// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /** * The production ExpressionStatement : [lookahead \notin {{, function}] Expression; is evaluated as follows: * 1. Evaluate Expression. * 2. Call GetValue(Result(1)). * 3. Return (normal, Result(2), empty) * * @path ch12/12.4/S12.4_A2_T2.js * @description Checking by using eval(eval(x), where x is any string) */ x="5+1|0===0"; __evaluated = eval(x); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK#1 if (__evaluated !== 7) { $ERROR('#1: __evaluated === 7. Actual: __evaluated ==='+ __evaluated ); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// __evaluated = eval("2*"+x+">-1"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK#2 if (__evaluated !== 11) { $ERROR('#2: __evaluated === 11. Actual: __evaluated ==='+ __evaluated ); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////