// |reftest| skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) -- needs detachArrayBuffer() /* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ */ var gTestfile = "typedarray-copyWithin-arguments-detaching.js"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var BUGNUMBER = 991981; var summary = "%TypedArray.prototype.copyWithin shouldn't misbehave horribly if " + "index-argument conversion detaches the underlying ArrayBuffer"; print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary); /************** * BEGIN TEST * **************/ function testBegin() { var ab = new ArrayBuffer(0x1000); var begin = { valueOf: function() { detachArrayBuffer(ab); return 0x800; } }; var ta = new Uint8Array(ab); var ok = false; try { ta.copyWithin(0, begin, 0x1000); } catch (e) { ok = true; } assertEq(ok, true, "start weirdness should have thrown"); assertEq(ab.byteLength, 0, "detaching should work for start weirdness"); } testBegin(); function testEnd() { var ab = new ArrayBuffer(0x1000); var end = { valueOf: function() { detachArrayBuffer(ab); return 0x1000; } }; var ta = new Uint8Array(ab); var ok = false; try { ta.copyWithin(0, 0x800, end); } catch (e) { ok = true; } assertEq(ok, true, "start weirdness should have thrown"); assertEq(ab.byteLength, 0, "detaching should work for start weirdness"); } testEnd(); function testDest() { var ab = new ArrayBuffer(0x1000); var dest = { valueOf: function() { detachArrayBuffer(ab); return 0; } }; var ta = new Uint8Array(ab); var ok = false; try { ta.copyWithin(dest, 0x800, 0x1000); } catch (e) { ok = true; } assertEq(ok, true, "start weirdness should have thrown"); assertEq(ab.byteLength, 0, "detaching should work for start weirdness"); } testDest(); /******************************************************************************/ if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true); print("Tests complete");