// |reftest| skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) -- needs drainJobQueue if (!this.Promise) { this.reportCompare && reportCompare(true,true); quit(0); } // Resolve Promise with itself by directly calling the "Promise Resolve Function". let resolve; let promise = new Promise(function(x) { resolve = x; }); resolve(promise) let results = []; promise.then(res => assertEq(true, false, "not reached")).catch(res => { assertEq(res instanceof TypeError, true); results.push("rejected"); }); drainJobQueue() assertEq(results.length, 1); assertEq(results[0], "rejected"); // Resolve Promise with itself when the "Promise Resolve Function" is called // from (the fast path in) PromiseReactionJob. results = []; promise = new Promise(x => { resolve = x; }); let promise2 = promise.then(() => promise2); promise2.then(() => assertEq(true, false, "not reached"), res => { assertEq(res instanceof TypeError, true); results.push("rejected"); }); resolve(); drainJobQueue(); assertEq(results.length, 1); assertEq(results[0], "rejected"); this.reportCompare && reportCompare(0, 0, "ok");