<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <!-- See ssty-1-ref.html for an explanation of this font --> <style type="text/css" media="screen, print"> @font-face { font-family: "sstyfont"; src: url("ssty.woff"); } </style> </head> <body> <!-- Test whether the ssty font feature setting is used appropriately for mroot, mfrac, munderover et al. Assumes NS_MATHML_DEFAULT_SCRIPT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER is 0.71--> <math> <mstyle style="font-family: 'sstyfont';"> <mroot> <mo>D</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mroot> <mfrac> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mfrac> <mo>C</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mo>C</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mfrac> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mroot> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mroot> <mo>B</mo> </mfrac> <mover> <mo>D</mo> <mover> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mover> </mover> <munder> <mo>D</mo> <munder> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> </munder> </munder> <munderover> <mo>D</mo> <munderover> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> <mo>C</mo> </munderover> <munderover> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> <mo>C</mo> </munderover> </munderover> </mstyle> </math> <p> <!-- ssty font feature not set on mfrac et al when displaystyle is set (still allowed on mroot, mover et al.)--> <math> <mstyle style="font-family: 'sstyfont';" displaystyle="true"> <mroot> <mo>D</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mroot> <mfrac> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mfrac> <!-- ssty gets set as script level incremented because displaystyle is now false --> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </mfrac> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mroot> <mo>D</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mroot> <mo>D</mo> </mfrac> <mover> <mo>D</mo> <mover> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> </mover> </mover> <munder> <mo>D</mo> <munder> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> </munder> </munder> <munderover> <mo>D</mo> <munderover> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> <mo>C</mo> </munderover> <munderover> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> <mo>C</mo> </munderover> </munderover> </mstyle> </math> <p> <math> <!-- scriptlevel is not incremented when accent for overframes and accentunder for underframes are true, so there shouldn't be a change in the ssty value --> <mstyle style="font-family: 'sstyfont';"> <mover accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <mover accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> </mover> </mover> <munder accentunder="true"> <mo>D</mo> <munder accentunder="true"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> </munder> </munder> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> </munderover> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> </munderover> </munderover> <mover accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <mover accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>B</mo> </mover> </mover> <munder accentunder="true"> <mo>D</mo> <munder accentunder="false"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munder> </munder> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <munderover accentunder="false" accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munderover> <munderover accentunder="false" accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munderover> </munderover> <mover accentunder="false" accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <mover accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </mover> </mover> <munder accentunder="false" accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <munder accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munder> </munder> <munderover accentunder="false" accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munderover> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="true"> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munderover> </munderover> <munderover accentunder="false" accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <munderover accentunder="false" accent="true"> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munderover> <munderover accentunder="false" accent="true"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>B</mo> <mo>D</mo> </munderover> </munderover> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="false"> <mo>D</mo> <mo>D</mo> <mo>B</mo> </munderover> <munderover accentunder="true" accent="false"> <mo>B</mo> <mo>B</mo> <mo>C</mo> </munderover> </munderover> </mstyle> </math> </body>