var BUGNUMBER = 1185106;
var summary = "EarlyErrors for async function";

print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary);

function assertThrowsSE(code) {
  assertThrows(() => Reflect.parse(code), SyntaxError);

if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.parse) {
    // If FormalParameters Contains AwaitExpression is true.
    assertThrowsSE("async function a(k = await 3) {}");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function(k = await 3) {})");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function a(k = await 3) {})");

    // If BindingIdentifier is `eval` or `arguments`.
    assertThrowsSE("'use strict'; async function eval() {}");
    assertThrowsSE("'use strict'; (async function eval() {})");

    assertThrowsSE("'use strict'; async function arguments() {}");
    assertThrowsSE("'use strict'; (async function arguments() {})");

    // If any element of the BoundNames of FormalParameters also occurs in the
    // LexicallyDeclaredNames of AsyncFunctionBody.
    assertThrowsSE("async function a(x) { let x; }");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function(x) { let x; })");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function a(x) { let x; })");

    // If FormalParameters contains SuperProperty is true.
    assertThrowsSE("async function a(k = super.prop) { }");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function(k = super.prop) {})");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function a(k = super.prop) {})");

    // If AsyncFunctionBody contains SuperProperty is true.
    assertThrowsSE("async function a() { super.prop(); }");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function() { super.prop(); })");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function a() { super.prop(); })");

    // If FormalParameters contains SuperCall is true.
    assertThrowsSE("async function a(k = super()) {}");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function(k = super()) {})");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function a(k = super()) {})");

    // If AsyncFunctionBody contains SuperCall is true.
    assertThrowsSE("async function a() { super(); }");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function() { super(); })");
    assertThrowsSE("(async function a() { super(); })");

if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
    reportCompare(true, true);