// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /** * Multiple Variables should Referring to a Single Object * * @path ch08/8.7/S8.7_A1.js * @description Create object and refers to the other object, modify a property in the original object. * We now see that that change is represented in both variables */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK# // Set obj to an empty object // var obj = new Object(); // objRef now refers to the other object // var objRef = obj; // Modify a property in the original object objRef.oneProperty = -1; obj.oneProperty = true; // We now see that that change is represented in both variables // (Since they both refer to the same object) if(objRef.oneProperty !== true){ $ERROR('#1: var obj = new Object(); var objRef = obj; objRef.oneProperty = -1; obj.oneProperty = true; objRef.oneProperty === true. Actual: ' + (objRef.oneProperty)); }; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////