#!/usr/bin/env python
# - * - coding: UTF-8 - * -
This script generates tests text-emphasis-line-height-001 ~ 004 except
001z. They test the line height expansion in different directions. This
script outputs a list of all tests it generated in the format of Mozilla
reftest.list to the stdout.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
TEST_FILE = 'text-emphasis-line-height-{:03}{}.html'
CSS Test: text-emphasis line height, {pos}, {wm}, {tag}
Pass if the emphasis marks are {dir} the black line:
REF_FILE = 'text-emphasis-line-height-{:03}-ref.html'
CSS Reference: text-emphasis line height, {pos}
Pass if the emphasis marks are {dir} the black line:
試● 験● テ● ス● ト●
STYLE1 = 'line-height: 1; border-{pos}: 1px solid black; ' + \
'writing-mode: {wm}; text-emphasis-position: {posval};'
STYLE2 = 'text-emphasis: circle;'
TAGS = [
# (tag, start, end)
('div', '', '
('span', '', '
# pos, text-emphasis-position, ruby-position,
# writing-modes, dir text
('top', 'over right', 'over',
['horizontal-tb'], 'below'),
('bottom', 'under right', 'under',
['horizontal-tb'], 'over'),
('right', 'over right', 'over',
['vertical-rl', 'vertical-lr'], 'to the left of'),
('left', 'over left', 'under',
['vertical-rl', 'vertical-lr'], 'to the right of'),
import string
def write_file(filename, content):
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
print("# START tests from {}".format(__file__))
idx = 0
for (pos, emphasis_pos, ruby_pos, wms, dir) in POSITIONS:
idx += 1
ref_file = REF_FILE.format(idx)
content = REF_TEMPLATE.format(pos=pos, dir=dir, wm=wms[0], posval=ruby_pos)
write_file(ref_file, content)
suffix = iter(string.ascii_lowercase)
for wm in wms:
style1 = STYLE1.format(pos=pos, wm=wm, posval=emphasis_pos)
for (tag, start, end) in TAGS:
test_file = TEST_FILE.format(idx, next(suffix))
content = TEST_TEMPLATE.format(
pos=pos, wm=wm, tag=tag, index=idx, dir=dir,
start=start.format(style1=style1, style2=STYLE2), end=end)
write_file(test_file, content)
print("== {} {}".format(test_file, ref_file))
print("# END tests from {}".format(__file__))