    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Test for Bug 819930</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/WindowSnapshot.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
      @media braille {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);

      @media embossed {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(210, 180, 140);

      @media handheld {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(0, 255, 0);

      @media print {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);

      @media projection {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(30, 144, 255);

      @media screen {
        body {
          background-color: green;

      @media speech {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);

      @media tty {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(255, 192, 203);

      @media tv {
        body {
          background-color: rgb(75, 0, 130);
    <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=819930">Mozilla Bug 819930</a>
    <p id="display"></p>

    <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
    <pre id="test">
      <script type="application/javascript;version=1.7">
        let tests = [{name: 'braille', value: 'rgb(255, 255, 0)'},
                     {name: 'embossed', value: 'rgb(210, 180, 140)'},
                     {name: 'handheld', value: 'rgb(0, 255, 0)'},
                     {name: 'print', value: 'rgb(0, 255, 255)'},
                     {name: 'projection', value: 'rgb(30, 144, 255)'},
                     {name: 'speech', value: 'rgb(192, 192, 192)'},
                     {name: 'tty', value: 'rgb(255, 192, 203)'},
                     {name: 'tv', value: 'rgb(75, 0, 130)'}];

        let originalColor = 'rgb(0, 128, 0)';
        let body = document.body;

        let getColor = function() {
          return window.getComputedStyle(body)

        tests.forEach(function(test) {
          // Emulate the given media
          SpecialPowers.emulateMedium(window, test.name);
          is(getColor(), test.value, 'emulating ' + test.name + ' produced ' +
             'correct rendering');

          // Do the @media screen rules get applied after ending the emulation?
          is(getColor(), originalColor, 'Ending ' + test.name +
             ' emulation restores style for original medium');

          // CSS media types are case-insensitive; we should be too.
          SpecialPowers.emulateMedium(window, test.name.toUpperCase());
          is(getColor(), test.value,
             test.name + ' emulation is case-insensitive');

        // Emulating screen should produce the same rendering as when there is
        // no emulation in effect
        SpecialPowers.emulateMedium(window, 'screen');
        is(getColor(), originalColor,
           'Emulating screen produces original rendering');

        // Screen should be case-insensitive too
        SpecialPowers.emulateMedium(window, 'SCREEN');
        is(getColor(), originalColor, 'screen emulation is case-insensitive');

        // An invalid parameter shouldn't fail. Given the CSS rules above,
        // an invalid parameter should result in a different rendering from any
        // produced thus far
        try {
          SpecialPowers.emulateMedium(window, 'clay');
          let invalid = getColor();
          tests.push({name: 'screen', value: 'green'});
          tests.forEach(function(test) {
            isnot(invalid, test.value, 'Emulating invalid type differs from ' +
        } catch (e) {
          ok(false, 'Supplying invalid type to emulateMedium shouldn\'t throw');
