"); listen(); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(1000); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: '' }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: '' }], "events after running initial animation"); div.style.animation = ""; div.clientTop; // Trigger events check_events([], "events after setting animation to ''"); done_div(); // Setting "animation: none 1s" should not trigger events new_div("animation: none 1s"); listen(); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(1000); check_events([], "events after setting animation to 'none 1s'"); done_div(); // Setting "animation: 1s" should not trigger events new_div("animation: 1s"); listen(); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(1000); check_events([], "events after setting animation to '1s'"); done_div(); // Setting animation-name: none among other animations should cause only that // animation to be skipped new_div("animation-name: always_fifty, none, always_fifty;" + " animation-duration: 1s"); listen(); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(500); advance_clock(500); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: '' }, { type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: '' }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: '' }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: '' }], "events for animation-name: a, none, a"); done_div(); /* * Bug 1033881 - Non-matching animation-name * * The code under test here is run entirely on the main thread so there is no * OMTA version of these tests in test_animations_omta.html. */ new_div("animation-name: non_existent, always_fifty; animation-duration: 1s"); listen(); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(500); advance_clock(500); check_events([{ type: 'animationstart', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: '' }, { type: 'animationend', target: div, animationName: 'always_fifty', elapsedTime: 1, pseudoElement: '' }], "events for animation-name: non_existent, always_fifty"); done_div(); /* * Bug 1038032 - Infinite repetition and delay causes overflow */ new_div("animation: always_fifty 10s 1s infinite"); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(2000); is(cs.marginLeft, "50px", "infinitely repeating animation with positive delay takes effect" + " (does not overflow)"); done_div(); /* * Bug 1140134 - A property in a CSS animation being overridden by later * animation causes later properties in that animation to be skipped */ new_div("position: relative; animation: lowerpriority 1s linear infinite alternate, overridetop 1s linear infinite alternate"); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(500); is(cs.getPropertyValue("left"), "50px", "left is animating"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("top"), "0px", "top is not animating"); done_div(); new_div("position: relative; animation: lowerpriority 1s linear infinite alternate, overrideleft 1s linear infinite alternate"); advance_clock(0); advance_clock(500); is(cs.getPropertyValue("left"), "0px", "left is not animating"); is(cs.getPropertyValue("top"), "50px", "top is animating"); done_div(); /* * Bug 962594 - Turn off CSS animations when the element is display:none, or * is in a display:none subtree. */ // Helper function for the two tests below function testDisplayNoneTurnsOffAnimations(aTestName, aElementToDisplayNone) { is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", aTestName + "margin-right at 0s"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "10px", aTestName + "margin-right at 1s"); aElementToDisplayNone.style.display = "none"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", aTestName + "margin-right after display:none"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", aTestName + "margin-right 1s after display:none"); aElementToDisplayNone.style.display = ""; is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "0px", aTestName + "margin-right after display:block"); advance_clock(1000); is(cs.getPropertyValue("margin-right"), "10px", aTestName + "margin-right 1s after display:block"); } // Check that it works if the animated element itself becomes display:none new_div("animation: anim2 linear 10s"); testDisplayNoneTurnsOffAnimations("AnimatedElement ", div); done_div(); // Check that it works if an ancestor of the animated element becomes display:none new_div("animation: anim2 linear 10s"); var ancestor = document.createElement("div"); div.parentNode.insertBefore(ancestor, div); ancestor.appendChild(div); testDisplayNoneTurnsOffAnimations("AncestorElement ", ancestor); ancestor.parentNode.insertBefore(div, ancestor); ancestor.parentNode.removeChild(ancestor); done_div(); /* * Bug 1125455 - Transitions should not run when animations are running. */ new_div("transition: opacity 2s linear; opacity: 0.8"); advance_clock(0); is(cs.getPropertyValue("opacity"), "0.8", "initial opacity"); div.style.opacity = "0.2"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("opacity"), "0.8", "opacity transition at 0s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.getPropertyValue("opacity"), "0.65", "opacity transition at 0.5s"); div.style.animation = "opacitymid 2s linear"; is(cs.getPropertyValue("opacity"), "0.2", "opacity animation overriding transition at 0s"); advance_clock(500); is(cs.getPropertyValue("opacity"), "0.35", "opacity animation overriding transition at 0.5s"); done_div(); SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.restoreNormalRefresh(); </script> </pre> </body> </html>