#!/bin/bash # # Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # # Script to generate XUL reftest files, from corresponding reftest # files that use . # # This script expects to be run from this working directory: # mozilla-central/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3 XUL_REFTEST_PATH="../../../xul" imageFileArr=("colors-16x8.png" "colors-8x16.png" "colors-16x8.svg" "colors-8x16.svg" "colors-16x8-noSize.svg" "colors-8x16-noSize.svg" "colors-16x8-parDefault.svg" "colors-8x16-parDefault.svg") numImageFiles=${#imageFileArr[@]} # Copy image files for ((i = 0; i < $numImageFiles; i++)); do imageFileName=${imageFileArr[$i]} imageDest=$XUL_REFTEST_PATH/$imageFileName echo "Copying $imageDest." hg cp support/$imageFileName $imageDest done # Add comment & default-preferences line to reftest.list in dest directory: reftestListFileName="$XUL_REFTEST_PATH/reftest.list" echo " # Tests for XUL with 'object-fit' & 'object-position': # These tests should be very similar to tests in our w3c-css/submitted/images3 # reftest directory. They live here because they use XUL, and it # wouldn't be fair of us to make a W3C testsuite implicitly depend on XUL. default-preferences test-pref(layout.css.object-fit-and-position.enabled,true)"\ >> $reftestListFileName # Loop across all object-fit tests that use ("i" suffix): for origTestName in object-fit*i.html; do newTestName=$(echo $origTestName | sed "s/i.html/.xul/") # Find the corresponding reference case: referenceName=$(echo $origTestName | sed "s/i.html/-ref.html/") # Generate reference file (dropping "support" subdir from image paths): echo "Copying $referenceName to $XUL_REFTEST_PATH." newReferenceFullPath=$XUL_REFTEST_PATH/$referenceName hg cp $referenceName $newReferenceFullPath sed -i "s,support/,," $newReferenceFullPath # Generate testcase # (converting