// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /** * [[Call]] executes code associated with the object * * @path ch08/8.6/8.6.2/S8.6.2_A5_T1.js * @description Call function-property of object, property defined * as testScreen = {touch:function(){count++}} */ this.count=0; var testScreen = {touch:function(){count++}}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK#1 testScreen.touch(); if (count !==1) { $ERROR('#1: this.count=0; testScreen = {touch:function(){count++}}; testScreen.touch(); count === 1. Actual: ' + (count)); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK#2 testScreen['touch'](); if (count !==2) { $ERROR('#2: this.count=0; testScreen = {touch:function(){count++}}; testScreen.touch(); testScreen[\'touch\'](); count === 2. Actual: ' + (count)); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////