/* -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var BUGNUMBER = "336376"; var summary = "Tests reserved words in contexts in which they are not reserved"; var actual, expect; printBugNumber(BUGNUMBER); printStatus(summary); /************** * TEST SETUP * **************/ // // New tests go in Tester.prototype._tests. A test is called with a single // argument, the keyword to test in the syntax tested by that test. Tests // should not return anything, and they should signal failure by throwing an // explanatory exception and success by not throwing one. // // If you define a new test, make sure to name it using an informative string // for ease of use if any keywords ever manually define the array of tests they // should pass, and add it as a string to ALL_TESTS. // // all tests const ALL_TESTS = [ "CONTEXT_OBJECT_LITERAL_PROPERTY", "CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_REFERENCE", "CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_REFERENCE_IS_FUNCTION", "CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_GET", "CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_SET", ]; function r(keyword, tests) { /** * @param keyword * the keyword as a string * @param tests * array of test numbers against it, or leave undefined to run all tests * against it */ function Reserved(keyword, tests) { this.keyword = keyword; if (tests) this.tests = tests; else this.tests = ALL_TESTS; } Reserved.prototype = { toString: function() { return "'" + this.keyword + "' being run against tests " + this.tests; } }; return new Reserved(keyword, tests); } // ECMA-262, 3rd. ed. keywords -- see 7.5.2 const ECMA_262_3_KEYWORD = [ r("break"), r("case"), r("catch"), r("continue"), r("default"), r("delete"), r("do"), r("else"), r("finally"), r("for"), r("function"), r("if"), r("in"), r("instanceof"), r("new"), r("return"), r("switch"), r("this"), r("throw"), r("try"), r("typeof"), r("var"), r("void"), r("while"), r("with"), ]; // ECMA-262, 3rd. ed. future reserved keywords -- see 7.5.3 const ECMA_262_3_FUTURERESERVEDKEYWORD = [ r("abstract"), r("boolean"), r("byte"), r("char"), r("class"), r("const"), r("debugger"), r("double"), r("enum"), r("export"), r("extends"), r("final"), r("float"), r("goto"), r("implements"), r("import"), r("int"), r("interface"), r("long"), r("native"), r("package"), r("private"), r("protected"), r("public"), r("short"), r("static"), r("super"), r("synchronized"), r("throws"), r("transient"), r("volatile"), ]; // like reserved words, but not quite reserved words const PSEUDO_RESERVED = [ r("true"), r("false"), r("null"), r("each"), // |for each| ]; // new-in-ES4 reserved words -- fill this as each is implemented const ECMA_262_4_RESERVED_WORDS = [ r("let") ]; /** * @param keyword * string containing the tested keyword * @param test * the number of the failing test * @param error * the exception thrown when running the test */ function Failure(keyword, test, error) { this.keyword = keyword; this.test = test; this.error = error; } Failure.prototype = { toString: function() { return "*** FAILURE on '" + this.keyword + "'!\n" + "* test: " + this.test + "\n" + "* error: " + this.error + "\n"; } }; function Tester() { this._failedTests = []; } Tester.prototype = { testReservedWords: function(reservedArray) { var rv; for (var i = 0, sz = reservedArray.length; i < sz; i++) { var res = reservedArray[i]; if (!res) continue; var tests = res.tests; for (var j = 0, sz2 = tests.length; j < sz2; j++) { var test = tests[j]; if (!test) continue; try { this._tests[test](res.keyword); } catch (e) { this._failedTests.push(new Failure(res.keyword, test, e)); } } } }, flushErrors: function () { if (this._failedTests.length > 0) { var except = "*************************\n" + "* FAILURES ENCOUNTERED! *\n" + "*************************\n"; for (var i = 0, sz = this._failedTests.length; i < sz; i++) except += this._failedTests[i]; throw except; } }, _tests: { CONTEXT_OBJECT_LITERAL_PROPERTY: function(keyword) { try { eval("var o = { " + keyword + ": 17 };\n" + "if (o['" + keyword + "'] != 17)\n" + "throw \"o['" + keyword + "'] == 17\";"); } catch (e) { throw e; } }, CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_REFERENCE: function(keyword) { try { eval("var o = { \"" + keyword + "\": 17, baz: null };\n" + "if (o." + keyword + " != 17)\n" + "throw \"o." + keyword + " == 17\";"); } catch (e) { throw e; } }, CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_REFERENCE_IS_FUNCTION: function(keyword) { try { eval("var o = { '" + keyword + "': function() { return 17; }, baz: null };\n" + "if (o." + keyword + "() != 17)\n" + "throw \"o." + keyword + " == 17\";"); } catch (e) { throw e; } }, CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_GET: function(keyword) { try { var o = {}; eval("o['" + keyword + "'] = 17;\n" + "if (o." + keyword + " != 17)\n" + "throw \"'o." + keyword + " != 17' failed!\";"); } catch (e) { throw e; } }, CONTEXT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_DOT_SET: function(keyword) { try { var o = {}; eval("o." + keyword + " = 17;\n" + "if (o['" + keyword + "'] != 17)\n" + "throw \"'o." + keyword + " = 17' failed!\";"); } catch (e) { throw e; } }, } }; /*************** * BEGIN TESTS * ***************/ var failed = false; try { var tester = new Tester(); tester.testReservedWords(ECMA_262_3_KEYWORD); tester.testReservedWords(ECMA_262_3_FUTURERESERVEDKEYWORD); tester.testReservedWords(PSEUDO_RESERVED); tester.testReservedWords(ECMA_262_4_RESERVED_WORDS); tester.flushErrors(); } catch (e) { failed = e; } expect = false; actual = failed; reportCompare(expect, actual, summary);