var BUGNUMBER = 1184922; var summary = "Array destructuring with various default values in various context - class expression and super/"; print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary); testDestructuringArrayDefault(`class E { constructor() {} method() {} get v() {} set v(_) {} static method() {} static get v() {} static set v(_) {} }`); testDestructuringArrayDefault(`class E extends C { constructor() {} method() {} get v() {} set v(_) {} static method() {} static get v() {} static set v(_) {} }`); var opt = { no_plain: true, no_func: true, no_func_arg: true, no_gen: true, no_gen_arg: true, no_ctor: true, no_method: true, no_pre_super: true, no_comp: true, no_derived_ctor: false, }; testDestructuringArrayDefault("super()", opt); opt = { no_plain: true, no_func: true, no_func_arg: true, no_gen: true, no_gen_arg: true, no_ctor: true, no_comp: true, no_derived_ctor: false, no_method: false, no_pre_super: false, }; testDestructuringArrayDefault("", opt); opt = { no_plain: true, no_func: false, no_func_arg: false, no_gen: false, no_gen_arg: false, no_ctor: false, no_derived_ctor: false, no_method: false, no_pre_super: false, no_comp: false, }; testDestructuringArrayDefault("", opt); if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true);