/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* * This Source Code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License * version 2.0 (the "License"). You can obtain a copy of the License at * http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * For the purposes of this test, flex items are specified as a hash with a * hash-entry for each CSS property that is to be set. In these per-property * entries, the key is the property-name, and the value can be either of the * following: * (a) the property's specified value (which indicates that we don't need to * bother checking the computed value of this particular property) * ...OR... * (b) an array with 2-3 entries... * [specifiedValue, expectedComputedValue (, epsilon) ] * ...which indicates that the property's computed value should be * checked. The array's first entry (for the specified value) may be * null; this means that no value should be explicitly specified for this * property. The second entry is the property's expected computed * value. The third (optional) entry is an epsilon value, which allows for * fuzzy equality when testing the computed value. * * To allow these testcases to be re-used in both horizontal and vertical * flex containers, we specify "width"/"min-width"/etc. using the aliases * "_main-size", "_min-main-size", etc. The test code can map these * placeholder names to their corresponding property-names using the maps * defined below -- gRowPropertyMapping, gColumnPropertyMapping, etc. * * If the testcase needs to customize its flex container at all (e.g. by * specifying a custom container-size), it can do so by including a hash * called "container_properties", with propertyName:propertyValue mappings. * (This hash can use aliased property-names like "_main-size" as well.) */ // The standard main-size we'll use for our flex container when setting up // the testcases defined below: var gDefaultFlexContainerSize = "200px"; // Left-to-right versions of placeholder property-names used in // testcases below: var gRowPropertyMapping = { "_main-size": "width", "_min-main-size": "min-width", "_max-main-size": "max-width", "_border-main-start-width": "border-left-width", "_border-main-end-width": "border-right-width", "_padding-main-start": "padding-left", "_padding-main-end": "padding-right", "_margin-main-start": "margin-left", "_margin-main-end": "margin-right" }; // Right-to-left versions of placeholder property-names used in // testcases below: var gRowReversePropertyMapping = { "_main-size": "width", "_min-main-size": "min-width", "_max-main-size": "max-width", "_border-main-start-width": "border-right-width", "_border-main-end-width": "border-left-width", "_padding-main-start": "padding-right", "_padding-main-end": "padding-left", "_margin-main-start": "margin-right", "_margin-main-end": "margin-left" }; // Top-to-bottom versions of placeholder property-names used in // testcases below: var gColumnPropertyMapping = { "_main-size": "height", "_min-main-size": "min-height", "_max-main-size": "max-height", "_border-main-start-width": "border-top-width", "_border-main-end-width": "border-bottom-width", "_padding-main-start": "padding-top", "_padding-main-end": "padding-bottom", "_margin-main-start": "margin-top", "_margin-main-end": "margin-bottom" }; // Bottom-to-top versions of placeholder property-names used in // testcases below: var gColumnReversePropertyMapping = { "_main-size": "height", "_min-main-size": "min-height", "_max-main-size": "max-height", "_border-main-start-width": "border-bottom-width", "_border-main-end-width": "border-top-width", "_padding-main-start": "padding-bottom", "_padding-main-end": "padding-top", "_margin-main-start": "margin-bottom", "_margin-main-end": "margin-top" }; // The list of actual testcase definitions: var gFlexboxTestcases = [ // No flex properties specified --> should just use 'width' for sizing { items: [ { "_main-size": [ "40px", "40px" ] }, { "_main-size": [ "65px", "65px" ] }, ] }, // flex-basis is specified: { items: [ { "flex-basis": "50px", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex-basis": "20px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] }, ] }, // flex-basis is *large* -- sum of flex-basis values is > flex container size: // (w/ 0 flex-shrink so we don't shrink): { items: [ { "flex": "0 0 150px", "_main-size": [ null, "150px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0 90px", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] }, ] }, // flex-basis is *large* -- each flex-basis value is > flex container size: // (w/ 0 flex-shrink so we don't shrink): { items: [ { "flex": "0 0 250px", "_main-size": [ null, "250px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0 400px", "_main-size": [ null, "400px" ] }, ] }, // flex-basis has percentage value: { items: [ { "flex-basis": "30%", "_main-size": [ null, "60px" ] }, { "flex-basis": "45%", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] }, ] }, // flex-basis has calc(percentage) value: { items: [ { "flex-basis": "calc(20%)", "_main-size": [ null, "40px" ] }, { "flex-basis": "calc(80%)", "_main-size": [ null, "160px" ] }, ] }, // flex-basis has calc(percentage +/- length) value: { items: [ { "flex-basis": "calc(10px + 20%)", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex-basis": "calc(60% - 1px)", "_main-size": [ null, "119px" ] }, ] }, // flex-grow is specified: { items: [ { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "60px" ] }, { "flex": "2", "_main-size": [ null, "120px" ] }, { "flex": "0 20px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] } ] }, // Same ratio as prev. testcase; making sure we handle float inaccuracy { items: [ { "flex": "100000", "_main-size": [ null, "60px" ] }, { "flex": "200000", "_main-size": [ null, "120px" ] }, { "flex": "0.000001 20px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] } ] }, // Same ratio as prev. testcase, but with items cycled and w/ // "flex: none" & explicit size instead of "flex: 0 20px" { items: [ { "flex": "none", "_main-size": [ "20px", "20px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "60px" ] }, { "flex": "2", "_main-size": [ null, "120px" ] } ] }, // ...and now with flex-grow:[huge] to be sure we handle infinite float values // gracefully. { items: [ { "flex": "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "200px" ] }, ] }, { items: [ { "flex": "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex": "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex": "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex": "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, ] }, { items: [ { "flex": "99999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex": "99999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex": "99999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, { "flex": "99999999999999999999999999999999999", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, ] }, // And now, some testcases to check that we handle float accumulation error // gracefully. // First, a testcase with just a custom-sized huge container, to be sure we'll // be able to handle content on that scale, in the subsequent more-complex // testcases: { container_properties: { "_main-size": "9000000px" }, items: [ { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "9000000px" ] }, ] }, // ...and now with two flex items dividing up that container's huge size: { container_properties: { "_main-size": "9000000px" }, items: [ { "flex": "2", "_main-size": [ null, "6000000px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, ] }, // OK, now to actually test accumulation error. Below, we have six flex items // splitting up the container's size, with huge differences between flex // weights. For simplicity, I've set up the weights so that they sum exactly // to the container's size in px. So 1 unit of flex *should* get you 1px. // // NOTE: The expected computed "_main-size" values for the flex items below // appear to add up to more than their container's size, which would suggest // that they overflow their container unnecessarily. But they don't actually // overflow -- this discrepancy is simply because Gecko's code for reporting // computed-sizes rounds to 6 significant figures (in particular, the method // (nsTSubstring_CharT::AppendFloat() does this). Internally, in app-units, // the child frames' main-sizes add up exactly to the container's main-size, // as you'd hope & expect. { container_properties: { "_main-size": "9000000px" }, items: [ { "flex": "3000000", "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "1px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "1px" ] }, { "flex": "2999999", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths & when generating computed value string: "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "2999998", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths & when generating computed value string: "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "1px", 0.2 ] }, ] }, // Same flex items as previous testcase, but now reordered such that the items // with tiny flex weights are all listed last: { container_properties: { "_main-size": "9000000px" }, items: [ { "flex": "3000000", "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "2999999", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths & when generating computed value string: "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "2999998", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths & when generating computed value string: "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "1px", 0.2 ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "1px", 0.2 ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "1px", 0.2 ] }, ] }, // Same flex items as previous testcase, but now reordered such that the items // with tiny flex weights are all listed first: { container_properties: { "_main-size": "9000000px" }, items: [ { "flex": "1", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths: "_main-size": [ null, "1px", 0.2 ] }, { "flex": "1", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths: "_main-size": [ null, "1px", 0.2 ] }, { "flex": "1", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths: "_main-size": [ null, "1px", 0.2 ] }, { "flex": "3000000", "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "2999999", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths & when generating computed value string: "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, { "flex": "2999998", // NOTE: Expected value is off slightly, from float error when // resolving flexible lengths & when generating computed value string: "_main-size": [ null, "3000000px" ] }, ] }, // Trying "flex: auto" (== "1 1 auto") w/ a mix of flex-grow/flex-basis values { items: [ { "flex": "auto", "_main-size": [ null, "45px" ] }, { "flex": "2", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] }, { "flex": "20px 1 0", "_main-size": [ null, "65px" ] } ] }, // Same as previous, but with items cycled & different syntax { items: [ { "flex": "20px", "_main-size": [ null, "65px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "45px" ] }, { "flex": "2", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] } ] }, { items: [ { "flex": "2", "_main-size": [ null, "100px" ], "border": "0px dashed", "_border-main-start-width": [ "5px", "5px" ], "_border-main-end-width": [ "15px", "15px" ], "_margin-main-start": [ "22px", "22px" ], "_margin-main-end": [ "8px", "8px" ] }, { "flex": "1", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ], "_margin-main-start": [ "auto", "0px" ], "_padding-main-end": [ "auto", "0px" ], } ] }, // Test negative flexibility: // Basic testcase: just 1 item (relying on initial "flex-shrink: 1") -- // should shrink to container size. { items: [ { "_main-size": [ "400px", "200px" ] }, ], }, // ...and now with a "flex" specification and a different flex-shrink value: { items: [ { "flex": "4 2 250px", "_main-size": [ null, "200px" ] }, ], }, // ...and now with multiple items, which all shrink proportionally (by 50%) // to fit to the container, since they have the same (initial) flex-shrink val { items: [ { "_main-size": [ "80px", "40px" ] }, { "_main-size": [ "40px", "20px" ] }, { "_main-size": [ "30px", "15px" ] }, { "_main-size": [ "250px", "125px" ] }, ] }, // ...and now with positive flexibility specified. (should have no effect, so // everything still shrinks by the same proportion, since the flex-shrink // values are all the same). { items: [ { "flex": "4 3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "80px" ] }, { "flex": "5 3 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "40px" ] }, { "flex": "0 3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "80px" ] } ] }, // ...and now with *different* flex-shrink values: { items: [ { "flex": "4 2 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "30px" ] }, { "flex": "5 3 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0 150px", "_main-size": [ null, "150px" ] } ] }, // Same ratio as prev. testcase; making sure we handle float inaccuracy { items: [ { "flex": "4 20000000 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "30px" ] }, { "flex": "5 30000000 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.0000001 150px", "_main-size": [ null, "150px" ] } ] }, // Another "different flex-shrink values" testcase: { items: [ { "flex": "4 2 115px", "_main-size": [ null, "69px" ] }, { "flex": "5 1 150px", "_main-size": [ null, "120px" ] }, { "flex": "1 4 30px", "_main-size": [ null, "6px" ] }, { "flex": "1 0 5px", "_main-size": [ null, "5px" ] }, ] }, // ...and now with min-size (clamping the effects of flex-shrink on one item): { items: [ { "flex": "4 5 75px", "_min-main-size": "50px", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ], }, { "flex": "5 5 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "62.5px" ] }, { "flex": "0 4 125px", "_main-size": [ null, "87.5px" ] } ] }, // Test a min-size that's much larger than initial preferred size, but small // enough that our flexed size pushes us over it: { items: [ { "flex": "auto", "_min-main-size": "110px", "_main-size": [ "50px", "125px" ] }, { "flex": "auto", "_main-size": [ null, "75px" ] } ] }, // Test a min-size that's much larger than initial preferred size, and is // even larger than our positively-flexed size, so that we have to increase it // (as a 'min violation') after we've flexed. { items: [ { "flex": "auto", "_min-main-size": "150px", "_main-size": [ "50px", "150px" ] }, { "flex": "auto", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] } ] }, // Test min-size on multiple items simultaneously: { items: [ { "flex": "auto", "_min-main-size": "20px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] }, { "flex": "9 auto", "_min-main-size": "150px", "_main-size": [ "50px", "180px" ] }, ] }, { items: [ { "flex": "1 1 0px", "_min-main-size": "90px", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] }, { "flex": "1 1 0px", "_min-main-size": "80px", "_main-size": [ null, "80px" ] }, { "flex": "1 1 40px", "_main-size": [ null, "30px" ] } ] }, // Test a case where _min-main-size will be violated on different items in // successive iterations of the "resolve the flexible lengths" loop { items: [ { "flex": "1 2 100px", "_min-main-size": "90px", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] }, { "flex": "1 1 100px", "_min-main-size": "70px", "_main-size": [ null, "70px" ] }, { "flex": "1 1 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "40px" ] } ] }, // Test some cases that have a min-size violation on one item and a // max-size violation on another: // Here, both items initially grow to 100px. That violates both // items' sizing constraints (it's smaller than the min-size and larger than // the max-size), so we clamp both of them and sum the clamping-differences: // // (130px - 100px) + (50px - 100px) = (30px) + (-50px) = -20px // // This sum is negative, so (per spec) we freeze the item that had its // max-size violated (the second one) and restart the algorithm. This time, // all the available space (200px - 50px = 150px) goes to the not-yet-frozen // first item, and that puts it above its min-size, so all is well. { items: [ { "flex": "auto", "_min-main-size": "130px", "_main-size": [ null, "150px" ] }, { "flex": "auto", "_max-main-size": "50px", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] }, ] }, // As above, both items initially grow to 100px, and that violates both items' // constraints. However, now the sum of the clamping differences is: // // (130px - 100px) + (80px - 100px) = (30px) + (-20px) = 10px // // This sum is positive, so (per spec) we freeze the item that had its // min-size violated (the first one) and restart the algorithm. This time, // all the available space (200px - 130px = 70px) goes to the not-yet-frozen // second item, and that puts it below its max-size, so all is well. { items: [ { "flex": "auto", "_min-main-size": "130px", "_main-size": [ null, "130px" ] }, { "flex": "auto", "_max-main-size": "80px", "_main-size": [ null, "70px" ] }, ] }, // As above, both items initially grow to 100px, and that violates both items' // constraints. So we clamp both items and sum the clamping differences to // see what to do next. The sum is: // // (80px - 100px) + (120px - 100px) = (-20px) + (20px) = 0px // // Per spec, if the sum is 0, we're done -- we leave both items at their // clamped sizes. { items: [ { "flex": "auto", "_max-main-size": "80px", "_main-size": [ null, "80px" ] }, { "flex": "auto", "_min-main-size": "120px", "_main-size": [ null, "120px" ] }, ] }, // Test cases where flex-grow sums to less than 1: // =============================================== // This makes us treat the flexibilities like "fraction of free space" // instead of weights, so that e.g. a single item with "flex-grow: 0.1" // will only get 10% of the free space instead of all of the free space. // Basic cases where flex-grow sum is less than 1: { items: [ { "flex": "0.1 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "110px" ] // +10% of free space }, ] }, { items: [ { "flex": "0.8 0px", "_main-size": [ null, "160px" ] // +80% of free space }, ] }, // ... and now with two flex items: { items: [ { "flex": "0.4 70px", "_main-size": [ null, "110px" ] // +40% of free space }, { "flex": "0.2 30px", "_main-size": [ null, "50px" ] // +20% of free space }, ] }, // ...and now with max-size modifying how much free space one item can take: { items: [ { "flex": "0.4 70px", "_main-size": [ null, "110px" ] // +40% of free space }, { "flex": "0.2 30px", "_max-main-size": "35px", "_main-size": [ null, "35px" ] // +20% free space, then clamped }, ] }, // ...and now with a max-size smaller than our flex-basis: // (This makes us freeze the second item right away, before we compute // the initial free space.) { items: [ { "flex": "0.4 70px", "_main-size": [ null, "118px" ] // +40% of 200px-70px-10px }, { "flex": "0.2 30px", "_max-main-size": "10px", "_main-size": [ null, "10px" ] // immediately frozen }, ] }, // ...and now with a max-size and a huge flex-basis, such that we initially // have negative free space, which makes the "% of [original] free space" // calculations a bit more subtle. We set the "original free space" after // we've clamped the second item (the first time the free space is positive). { items: [ { "flex": "0.4 70px", "_main-size": [ null, "118px" ] // +40% of free space _after freezing // the other item_ }, { "flex": "0.2 150px", "_max-main-size": "10px", "_main-size": [ null, "10px" ] // clamped immediately }, ] }, // Now with min-size modifying how much free space our items take: { items: [ { "flex": "0.4 70px", "_main-size": [ null, "110px" ] // +40% of free space }, { "flex": "0.2 30px", "_min-main-size": "70px", "_main-size": [ null, "70px" ] // +20% free space, then clamped }, ] }, // ...and now with a large enough min-size that it prevents the other flex // item from taking its full desired portion of the original free space: { items: [ { "flex": "0.4 70px", "_main-size": [ null, "80px" ] // (Can't take my full +40% of // free space due to other item's // large min-size.) }, { "flex": "0.2 30px", "_min-main-size": "120px", "_main-size": [ null, "120px" ] // +20% free space, then clamped }, ] }, // ...and now with a large-enough min-size that it pushes the other flex item // to actually shrink a bit (with default "flex-shrink:1"): { items: [ { "flex": "0.3 30px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] // -10px, instead of desired +45px }, { "flex": "0.2 20px", "_min-main-size": "180px", "_main-size": [ null, "180px" ] // +160px, instead of desired +30px }, ] }, // In this case, the items' flexibilities don't initially sum to < 1, but they // do after we freeze the third item for violating its max-size. { items: [ { "flex": "0.3 30px", "_main-size": [ null, "75px" ] // 1st loop: desires (0.3 / 5) * 150px = 9px. Tentatively granted. // 2nd loop: desires 0.3 * 150px = 45px. Tentatively granted. // 3rd loop: desires 0.3 * 150px = 45px. Granted +45px. }, { "flex": "0.2 20px", "_max-main-size": "30px", "_main-size": [ null, "30px" ] // First loop: desires (0.2 / 5) * 150px = 6px. Tentatively granted. // Second loop: desires 0.2 * 150px = 30px. Frozen at +10px. }, { "flex": "4.5 0px", "_max-main-size": "20px", "_main-size": [ null, "20px" ] // First loop: desires (4.5 / 5) * 150px = 135px. Frozen at +20px. }, ] }, // Make sure we calculate "original free space" correctly when one of our // flex items will be clamped right away, due to max-size preventing it from // growing at all: { // Here, the second flex item is effectively inflexible; it's // immediately frozen at 40px since we're growing & this item's max size // trivially prevents it from growing. This leaves us with an "original // free space" of 60px. The first flex item takes half of that, due to // its flex-grow value of 0.5. items: [ { "flex": "0.5 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "130px" ] }, { "flex": "1 98px", "_max-main-size": "40px", "_main-size": [ null, "40px" ] }, ] }, { // Same as previous example, but with a larger flex-basis on the second // element (which shouldn't ultimately matter, because its max size clamps // its size immediately anyway). items: [ { "flex": "0.5 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "130px" ] }, { "flex": "1 101px", "_max-main-size": "40px", "_main-size": [ null, "40px" ] }, ] }, { // Here, the third flex item is effectively inflexible; it's immediately // frozen at 0px since we're growing & this item's max size trivially // prevents it from growing. This leaves us with an "original free space" of // 100px. The first flex item takes 40px, and the third takes 50px, due to // their flex values of 0.4 and 0.5. items: [ { "flex": "0.4 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] }, { "flex": "0.5 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "100px" ] }, { "flex": "0 90px", "_max-main-size": "0px", "_main-size": [ null, "0px" ] }, ] }, { // Same as previous example, but with slightly larger flex-grow values on // the first and second items, which sum to 1.0 and produce slightly larger // main sizes. This demonstrates that there's no discontinuity between the // "< 1.0 sum" to ">= 1.0 sum" behavior, in this situation at least. items: [ { "flex": "0.45 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "95px" ] }, { "flex": "0.55 50px", "_main-size": [ null, "105px" ] }, { "flex": "0 90px", "_max-main-size": "0px", "_main-size": [ null, "0px" ] }, ] }, // Test cases where flex-shrink sums to less than 1: // ================================================= // This makes us treat the flexibilities more like "fraction of (negative) // free space" instead of weights, so that e.g. a single item with // "flex-shrink: 0.1" will only shrink by 10% of amount that it overflows // its container by. // // It gets a bit more complex when there are multiple flex items, because // flex-shrink is scaled by the flex-basis before it's used as a weight. But // even with that scaling, the general principal is that e.g. if the // flex-shrink values *sum* to 0.6, then the items will collectively only // shrink by 60% (and hence will still overflow). // Basic cases where flex-grow sum is less than 1: { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.1 300px", "_main-size": [ null, "290px" ] // +10% of (negative) free space }, ] }, { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.8 400px", "_main-size": [ null, "240px" ] // +80% of (negative) free space }, ] }, // ...now with two flex items, with the same flex-basis value: { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.4 150px", "_main-size": [ null, "110px" ] // +40% of (negative) free space }, { "flex": "0 0.2 150px", "_main-size": [ null, "130px" ] // +20% of (negative) free space }, ] }, // ...now with two flex items, with different flex-basis values (and hence // differently-scaled flex factors): { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "76px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.1 200px", "_main-size": [ null, "184px" ] } ] // Notes: // - Free space: -100px // - Sum of flex-shrink factors: 0.3 + 0.1 = 0.4 // - Since that sum ^ is < 1, we'll only distribute that fraction of // the free space. We'll distribute: -100px * 0.4 = -40px // // - 1st item's scaled flex factor: 0.3 * 100px = 30 // - 2nd item's scaled flex factor: 0.1 * 200px = 20 // - 1st item's share of distributed free space: 30/(30+20) = 60% // - 2nd item's share of distributed free space: 20/(30+20) = 40% // // SO: // - 1st item gets 60% * -40px = -24px. 100px-24px = 76px // - 2nd item gets 40% * -40px = -16px. 200px-16px = 184px }, // ...now with min-size modifying how much one item can shrink: { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "70px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.1 200px", "_min-main-size": "190px", "_main-size": [ null, "190px" ] } ] // Notes: // - We proceed as in previous testcase, but clamp the second flex item // at its min main size. // - After that point, we have a total flex-shrink of = 0.3, so we // distribute 0.3 * -100px = -30px to the remaining unfrozen flex // items. Since there's only one unfrozen item left, it gets all of it. }, // ...now with min-size larger than our flex-basis: // (This makes us freeze the second item right away, before we compute // the initial free space.) { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "55px" ] // +30% of 200px-100px-250px }, { "flex": "0 0.1 200px", "_min-main-size": "250px", "_main-size": [ null, "250px" ] // immediately frozen } ] // (Same as previous example, except the min-main-size prevents the // second item from shrinking at all) }, // ...and now with a min-size and a small flex-basis, such that we initially // have positive free space, which makes the "% of [original] free space" // calculations a bit more subtle. We set the "original free space" after // we've clamped the second item (the first time the free space is negative). { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "70px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.1 50px", "_min-main-size": "200px", "_main-size": [ null, "200px" ] } ] }, // Now with max-size making an item shrink more than its flex-shrink value // calls for: { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "70px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.1 200px", "_max-main-size": "150px", "_main-size": [ null, "150px" ] } ] // Notes: // - We proceed as in an earlier testcase, but clamp the second flex item // at its max main size. // - After that point, we have a total flex-shrink of = 0.3, so we // distribute 0.3 * -100px = -30px to the remaining unfrozen flex // items. Since there's only one unfrozen item left, it gets all of it. }, // ...and now with a small enough max-size that it prevents the other flex // item from taking its full desired portion of the (negative) original free // space: { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "90px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.1 200px", "_max-main-size": "110px", "_main-size": [ null, "110px" ] } ] // Notes: // - We proceed as in an earlier testcase, but clamp the second flex item // at its max main size. // - After that point, we have a total flex-shrink of 0.3, which would // have us distribute 0.3 * -100px = -30px to the (one) remaining // unfrozen flex item. But our remaining free space is only -10px at // that point, so we distribute that instead. }, // ...and now with a small enough max-size that it pushes the other flex item // to actually grow a bit (with custom "flex-grow: 1" for this testcase): { items: [ { "flex": "1 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "120px" ] }, { "flex": "1 0.1 200px", "_max-main-size": "80px", "_main-size": [ null, "80px" ] } ] }, // In this case, the items' flexibilities don't initially sum to < 1, but they // do after we freeze the third item for violating its min-size. { items: [ { "flex": "0 0.3 100px", "_main-size": [ null, "76px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.1 150px", "_main-size": [ null, "138px" ] }, { "flex": "0 0.8 10px", "_min-main-size": "40px", "_main-size": [ null, "40px" ] } ] // Notes: // - We immediately freeze the 3rd item, since we're shrinking and its // min size obviously prevents it from shrinking at all. This leaves // 200px - 100px - 150px - 40px = -90px of "initial free space". // // - Our remaining flexible items have a total flex-shrink of 0.4, // so we can distribute a total of 0.4 * -90px = -36px // // - We distribute that space using *scaled* flex factors: // * 1st item's scaled flex factor: 0.3 * 100px = 30 // * 2nd item's scaled flex factor: 0.1 * 150px = 15 // ...which means... // * 1st item's share of distributed free space: 30/(30+15) = 2/3 // * 2nd item's share of distributed free space: 15/(30+15) = 1/3 // // SO: // - 1st item gets 2/3 * -36px = -24px. 100px - 24px = 76px // - 2nd item gets 1/3 * -36px = -12px. 150px - 12px = 138px }, // In this case, the items' flexibilities sum to > 1, in part due to an item // that *can't actually shrink* due to its 0 flex-basis (which gives it a // "scaled flex factor" of 0). This prevents us from triggering the special // behavior for flexibilities that sum to less than 1, and as a result, the // first item ends up absorbing all of the free space. { items: [ { "flex": "0 .5 300px", "_main-size": [ null, "200px" ] }, { "flex": "0 5 0px", "_main-size": [ null, "0px" ] } ] }, // This case is similar to the one above, but with a *barely* nonzero base // size for the second item. This should produce a result similar to the case // above. (In particular, we should first distribute a very small amount of // negative free space to the second item, getting it to approximately zero, // and distribute the bulk of the negative free space to the first item, // getting it to approximately 200px.) { items: [ { "flex": "0 .5 300px", "_main-size": [ null, "200px" ] }, { "flex": "0 1 0.01px", "_main-size": [ null, "0px" ] } ] }, // This case is similar to the ones above, but now we've increased the // flex-shrink value on the second-item so that it claims enough of the // negative free space to go below its min-size (0px). So, it triggers a min // violation & is frozen. For the loop *after* the min violation, the sum of // the remaining flex items' flex-shrink values is less than 1, so we trigger // the special <1 behavior and only distribute half of the remaining // (negative) free space to the first item (instead of all of it). { items: [ { "flex": "0 .5 300px", "_main-size": [ null, "250px" ] }, { "flex": "0 5 0.01px", "_main-size": [ null, "0px" ] } ] }, ];