/* -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** File Name: ECMA Section: tan( x ) Description: return an approximation to the tan of the argument. argument is expressed in radians special cases: - if x is NaN result is NaN - if x is 0 result is 0 - if x is -0 result is -0 - if x is Infinity or -Infinity result is NaN Author: christine@netscape.com Date: 7 july 1997 */ var SECTION = ""; var VERSION = "ECMA_1"; startTest(); var TITLE = "Math.tan(x)"; var EXCLUDE = "true"; writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan.length", 1, Math.tan.length ); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan()", Number.NaN, Math.tan() ); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(void 0)", Number.NaN, Math.tan(void 0)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(null)", 0, Math.tan(null) ); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(false)", 0, Math.tan(false) ); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(NaN)", Number.NaN, Math.tan(Number.NaN) ); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(0)", 0, Math.tan(0)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(-0)", -0, Math.tan(-0)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(Infinity)", Number.NaN, Math.tan(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(-Infinity)", Number.NaN, Math.tan(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(Math.PI/4)", 1, Math.tan(Math.PI/4)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(3*Math.PI/4)", -1, Math.tan(3*Math.PI/4)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(Math.PI)", -0, Math.tan(Math.PI)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(5*Math.PI/4)", 1, Math.tan(5*Math.PI/4)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(7*Math.PI/4)", -1, Math.tan(7*Math.PI/4)); new TestCase( SECTION, "Infinity/Math.tan(-0)", -Infinity, Infinity/Math.tan(-0) ); /* Arctan (x) ~ PI/2 - 1/x for large x. For x = 1.6x10^16, 1/x is about the last binary digit of double precision PI/2. That is to say, perturbing PI/2 by this much is about the smallest rounding error possible. This suggests that the answer Christine is getting and a real Infinity are "adjacent" results from the tangent function. I suspect that tan (PI/2 + one ulp) is a negative result about the same size as tan (PI/2) and that this pair are the closest results to infinity that the algorithm can deliver. In any case, my call is that the answer we're seeing is "right". I suggest the test pass on any result this size or larger. = C = */ new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(3*Math.PI/2) >= 5443000000000000", true, Math.tan(3*Math.PI/2) >= 5443000000000000 ); new TestCase( SECTION, "Math.tan(Math.PI/2) >= 5443000000000000", true, Math.tan(Math.PI/2) >= 5443000000000000 ); test();