<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=484107 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 484107</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=484107">Mozilla Bug 484107</a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> /** Test for Bug 484107 **/ var text = "first group", xpcWin = new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(window); function get$1() { return RegExp.$1 }; function reset() { var match = /(.*)/.exec(text); if (!reset.skipStupidTests) { reset.skipStupidTests = true; ok(match, "No match?"); is(match[1], text, "Bad match?"); is(text, RegExp.$1, "RegExp.$1 missing?"); is(text, get$1(), "RegExp.$1 inaccessible?"); } } function test_XPC_SJOW_Call() { isnot(text, xpcWin.get$1(), "Able to see RegExp.$1 from wrapped method."); is("", xpcWin.get$1(), "Saw something other than an empty string for " + "RegExp.$1 from wrapped method."); is(text, window.get$1(), "Unable to see RegExp.$1 from non-wrapped method."); } function test_XPC_SJOW_Call_foreign_obj() { var obj = { xpcGet: xpcWin.get$1, rawGet: window.get$1 }; isnot(text, obj.xpcGet(), "obj.xpcGet() returned matched text."); is("", obj.xpcGet(), "obj.xpcGet() returned something other than the empty string."); is(text, obj.rawGet(), "obj.rawGet() did not return matched text."); } function test_XPC_SJOW_toString() { var str = new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper({ toString: function() { return RegExp.$1 } }) + ""; isnot(text, str, "toString() returned the matched text."); is("", str, "toString() returned something other than the empty string."); } function test_XPC_SJOW_GetOrSetProperty() { window.__defineGetter__("firstMatch", function() { return RegExp.$1 }); isnot(text, xpcWin.firstMatch, "Getter xpcWin.firstMatch returned matched text."); is("", xpcWin.firstMatch, "Getter xpcWin.firstMatch returned something other than the empty string."); is(text, window.firstMatch, "Getter window.firstMatch did not return matched text."); } function test_XPC_SJOW_Create() { function ctor() { this.match = RegExp.$1; return this; // XXX Why is this necessary? } ctor.prototype.getMatch = function() { return this.match }; var xpcCtor = new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(ctor), match = (new xpcCtor).getMatch(); isnot(text, match, "(new xpcCtor).getMatch() was the matched text."); is("", match, "(new xpcCtor).getMatch() was not the empty string."); } var tests = [ test_XPC_SJOW_Call, test_XPC_SJOW_Call_foreign_obj, test_XPC_SJOW_toString, test_XPC_SJOW_GetOrSetProperty, test_XPC_SJOW_Create ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { reset(); tests[i](); is(text, RegExp.$1, "RegExp.$1 was clobbered."); } </script> </pre> </body> </html>