/* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var BUGNUMBER = 614070; var summary = 'Array.prototype.unshift without args'; print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary); /************** * BEGIN TEST * **************/ // ES6 ToLength clamps length values to 2^53 - 1. // We currently clamp to 2^32 - 1 instead. See bug 924058. var MAX_LENGTH = 0xffffffff; var a = {}; a.length = MAX_LENGTH + 1; assertEq([].unshift.call(a), MAX_LENGTH); assertEq(a.length, MAX_LENGTH); function testGetSet(len, expected) { var newlen; var a = { get length() { return len; }, set length(v) { newlen = v; } }; var res = [].unshift.call(a); assertEq(res, expected); assertEq(newlen, expected); } testGetSet(0, 0); testGetSet(10, 10); testGetSet("1", 1); testGetSet(null, 0); testGetSet(MAX_LENGTH + 2, MAX_LENGTH); testGetSet(-5, 0); /******************************************************************************/ if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true); print("All tests passed!");