/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Date: 26 November 2000 * * * SUMMARY: Passing (RegExp object, flag) to RegExp() function. * This test arose from Bugzilla bug 61266. The ECMA3 section is: * * 15.10.3 The RegExp Constructor Called as a Function * * RegExp(pattern, flags) * * If pattern is an object R whose [[Class]] property is "RegExp" * and flags is undefined, then return R unchanged. Otherwise * call the RegExp constructor (section, passing it the * pattern and flags arguments and return the object constructed * by that constructor. * * * The current test will check the first scenario outlined above: * * "pattern" is itself a RegExp object R * "flags" is undefined * * This test is identical to test, except here we do: * * RegExp(R, undefined); * * instead of: * * RegExp(R); * * * We check that RegExp(R, undefined) returns R - */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var BUGNUMBER = '61266'; var summary = 'Passing (RegExp object,flag) to RegExp() function'; var statprefix = 'RegExp(new RegExp('; var comma = ', '; var singlequote = "'"; var closeparens = '))'; var cnSUCCESS = 'RegExp() returned the supplied RegExp object'; var cnFAILURE = 'RegExp() did NOT return the supplied RegExp object'; var i = -1; var j = -1; var s = ''; var f = ''; var obj = {}; var status = ''; var actual = ''; var expect = ''; var patterns = new Array(); var flags = new Array(); // various regular expressions to try - patterns[0] = ''; patterns[1] = 'abc'; patterns[2] = '(.*)(3-1)\s\w'; patterns[3] = '(.*)(...)\\s\\w'; patterns[4] = '[^A-Za-z0-9_]'; patterns[5] = '[^\f\n\r\t\v](123.5)([4 - 8]$)'; // various flags to try - flags[0] = 'i'; flags[1] = 'g'; flags[2] = 'm'; flags[3] = undefined; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test() { enterFunc ('test'); printBugNumber(BUGNUMBER); printStatus (summary); for (i in patterns) { s = patterns[i]; for (j in flags) { f = flags[j]; status = getStatus(s, f); obj = new RegExp(s, f); actual = (obj == RegExp(obj, undefined))? cnSUCCESS : cnFAILURE ; expect = cnSUCCESS; reportCompare (expect, actual, status); } } exitFunc ('test'); } function getStatus(regexp, flag) { return (statprefix + quote(regexp) + comma + flag + closeparens); } function quote(text) { return (singlequote + text + singlequote); }