// |reftest| skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) function test() { // Bug 632056: constant-folding program([exprStmt(ident("f")), ifStmt(lit(1), blockStmt([funDecl(ident("f"), [], blockStmt([]))]), null)]).assert(Reflect.parse("f; if (1) function f(){}")); // declarations assertDecl("var x = 1, y = 2, z = 3", varDecl([{ id: ident("x"), init: lit(1) }, { id: ident("y"), init: lit(2) }, { id: ident("z"), init: lit(3) }])); assertDecl("var x, y, z", varDecl([{ id: ident("x"), init: null }, { id: ident("y"), init: null }, { id: ident("z"), init: null }])); assertDecl("function foo() { }", funDecl(ident("foo"), [], blockStmt([]))); assertDecl("function foo() { return 42 }", funDecl(ident("foo"), [], blockStmt([returnStmt(lit(42))]))); assertDecl("function foo(...rest) { }", funDecl(ident("foo"), [], blockStmt([]), [], ident("rest"))); assertDecl("function foo(a=4) { }", funDecl(ident("foo"), [ident("a")], blockStmt([]), [lit(4)])); assertDecl("function foo(a, b=4) { }", funDecl(ident("foo"), [ident("a"), ident("b")], blockStmt([]), [null, lit(4)])); assertDecl("function foo(a, b=4, ...rest) { }", funDecl(ident("foo"), [ident("a"), ident("b")], blockStmt([]), [null, lit(4), null], ident("rest"))); assertDecl("function foo(a=(function () {})) { function a() {} }", funDecl(ident("foo"), [ident("a")], blockStmt([funDecl(ident("a"), [], blockStmt([]))]), [funExpr(null, [], blockStmt([]))])); // Bug 1018628: default paremeter for destructuring assertDecl("function f(a=1, [x,y]=[2,3]) { }", funDecl(ident("f"), [ident("a"), arrPatt([ident("x"), ident("y")])], blockStmt([]), [lit(1), arrExpr([lit(2), lit(3)])])); // Bug 591437: rebound args have their defs turned into uses assertDecl("function f(a) { function a() { } }", funDecl(ident("f"), [ident("a")], blockStmt([funDecl(ident("a"), [], blockStmt([]))]))); assertDecl("function f(a,b,c) { function b() { } }", funDecl(ident("f"), [ident("a"),ident("b"),ident("c")], blockStmt([funDecl(ident("b"), [], blockStmt([]))]))); assertDecl("function f(a,[x,y]) { function a() { } }", funDecl(ident("f"), [ident("a"), arrPatt([assignElem("x"), assignElem("y")])], blockStmt([funDecl(ident("a"), [], blockStmt([]))]))); // Bug 591450: this test currently crashes because of a bug in jsparse // assertDecl("function f(a,[x,y],b,[w,z],c) { function b() { } }", // funDecl(ident("f"), // [ident("a"), arrPatt([ident("x"), ident("y")]), ident("b"), arrPatt([ident("w"), ident("z")]), ident("c")], // blockStmt([funDecl(ident("b"), [], blockStmt([]))]))); // redeclarations (TOK_NAME nodes with lexdef) assertStmt("function f() { function g() { } function g() { } }", funDecl(ident("f"), [], blockStmt([funDecl(ident("g"), [], blockStmt([])), funDecl(ident("g"), [], blockStmt([]))]))); // Fails due to parser quirks (bug 638577) //assertStmt("function f() { function g() { } function g() { return 42 } }", // funDecl(ident("f"), [], blockStmt([funDecl(ident("g"), [], blockStmt([])), // funDecl(ident("g"), [], blockStmt([returnStmt(lit(42))]))]))); assertStmt("function f() { var x = 42; var x = 43; }", funDecl(ident("f"), [], blockStmt([varDecl([{ id: ident("x"), init: lit(42) }]), varDecl([{ id: ident("x"), init: lit(43) }])]))); assertDecl("var {x:y} = foo;", varDecl([{ id: objPatt([assignProp("x", ident("y"))]), init: ident("foo") }])); assertDecl("var {x} = foo;", varDecl([{ id: objPatt([assignProp("x")]), init: ident("foo") }])); // Bug 632030: redeclarations between var and funargs, var and function assertStmt("function g(x) { var x }", funDecl(ident("g"), [ident("x")], blockStmt([varDecl[{ id: ident("x"), init: null }]]))); assertProg("f.p = 1; var f; f.p; function f(){}", [exprStmt(aExpr("=", dotExpr(ident("f"), ident("p")), lit(1))), varDecl([{ id: ident("f"), init: null }]), exprStmt(dotExpr(ident("f"), ident("p"))), funDecl(ident("f"), [], blockStmt([]))]); } assertBlockStmt("{ function f(x) {} }", blockStmt([funDecl(ident("f"), [ident("x")], blockStmt([]))])); // Annex B semantics should not change parse tree. assertBlockStmt("{ let f; { function f(x) {} } }", blockStmt([letDecl([{ id: ident("f"), init: null }]), blockStmt([funDecl(ident("f"), [ident("x")], blockStmt([]))])])); runtest(test);