/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsTextFrameUtils.h" #include "nsBidiUtils.h" #include "nsCharTraits.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsStyleStruct.h" #include "nsTextFragment.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include <algorithm> using namespace mozilla; static bool IsDiscardable(char16_t ch, uint32_t* aFlags) { // Unlike IS_DISCARDABLE, we don't discard \r. \r will be ignored by gfxTextRun // and discarding it would force us to copy text in many cases of preformatted // text containing \r\n. if (ch == CH_SHY) { *aFlags |= nsTextFrameUtils::TEXT_HAS_SHY; return true; } return IsBidiControl(ch); } static bool IsDiscardable(uint8_t ch, uint32_t* aFlags) { if (ch == CH_SHY) { *aFlags |= nsTextFrameUtils::TEXT_HAS_SHY; return true; } return false; } char16_t* nsTextFrameUtils::TransformText(const char16_t* aText, uint32_t aLength, char16_t* aOutput, CompressionMode aCompression, uint8_t* aIncomingFlags, gfxSkipChars* aSkipChars, uint32_t* aAnalysisFlags) { uint32_t flags = 0; char16_t* outputStart = aOutput; bool lastCharArabic = false; if (aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE || aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE_TRANSFORM_TO_SPACE) { // Skip discardables. uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) { char16_t ch = aText[i]; if (IsDiscardable(ch, &flags)) { aSkipChars->SkipChar(); } else { aSkipChars->KeepChar(); if (ch > ' ') { lastCharArabic = IS_ARABIC_CHAR(ch); } else if (aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE_TRANSFORM_TO_SPACE) { if (ch == '\t' || ch == '\n') { ch = ' '; flags |= TEXT_WAS_TRANSFORMED; } } else { // aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE if (ch == '\t') { flags |= TEXT_HAS_TAB; } } *aOutput++ = ch; } } if (lastCharArabic) { *aIncomingFlags |= INCOMING_ARABICCHAR; } else { *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_ARABICCHAR; } *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_WHITESPACE; } else { bool inWhitespace = (*aIncomingFlags & INCOMING_WHITESPACE) != 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) { char16_t ch = aText[i]; bool nowInWhitespace; if (ch == ' ' && (i + 1 >= aLength || !IsSpaceCombiningSequenceTail(&aText[i + 1], aLength - (i + 1)))) { nowInWhitespace = true; } else if (ch == '\n' && aCompression == COMPRESS_WHITESPACE_NEWLINE) { if ((i > 0 && IS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE(aText[i - 1])) || (i + 1 < aLength && IS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE(aText[i + 1]))) { aSkipChars->SkipChar(); continue; } uint32_t ucs4before; uint32_t ucs4after; if (i > 1 && NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(aText[i - 1]) && NS_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(aText[i - 2])) { ucs4before = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(aText[i - 2], aText[i - 1]); } else if (i > 0) { ucs4before = aText[i - 1]; } if (i + 2 < aLength && NS_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(aText[i + 1]) && NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(aText[i + 2])) { ucs4after = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(aText[i + 1], aText[i + 2]); } else if (i + 1 < aLength) { ucs4after = aText[i + 1]; } if (i > 0 && IsSegmentBreakSkipChar(ucs4before) && i + 1 < aLength && IsSegmentBreakSkipChar(ucs4after)) { // Discard newlines between characters that have F, W, or H // EastAsianWidth property and neither side is Hangul. aSkipChars->SkipChar(); continue; } nowInWhitespace = true; } else { nowInWhitespace = ch == '\t'; } if (!nowInWhitespace) { if (IsDiscardable(ch, &flags)) { aSkipChars->SkipChar(); nowInWhitespace = inWhitespace; } else { *aOutput++ = ch; aSkipChars->KeepChar(); lastCharArabic = IS_ARABIC_CHAR(ch); } } else { if (inWhitespace) { aSkipChars->SkipChar(); } else { if (ch != ' ') { flags |= TEXT_WAS_TRANSFORMED; } *aOutput++ = ' '; aSkipChars->KeepChar(); } } inWhitespace = nowInWhitespace; } if (lastCharArabic) { *aIncomingFlags |= INCOMING_ARABICCHAR; } else { *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_ARABICCHAR; } if (inWhitespace) { *aIncomingFlags |= INCOMING_WHITESPACE; } else { *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_WHITESPACE; } } if (outputStart + aLength != aOutput) { flags |= TEXT_WAS_TRANSFORMED; } *aAnalysisFlags = flags; return aOutput; } uint8_t* nsTextFrameUtils::TransformText(const uint8_t* aText, uint32_t aLength, uint8_t* aOutput, CompressionMode aCompression, uint8_t* aIncomingFlags, gfxSkipChars* aSkipChars, uint32_t* aAnalysisFlags) { uint32_t flags = 0; uint8_t* outputStart = aOutput; if (aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE || aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE_TRANSFORM_TO_SPACE) { // Skip discardables. uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) { uint8_t ch = aText[i]; if (IsDiscardable(ch, &flags)) { aSkipChars->SkipChar(); } else { aSkipChars->KeepChar(); if (aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE_TRANSFORM_TO_SPACE) { if (ch == '\t' || ch == '\n') { ch = ' '; flags |= TEXT_WAS_TRANSFORMED; } } else { // aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE if (ch == '\t') { flags |= TEXT_HAS_TAB; } } *aOutput++ = ch; } } *aIncomingFlags &= ~(INCOMING_ARABICCHAR | INCOMING_WHITESPACE); } else { bool inWhitespace = (*aIncomingFlags & INCOMING_WHITESPACE) != 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) { uint8_t ch = aText[i]; bool nowInWhitespace = ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || (ch == '\n' && aCompression == COMPRESS_WHITESPACE_NEWLINE); if (!nowInWhitespace) { if (IsDiscardable(ch, &flags)) { aSkipChars->SkipChar(); nowInWhitespace = inWhitespace; } else { *aOutput++ = ch; aSkipChars->KeepChar(); } } else { if (inWhitespace) { aSkipChars->SkipChar(); } else { if (ch != ' ') { flags |= TEXT_WAS_TRANSFORMED; } *aOutput++ = ' '; aSkipChars->KeepChar(); } } inWhitespace = nowInWhitespace; } *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_ARABICCHAR; if (inWhitespace) { *aIncomingFlags |= INCOMING_WHITESPACE; } else { *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_WHITESPACE; } } if (outputStart + aLength != aOutput) { flags |= TEXT_WAS_TRANSFORMED; } *aAnalysisFlags = flags; return aOutput; } uint32_t nsTextFrameUtils::ComputeApproximateLengthWithWhitespaceCompression( nsIContent *aContent, const nsStyleText *aStyleText) { const nsTextFragment *frag = aContent->GetText(); // This is an approximation so we don't really need anything // too fancy here. uint32_t len; if (aStyleText->WhiteSpaceIsSignificant()) { len = frag->GetLength(); } else { bool is2b = frag->Is2b(); union { const char *s1b; const char16_t *s2b; } u; if (is2b) { u.s2b = frag->Get2b(); } else { u.s1b = frag->Get1b(); } bool prevWS = true; // more important to ignore blocks with // only whitespace than get inline boundaries // exactly right len = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0, i_end = frag->GetLength(); i < i_end; ++i) { char16_t c = is2b ? u.s2b[i] : u.s1b[i]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') { if (!prevWS) { ++len; } prevWS = true; } else { ++len; prevWS = false; } } } return len; } bool nsSkipCharsRunIterator::NextRun() { do { if (mRunLength) { mIterator.AdvanceOriginal(mRunLength); NS_ASSERTION(mRunLength > 0, "No characters in run (initial length too large?)"); if (!mSkipped || mLengthIncludesSkipped) { mRemainingLength -= mRunLength; } } if (!mRemainingLength) return false; int32_t length; mSkipped = mIterator.IsOriginalCharSkipped(&length); mRunLength = std::min(length, mRemainingLength); } while (!mVisitSkipped && mSkipped); return true; }