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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="reftest-print">
  <title>Media Query - Print mode test - device-height</title>
  <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
    p {height: 10px; width: 100px; color: yellow; }
    @media print { .a { color: aqua; } }
    @media screen { .b { color: aqua; } }

    /* we set the height to 3inches/216pt/76mm in the reftest-print class*/
    @media (device-height: 3in) { .c { color: aqua; } }    /* y */
    @media (device-height: 216pt) { .d { color: aqua; } }  /* y */
    @media (device-height: 76.2mm) { .e { color: aqua; } }  /* y */

    @media print and (device-height: 3in) { .f {color: aqua; } }  /* y */
    @media print and (device-height: 216pt) { .g {color: aqua; } }/* y */
    @media print and (device-height: 76.2mm) { .h {color: aqua; } }/* y */

    @media all and (device-height: 3in) { .i { color: aqua; } } /* y */

    /* negative cases */
    @media all and (device-height: 4in) { .j { color: aqua; } } /* n */

    @media (device-height: 130mm) { .k { color: aqua; } } /* n */
    @media (device-height: 4in) { .l { color: aqua; } }  /* n */
    @media (device-height: 400pt) { .m { color: aqua; } } /* n */

    @media screen and (device-height: 3in) { .n {color: aqua; } }   /* n */
    @media screen and (device-height: 216pt) { .o {color: aqua; } } /* n */
    @media screen and (device-height: 76.2mm) { .p {color: aqua; } } /* n */


  <p class="a">a</p>
  <p class="b">b</p>
  <p class="c">c</p>
  <p class="d">d</p>
  <p class="e">e</p>
  <p class="f">f</p>
  <p class="g">g</p>
  <p class="h">h</p>
  <p class="i">i</p>
  <p class="j">j</p>
  <p class="k">k</p>
  <p class="l">l</p>
  <p class="m">m</p>
  <p class="n">n</p>
  <p class="o">o</p>
  <p class="p">p</p>