// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("SIMD")) /* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var Float32x4 = SIMD.Float32x4; var Float64x2 = SIMD.Float64x2; function testMaxFloat32(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float32x4.max, (x, y) => Math.fround(Math.max(x, y)), 4); } function testMinFloat32(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float32x4.min, (x, y) => Math.fround(Math.min(x, y)), 4); } function testMaxFloat64(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float64x2.max, (x, y) => Math.max(x, y), 2); } function testMinFloat64(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float64x2.min, (x, y) => Math.min(x, y), 2); } function maxNum(x, y) { if (x != x) return y; if (y != y) return x; return Math.max(x, y); } function minNum(x, y) { if (x != x) return y; if (y != y) return x; return Math.min(x, y); } function testMaxNumFloat32(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float32x4.maxNum, maxNum, 4); } function testMinNumFloat32(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float32x4.minNum, minNum, 4); } function testMaxNumFloat64(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float64x2.maxNum, maxNum, 2); } function testMinNumFloat64(v, w) { return testBinaryFunc(v, w, Float64x2.minNum, minNum, 2); } function test() { var v, w; for ([v, w] of [[Float32x4(1, 20, 30, 4), Float32x4(10, 2, 3, 40)], [Float32x4(9.999, 2.1234, 30.4443, 4), Float32x4(10, 2.1233, 30.4444, 4.0001)], [Float32x4(NaN, -Infinity, +Infinity, -0), Float32x4(13.37, 42.42, NaN, 0)]]) { testMinFloat32(v, w); testMaxFloat32(v, w); testMinNumFloat32(v, w); testMaxNumFloat32(v, w); } for ([v, w] of [[Float64x2(1, 20), Float64x2(10, 2)], [Float64x2(30, 4), Float64x2(3, 40)], [Float64x2(9.999, 2.1234), Float64x2(10, 2.1233)], [Float64x2(30.4443, 4), Float64x2(30.4444, 4.0001)], [Float64x2(NaN, -Infinity), Float64x2(13.37, 42.42)], [Float64x2(+Infinity, -0), Float64x2(NaN, 0)]]) { testMinFloat64(v, w); testMaxFloat64(v, w); testMinNumFloat64(v, w); testMaxNumFloat64(v, w); } if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true); } test();