/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Date functions used by tests in Date suite * */ var msPerDay = 86400000; var HoursPerDay = 24; var MinutesPerHour = 60; var SecondsPerMinute = 60; var msPerSecond = 1000; var msPerMinute = 60000; // msPerSecond * SecondsPerMinute var msPerHour = 3600000; // msPerMinute * MinutesPerHour var TZ_DIFF = getTimeZoneDiff(); // offset of tester's timezone from UTC var TZ_ADJUST = TZ_DIFF * msPerHour; var TZ_PST = -8; // offset of Pacific Standard Time from UTC var PST_DIFF = TZ_DIFF - TZ_PST; // offset of tester's timezone from PST var TIME_1970 = 0; var TIME_2000 = 946684800000; var TIME_1900 = -2208988800000; var UTC_29_FEB_2000 = TIME_2000 + 31*msPerDay + 28*msPerDay; var UTC_1_JAN_2005 = TIME_2000 + TimeInYear(2000) + TimeInYear(2001) + TimeInYear(2002) + TimeInYear(2003) + TimeInYear(2004); var now = new Date(); var TIME_NOW = now.valueOf(); //valueOf() is to accurate to the millisecond //Date.parse() is accurate only to the second /* * Originally, the test suite used a hard-coded value TZ_DIFF = -8. * But that was only valid for testers in the Pacific Standard Time Zone! * We calculate the proper number dynamically for any tester. We just * have to be careful not to use a date subject to Daylight Savings Time... */ function getTimeZoneDiff() { return -((new Date(2000, 1, 1)).getTimezoneOffset())/60; } /* * Date test "ResultArrays" are hard-coded for Pacific Standard Time. * We must adjust them for the tester's own timezone - */ function adjustResultArray(ResultArray, msMode) { // If the tester's system clock is in PST, no need to continue - if (!PST_DIFF) {return;} /* The date testcases instantiate Date objects in two different ways: * * millisecond mode: e.g. dt = new Date(10000000); * year-month-day mode: dt = new Date(2000, 5, 1, ...); * * In the first case, the date is measured from Time 0 in Greenwich (i.e. UTC). * In the second case, it is measured with reference to the tester's local timezone. * * In the first case we must correct those values expected for local measurements, * like dt.getHours() etc. No correction is necessary for dt.getUTCHours() etc. * * In the second case, it is exactly the other way around - */ if (msMode) { // The hard-coded UTC milliseconds from Time 0 derives from a UTC date. // Shift to the right by the offset between UTC and the tester. var t = ResultArray[TIME] + TZ_DIFF*msPerHour; // Use our date arithmetic functions to determine the local hour, day, etc. ResultArray[HOURS] = HourFromTime(t); ResultArray[DAY] = WeekDay(t); ResultArray[DATE] = DateFromTime(t); ResultArray[MONTH] = MonthFromTime(t); ResultArray[YEAR] = YearFromTime(t); } else { // The hard-coded UTC milliseconds from Time 0 derives from a PST date. // Shift to the left by the offset between PST and the tester. var t = ResultArray[TIME] - PST_DIFF*msPerHour; // Use our date arithmetic functions to determine the UTC hour, day, etc. ResultArray[TIME] = t; ResultArray[UTC_HOURS] = HourFromTime(t); ResultArray[UTC_DAY] = WeekDay(t); ResultArray[UTC_DATE] = DateFromTime(t); ResultArray[UTC_MONTH] = MonthFromTime(t); ResultArray[UTC_YEAR] = YearFromTime(t); } } function Day( t ) { return ( Math.floor(t/msPerDay ) ); } function DaysInYear( y ) { if ( y % 4 != 0 ) { return 365; } if ( (y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0) ) { return 366; } if ( (y % 100 == 0) && (y % 400 != 0) ) { return 365; } if ( (y % 400 == 0) ){ return 366; } else { return "ERROR: DaysInYear(" + y + ") case not covered"; } } function TimeInYear( y ) { return ( DaysInYear(y) * msPerDay ); } function DayNumber( t ) { return ( Math.floor( t / msPerDay ) ); } function TimeWithinDay( t ) { var r = t % msPerDay; if (r < 0) { r += msPerDay; } return r; } function YearNumber( t ) { } function TimeFromYear( y ) { return ( msPerDay * DayFromYear(y) ); } function DayFromYear( y ) { return ( 365*(y-1970) + Math.floor((y-1969)/4) - Math.floor((y-1901)/100) + Math.floor((y-1601)/400) ); } function InLeapYear( t ) { if ( DaysInYear(YearFromTime(t)) == 365 ) { return 0; } if ( DaysInYear(YearFromTime(t)) == 366 ) { return 1; } else { return "ERROR: InLeapYear("+ t + ") case not covered"; } } function YearFromTime( t ) { t = Number( t ); var sign = ( t < 0 ) ? -1 : 1; var year = ( sign < 0 ) ? 1969 : 1970; for ( var timeToTimeZero = t; ; ) { // subtract the current year's time from the time that's left. timeToTimeZero -= sign * TimeInYear(year) // if there's less than the current year's worth of time left, then break. if ( sign < 0 ) { if ( sign * timeToTimeZero <= 0 ) { break; } else { year += sign; } } else { if ( sign * timeToTimeZero < 0 ) { break; } else { year += sign; } } } return ( year ); } function MonthFromTime( t ) { // i know i could use switch but i'd rather not until it's part of ECMA var day = DayWithinYear( t ); var leap = InLeapYear(t); if ( (0 <= day) && (day < 31) ) { return 0; } if ( (31 <= day) && (day < (59+leap)) ) { return 1; } if ( ((59+leap) <= day) && (day < (90+leap)) ) { return 2; } if ( ((90+leap) <= day) && (day < (120+leap)) ) { return 3; } if ( ((120+leap) <= day) && (day < (151+leap)) ) { return 4; } if ( ((151+leap) <= day) && (day < (181+leap)) ) { return 5; } if ( ((181+leap) <= day) && (day < (212+leap)) ) { return 6; } if ( ((212+leap) <= day) && (day < (243+leap)) ) { return 7; } if ( ((243+leap) <= day) && (day < (273+leap)) ) { return 8; } if ( ((273+leap) <= day) && (day < (304+leap)) ) { return 9; } if ( ((304+leap) <= day) && (day < (334+leap)) ) { return 10; } if ( ((334+leap) <= day) && (day < (365+leap)) ) { return 11; } else { return "ERROR: MonthFromTime("+t+") not known"; } } function DayWithinYear( t ) { return( Day(t) - DayFromYear(YearFromTime(t))); } function DateFromTime( t ) { var day = DayWithinYear(t); var month = MonthFromTime(t); if ( month == 0 ) { return ( day + 1 ); } if ( month == 1 ) { return ( day - 30 ); } if ( month == 2 ) { return ( day - 58 - InLeapYear(t) ); } if ( month == 3 ) { return ( day - 89 - InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 4 ) { return ( day - 119 - InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 5 ) { return ( day - 150- InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 6 ) { return ( day - 180- InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 7 ) { return ( day - 211- InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 8 ) { return ( day - 242- InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 9 ) { return ( day - 272- InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 10 ) { return ( day - 303- InLeapYear(t)); } if ( month == 11 ) { return ( day - 333- InLeapYear(t)); } return ("ERROR: DateFromTime("+t+") not known" ); } function WeekDay( t ) { var weekday = (Day(t)+4) % 7; return( weekday < 0 ? 7 + weekday : weekday ); } // missing daylight savings time adjustment function HourFromTime( t ) { var h = Math.floor( t / msPerHour ) % HoursPerDay; return ( (h<0) ? HoursPerDay + h : h ); } function MinFromTime( t ) { var min = Math.floor( t / msPerMinute ) % MinutesPerHour; return( ( min < 0 ) ? MinutesPerHour + min : min ); } function SecFromTime( t ) { var sec = Math.floor( t / msPerSecond ) % SecondsPerMinute; return ( (sec < 0 ) ? SecondsPerMinute + sec : sec ); } function msFromTime( t ) { var ms = t % msPerSecond; return ( (ms < 0 ) ? msPerSecond + ms : ms ); } function LocalTZA() { return ( TZ_DIFF * msPerHour ); } function UTC( t ) { return ( t - LocalTZA() - DaylightSavingTA(t - LocalTZA()) ); } function DaylightSavingTA( t ) { t = t - LocalTZA(); var dst_start = GetDSTStart(t); var dst_end = GetDSTEnd(t); if ( t >= dst_start && t < dst_end ) return msPerHour; return 0; } function GetFirstSundayInMonth( t, m ) { var year = YearFromTime(t); var leap = InLeapYear(t); // month m 0..11 // april == 3 // march == 2 // set time to first day of month m var time = TimeFromYear(year); for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i) { time += TimeInMonth(i, leap); } for ( var first_sunday = time; WeekDay(first_sunday) > 0; first_sunday += msPerDay ) { ; } return first_sunday; } function GetLastSundayInMonth( t, m ) { var year = YearFromTime(t); var leap = InLeapYear(t); // month m 0..11 // april == 3 // march == 2 // first day of following month var time = TimeFromYear(year); for (var i = 0; i <= m; ++i) { time += TimeInMonth(i, leap); } // prev day == last day of month time -= msPerDay; for ( var last_sunday = time; WeekDay(last_sunday) > 0; last_sunday -= msPerDay ) { ; } return last_sunday; } /* Daylight Saving Time Adjustment The implementation of ECMAScript should not try to determine whether the exact time was subject to daylight saving time, but just whether daylight saving time would have been in effect if the current daylight saving time algorithm had been used at the time. This avoids complications such as taking into account the years that the locale observed daylight saving time year round. */ /* US DST algorithm Before 2007, DST starts first Sunday in April at 2 AM and ends last Sunday in October at 2 AM Starting in 2007, DST starts second Sunday in March at 2 AM and ends first Sunday in November at 2 AM Note that different operating systems behave differently. Fully patched Windows XP uses the 2007 algorithm for all dates while fully patched Fedora Core 6 and RHEL 4 Linux use the algorithm in effect at the time. Since pre-2007 DST is a subset of 2007 DST rules, this only affects tests that occur in the period Mar-Apr and Oct-Nov where the two algorithms do not agree. */ function GetDSTStart( t ) { return (GetFirstSundayInMonth(t, 2) + 7*msPerDay + 2*msPerHour - LocalTZA()); } function GetDSTEnd( t ) { return (GetFirstSundayInMonth(t, 10) + 2*msPerHour - LocalTZA()); } function GetOldDSTStart( t ) { return (GetFirstSundayInMonth(t, 3) + 2*msPerHour - LocalTZA()); } function GetOldDSTEnd( t ) { return (GetLastSundayInMonth(t, 9) + 2*msPerHour - LocalTZA()); } function LocalTime( t ) { return ( t + LocalTZA() + DaylightSavingTA(t) ); } function MakeTime( hour, min, sec, ms ) { if ( isNaN( hour ) || isNaN( min ) || isNaN( sec ) || isNaN( ms ) ) { return Number.NaN; } hour = ToInteger(hour); min = ToInteger( min); sec = ToInteger( sec); ms = ToInteger( ms ); return( (hour*msPerHour) + (min*msPerMinute) + (sec*msPerSecond) + ms ); } function MakeDay( year, month, date ) { if ( isNaN(year) || isNaN(month) || isNaN(date) ) { return Number.NaN; } year = ToInteger(year); month = ToInteger(month); date = ToInteger(date ); var sign = ( year < 1970 ) ? -1 : 1; var t = ( year < 1970 ) ? 1 : 0; var y = ( year < 1970 ) ? 1969 : 1970; var result5 = year + Math.floor( month/12 ); var result6 = month % 12; if ( year < 1970 ) { for ( y = 1969; y >= year; y += sign ) { t += sign * TimeInYear(y); } } else { for ( y = 1970 ; y < year; y += sign ) { t += sign * TimeInYear(y); } } var leap = InLeapYear( t ); for ( var m = 0; m < month; m++ ) { t += TimeInMonth( m, leap ); } if ( YearFromTime(t) != result5 ) { return Number.NaN; } if ( MonthFromTime(t) != result6 ) { return Number.NaN; } if ( DateFromTime(t) != 1 ) { return Number.NaN; } return ( (Day(t)) + date - 1 ); } function TimeInMonth( month, leap ) { // september april june november // jan 0 feb 1 mar 2 apr 3 may 4 june 5 jul 6 // aug 7 sep 8 oct 9 nov 10 dec 11 if ( month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 8 || month == 10 ) { return ( 30*msPerDay ); } // all the rest if ( month == 0 || month == 2 || month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 7 || month == 9 || month == 11 ) { return ( 31*msPerDay ); } // save february return ( (leap == 0) ? 28*msPerDay : 29*msPerDay ); } function MakeDate( day, time ) { if ( day == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || day == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) { return Number.NaN; } if ( time == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || time == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) { return Number.NaN; } return ( day * msPerDay ) + time; } function TimeClip( t ) { if ( isNaN( t ) ) { return ( Number.NaN ); } if ( Math.abs( t ) > 8.64e15 ) { return ( Number.NaN ); } return ( ToInteger( t ) ); } function ToInteger( t ) { t = Number( t ); if ( isNaN( t ) ){ return ( Number.NaN ); } if ( t == 0 || t == -0 || t == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || t == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) { return 0; } var sign = ( t < 0 ) ? -1 : 1; return ( sign * Math.floor( Math.abs( t ) ) ); } function Enumerate ( o ) { var p; for ( p in o ) { print( p +": " + o[p] ); } }