/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "builtin/TestingFunctions.h" #include "js/UbiNode.h" #include "js/UbiNodeDominatorTree.h" #include "js/UbiNodePostOrder.h" #include "js/UbiNodeShortestPaths.h" #include "jsapi-tests/tests.h" #include "vm/SavedFrame.h" using JS::RootedObject; using JS::RootedScript; using JS::RootedString; using namespace js; // A helper JS::ubi::Node concrete implementation that can be used to make mock // graphs for testing traversals with. struct FakeNode { char name; JS::ubi::EdgeVector edges; explicit FakeNode(char name) : name(name), edges() { } bool addEdgeTo(FakeNode& referent, const char16_t* edgeName = nullptr) { JS::ubi::Node node(&referent); if (edgeName) { auto ownedName = js::DuplicateString(edgeName); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ownedName); return edges.emplaceBack(ownedName.release(), node); } return edges.emplaceBack(nullptr, node); } }; namespace JS { namespace ubi { template<> class Concrete<FakeNode> : public Base { protected: explicit Concrete(FakeNode* ptr) : Base(ptr) { } FakeNode& get() const { return *static_cast<FakeNode*>(ptr); } public: static void construct(void* storage, FakeNode* ptr) { new (storage) Concrete(ptr); } UniquePtr<EdgeRange> edges(JSContext* cx, bool wantNames) const override { return UniquePtr<EdgeRange>(js_new<PreComputedEdgeRange>(get().edges)); } Node::Size size(mozilla::MallocSizeOf) const override { return 1; } static const char16_t concreteTypeName[]; const char16_t* typeName() const override { return concreteTypeName; } }; const char16_t Concrete<FakeNode>::concreteTypeName[] = u"FakeNode"; } // namespace ubi } // namespace JS // ubi::Node::zone works BEGIN_TEST(test_ubiNodeZone) { RootedObject global1(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); CHECK(global1); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(global1).zone() == cx->zone()); JS::CompartmentOptions globalOptions; RootedObject global2(cx, JS_NewGlobalObject(cx, getGlobalClass(), nullptr, JS::FireOnNewGlobalHook, globalOptions)); CHECK(global2); CHECK(global1->zone() != global2->zone()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(global2).zone() == global2->zone()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(global2).zone() != global1->zone()); JS::CompileOptions options(cx); // Create a string and a script in the original zone... RootedString string1(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "Simpson's Individual Stringettes!")); CHECK(string1); RootedScript script1(cx); CHECK(JS::Compile(cx, options, "", 0, &script1)); { // ... and then enter global2's zone and create a string and script // there, too. JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, global2); RootedString string2(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "A million household uses!")); CHECK(string2); RootedScript script2(cx); CHECK(JS::Compile(cx, options, "", 0, &script2)); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(string1).zone() == global1->zone()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(script1).zone() == global1->zone()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(string2).zone() == global2->zone()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(script2).zone() == global2->zone()); } return true; } END_TEST(test_ubiNodeZone) // ubi::Node::compartment works BEGIN_TEST(test_ubiNodeCompartment) { RootedObject global1(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); CHECK(global1); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(global1).compartment() == cx->compartment()); JS::CompartmentOptions globalOptions; RootedObject global2(cx, JS_NewGlobalObject(cx, getGlobalClass(), nullptr, JS::FireOnNewGlobalHook, globalOptions)); CHECK(global2); CHECK(global1->compartment() != global2->compartment()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(global2).compartment() == global2->compartment()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(global2).compartment() != global1->compartment()); JS::CompileOptions options(cx); // Create a script in the original compartment... RootedScript script1(cx); CHECK(JS::Compile(cx, options, "", 0, &script1)); { // ... and then enter global2's compartment and create a script // there, too. JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, global2); RootedScript script2(cx); CHECK(JS::Compile(cx, options, "", 0, &script2)); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(script1).compartment() == global1->compartment()); CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(script2).compartment() == global2->compartment()); } return true; } END_TEST(test_ubiNodeCompartment) BEGIN_TEST(test_ubiNodeJSObjectConstructorName) { JS::RootedValue val(cx); EVAL("this.Ctor = function Ctor() {}; new Ctor", &val); CHECK(val.isObject()); UniqueTwoByteChars ctorName; CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(&val.toObject()).jsObjectConstructorName(cx, ctorName)); CHECK(ctorName); CHECK(js_strcmp(ctorName.get(), u"Ctor") == 0); return true; } END_TEST(test_ubiNodeJSObjectConstructorName) template <typename F, typename G> static bool checkString(const char* expected, F fillBufferFunction, G stringGetterFunction) { auto expectedLength = strlen(expected); char16_t buf[1024]; if (fillBufferFunction(mozilla::RangedPtr<char16_t>(buf, 1024), 1024) != expectedLength || !EqualChars(buf, expected, expectedLength)) { return false; } auto string = stringGetterFunction(); // Expecting a |JSAtom*| from a live |JS::ubi::StackFrame|. if (!string.template is<JSAtom*>() || !StringEqualsAscii(string.template as<JSAtom*>(), expected)) { return false; } return true; } BEGIN_TEST(test_ubiStackFrame) { CHECK(js::DefineTestingFunctions(cx, global, false, false)); JS::RootedValue val(cx); CHECK(evaluate("(function one() { \n" // 1 " return (function two() { \n" // 2 " return (function three() { \n" // 3 " return saveStack(); \n" // 4 " }()); \n" // 5 " }()); \n" // 6 "}()); \n", // 7 "filename.js", 1, &val)); CHECK(val.isObject()); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, &val.toObject()); CHECK(obj->is<SavedFrame>()); JS::Rooted<SavedFrame*> savedFrame(cx, &obj->as<SavedFrame>()); JS::ubi::StackFrame ubiFrame(savedFrame); // All frames should be from the "filename.js" source. while (ubiFrame) { CHECK(checkString("filename.js", [&] (mozilla::RangedPtr<char16_t> ptr, size_t length) { return ubiFrame.source(ptr, length); }, [&] { return ubiFrame.source(); })); ubiFrame = ubiFrame.parent(); } ubiFrame = savedFrame; auto bufferFunctionDisplayName = [&] (mozilla::RangedPtr<char16_t> ptr, size_t length) { return ubiFrame.functionDisplayName(ptr, length); }; auto getFunctionDisplayName = [&] { return ubiFrame.functionDisplayName(); }; CHECK(checkString("three", bufferFunctionDisplayName, getFunctionDisplayName)); CHECK(ubiFrame.line() == 4); ubiFrame = ubiFrame.parent(); CHECK(checkString("two", bufferFunctionDisplayName, getFunctionDisplayName)); CHECK(ubiFrame.line() == 3); ubiFrame = ubiFrame.parent(); CHECK(checkString("one", bufferFunctionDisplayName, getFunctionDisplayName)); CHECK(ubiFrame.line() == 2); ubiFrame = ubiFrame.parent(); CHECK(ubiFrame.functionDisplayName().is<JSAtom*>()); CHECK(ubiFrame.functionDisplayName().as<JSAtom*>() == nullptr); CHECK(ubiFrame.line() == 1); ubiFrame = ubiFrame.parent(); CHECK(!ubiFrame); return true; } END_TEST(test_ubiStackFrame) BEGIN_TEST(test_ubiCoarseType) { // Test that our explicit coarseType() overrides work as expected. JSObject* obj = nullptr; CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(obj).coarseType() == JS::ubi::CoarseType::Object); JSScript* script = nullptr; CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(script).coarseType() == JS::ubi::CoarseType::Script); js::LazyScript* lazyScript = nullptr; CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(lazyScript).coarseType() == JS::ubi::CoarseType::Script); js::jit::JitCode* jitCode = nullptr; CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(jitCode).coarseType() == JS::ubi::CoarseType::Script); JSString* str = nullptr; CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(str).coarseType() == JS::ubi::CoarseType::String); // Test that the default when coarseType() is not overridden is Other. JS::Symbol* sym = nullptr; CHECK(JS::ubi::Node(sym).coarseType() == JS::ubi::CoarseType::Other); return true; } END_TEST(test_ubiCoarseType) struct ExpectedEdge { char from; char to; ExpectedEdge(FakeNode& fromNode, FakeNode& toNode) : from(fromNode.name) , to(toNode.name) { } }; namespace js { template <> struct DefaultHasher<ExpectedEdge> { using Lookup = ExpectedEdge; static HashNumber hash(const Lookup& l) { return mozilla::AddToHash(l.from, l.to); } static bool match(const ExpectedEdge& k, const Lookup& l) { return k.from == l.from && k.to == l.to; } }; } // namespace js BEGIN_TEST(test_ubiPostOrder) { // Construct the following graph: // // .-----. // | | // .-------| r |---------------. // | | | | // | '-----' | // | | // .--V--. .--V--. // | | | | // .------| a |------. .----| e |----. // | | | | | | | | // | '--^--' | | '-----' | // | | | | | // .--V--. | .--V--. .--V--. .--V--. // | | | | | | | | | // | b | '------| c |-----> f |---------> g | // | | | | | | | | // '-----' '-----' '-----' '-----' // | | // | .-----. | // | | | | // '------> d <------' // | | // '-----' // FakeNode r('r'); FakeNode a('a'); FakeNode b('b'); FakeNode c('c'); FakeNode d('d'); FakeNode e('e'); FakeNode f('f'); FakeNode g('g'); js::HashSet<ExpectedEdge> expectedEdges(cx); CHECK(expectedEdges.init()); auto declareEdge = [&](FakeNode& from, FakeNode& to) { return from.addEdgeTo(to) && expectedEdges.putNew(ExpectedEdge(from, to)); }; CHECK(declareEdge(r, a)); CHECK(declareEdge(r, e)); CHECK(declareEdge(a, b)); CHECK(declareEdge(a, c)); CHECK(declareEdge(b, d)); CHECK(declareEdge(c, a)); CHECK(declareEdge(c, d)); CHECK(declareEdge(c, f)); CHECK(declareEdge(e, f)); CHECK(declareEdge(e, g)); CHECK(declareEdge(f, g)); js::Vector<char, 8, js::SystemAllocPolicy> visited; { // Do a PostOrder traversal, starting from r. Accumulate the names of // the nodes we visit in `visited`. Remove edges we traverse from // `expectedEdges` as we find them to ensure that we only find each edge // once. JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc(cx); JS::ubi::PostOrder traversal(cx, nogc); CHECK(traversal.init()); CHECK(traversal.addStart(&r)); auto onNode = [&](const JS::ubi::Node& node) { return visited.append(node.as<FakeNode>()->name); }; auto onEdge = [&](const JS::ubi::Node& origin, const JS::ubi::Edge& edge) { ExpectedEdge e(*origin.as<FakeNode>(), *edge.referent.as<FakeNode>()); if (!expectedEdges.has(e)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unexpected edge from %c to %c!\n", origin.as<FakeNode>()->name, edge.referent.as<FakeNode>()->name); return false; } expectedEdges.remove(e); return true; }; CHECK(traversal.traverse(onNode, onEdge)); } fprintf(stderr, "visited.length() = %lu\n", (unsigned long) visited.length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < visited.length(); i++) fprintf(stderr, "visited[%lu] = '%c'\n", (unsigned long) i, visited[i]); CHECK(visited.length() == 8); CHECK(visited[0] == 'g'); CHECK(visited[1] == 'f'); CHECK(visited[2] == 'e'); CHECK(visited[3] == 'd'); CHECK(visited[4] == 'c'); CHECK(visited[5] == 'b'); CHECK(visited[6] == 'a'); CHECK(visited[7] == 'r'); // We found all the edges we expected. CHECK(expectedEdges.count() == 0); return true; } END_TEST(test_ubiPostOrder) BEGIN_TEST(test_JS_ubi_DominatorTree) { // Construct the following graph: // // .-----. // | <--------------------------------. // .--------+--------------| r |--------------. | // | | | | | | // | | '-----' | | // | .--V--. .--V--. | // | | | | | | // | | b | | c |--------. | // | | | | | | | // | '-----' '-----' | | // .--V--. | | .--V--. | // | | | | | | | // | a <-----+ | .----| g | | // | | | .----' | | | | // '-----' | | | '-----' | // | | | | | | // .--V--. | .-----. .--V--. | | | // | | | | | | | | | | // | d <-----+----> e <----. | f | | | | // | | | | | | | | | | // '-----' '-----' | '-----' | | | // | .-----. | | | | .--V--. | // | | | | | | .-' | | | // '-----> l | | | | | | j | | // | | '--. | | | | | | // '-----' | | | | '-----' | // | .--V--. | | .--V--. | | // | | | | | | | | | // '-------> h |-' '---> i <------' | // | | .---------> | | // '-----' | '-----' | // | .-----. | | // | | | | | // '----------> k <---------' | // | | | // '-----' | // | | // '----------------------------' // // This graph has the following dominator tree: // // r // |-- a // |-- b // |-- c // | |-- f // | `-- g // | `-- j // |-- d // | `-- l // |-- e // |-- i // |-- k // `-- h // // This graph and dominator tree are taken from figures 1 and 2 of "A Fast // Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flowgraph" by Lengauer et al: // http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr03/cs423/download/dominators.pdf. FakeNode r('r'); FakeNode a('a'); FakeNode b('b'); FakeNode c('c'); FakeNode d('d'); FakeNode e('e'); FakeNode f('f'); FakeNode g('g'); FakeNode h('h'); FakeNode i('i'); FakeNode j('j'); FakeNode k('k'); FakeNode l('l'); CHECK(r.addEdgeTo(a)); CHECK(r.addEdgeTo(b)); CHECK(r.addEdgeTo(c)); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(d)); CHECK(b.addEdgeTo(a)); CHECK(b.addEdgeTo(d)); CHECK(b.addEdgeTo(e)); CHECK(c.addEdgeTo(f)); CHECK(c.addEdgeTo(g)); CHECK(d.addEdgeTo(l)); CHECK(e.addEdgeTo(h)); CHECK(f.addEdgeTo(i)); CHECK(g.addEdgeTo(i)); CHECK(g.addEdgeTo(j)); CHECK(h.addEdgeTo(e)); CHECK(h.addEdgeTo(k)); CHECK(i.addEdgeTo(k)); CHECK(j.addEdgeTo(i)); CHECK(k.addEdgeTo(r)); CHECK(k.addEdgeTo(i)); CHECK(l.addEdgeTo(h)); mozilla::Maybe<JS::ubi::DominatorTree> maybeTree; { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC noGC(cx); maybeTree = JS::ubi::DominatorTree::Create(cx, noGC, &r); } CHECK(maybeTree.isSome()); auto& tree = *maybeTree; // We return the null JS::ubi::Node for nodes that were not reachable in the // graph when computing the dominator tree. FakeNode m('m'); CHECK(tree.getImmediateDominator(&m) == JS::ubi::Node()); CHECK(tree.getDominatedSet(&m).isNothing()); struct { FakeNode& dominated; FakeNode& dominator; } domination[] = { {r, r}, {a, r}, {b, r}, {c, r}, {d, r}, {e, r}, {f, c}, {g, c}, {h, r}, {i, r}, {j, g}, {k, r}, {l, d} }; for (auto& relation : domination) { // Test immediate dominator. fprintf(stderr, "%c's immediate dominator is %c\n", relation.dominated.name, tree.getImmediateDominator(&relation.dominator).as<FakeNode>()->name); CHECK(tree.getImmediateDominator(&relation.dominated) == JS::ubi::Node(&relation.dominator)); // Test the dominated set. Build up the expected dominated set based on // the set of nodes immediately dominated by this one in `domination`, // then iterate over the actual dominated set and check against the // expected set. auto& node = relation.dominated; fprintf(stderr, "Checking %c's dominated set:\n", node.name); js::HashSet<char> expectedDominatedSet(cx); CHECK(expectedDominatedSet.init()); for (auto& rel : domination) { if (&rel.dominator == &node) { fprintf(stderr, " Expecting %c\n", rel.dominated.name); CHECK(expectedDominatedSet.putNew(rel.dominated.name)); } } auto maybeActualDominatedSet = tree.getDominatedSet(&node); CHECK(maybeActualDominatedSet.isSome()); auto& actualDominatedSet = *maybeActualDominatedSet; for (const auto& dominated : actualDominatedSet) { fprintf(stderr, " Found %c\n", dominated.as<FakeNode>()->name); CHECK(expectedDominatedSet.has(dominated.as<FakeNode>()->name)); expectedDominatedSet.remove(dominated.as<FakeNode>()->name); } // Ensure we found them all and aren't still expecting nodes we never // got. CHECK(expectedDominatedSet.count() == 0); fprintf(stderr, "Done checking %c's dominated set.\n\n", node.name); } struct { FakeNode& node; JS::ubi::Node::Size retainedSize; } sizes[] = { {r, 13}, {a, 1}, {b, 1}, {c, 4}, {d, 2}, {e, 1}, {f, 1}, {g, 2}, {h, 1}, {i, 1}, {j, 1}, {k, 1}, {l, 1}, }; for (auto& expected : sizes) { JS::ubi::Node::Size actual = 0; CHECK(tree.getRetainedSize(&expected.node, nullptr, actual)); CHECK(actual == expected.retainedSize); } return true; } END_TEST(test_JS_ubi_DominatorTree) BEGIN_TEST(test_JS_ubi_Node_scriptFilename) { JS::RootedValue val(cx); CHECK(evaluate("(function one() { \n" // 1 " return (function two() { \n" // 2 " return (function three() { \n" // 3 " return function four() {}; \n" // 4 " }()); \n" // 5 " }()); \n" // 6 "}()); \n", // 7 "my-cool-filename.js", 1, &val)); CHECK(val.isObject()); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, &val.toObject()); CHECK(obj->is<JSFunction>()); JS::RootedFunction func(cx, &obj->as<JSFunction>()); JS::RootedScript script(cx, JSFunction::getOrCreateScript(cx, func)); CHECK(script); CHECK(script->filename()); JS::ubi::Node node(script); const char* filename = node.scriptFilename(); CHECK(filename); CHECK(strcmp(filename, script->filename()) == 0); CHECK(strcmp(filename, "my-cool-filename.js") == 0); return true; } END_TEST(test_JS_ubi_Node_scriptFilename) #define LAMBDA_CHECK(cond) \ do { \ if (!(cond)) { \ fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:CHECK failed: " #cond "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ return false; \ } \ } while (false) static void dumpPath(JS::ubi::Path& path) { for (size_t i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) { fprintf(stderr, "path[%llu]->predecessor() = '%c'\n", (long long unsigned) i, path[i]->predecessor().as<FakeNode>()->name); } } BEGIN_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_no_path) { // Create the following graph: // // .---. .---. .---. // | a | <--> | c | | b | // '---' '---' '---' FakeNode a('a'); FakeNode b('b'); FakeNode c('c'); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(c)); CHECK(c.addEdgeTo(a)); mozilla::Maybe<JS::ubi::ShortestPaths> maybeShortestPaths; { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC noGC(cx); JS::ubi::NodeSet targets; CHECK(targets.init()); CHECK(targets.put(&b)); maybeShortestPaths = JS::ubi::ShortestPaths::Create(cx, noGC, 10, &a, mozilla::Move(targets)); } CHECK(maybeShortestPaths); auto& paths = *maybeShortestPaths; size_t numPathsFound = 0; bool ok = paths.forEachPath(&b, [&](JS::ubi::Path& path) { numPathsFound++; dumpPath(path); return true; }); CHECK(ok); CHECK(numPathsFound == 0); return true; } END_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_no_path) BEGIN_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_one_path) { // Create the following graph: // // .---. .---. .---. // | a | <--> | c | --> | b | // '---' '---' '---' FakeNode a('a'); FakeNode b('b'); FakeNode c('c'); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(c)); CHECK(c.addEdgeTo(a)); CHECK(c.addEdgeTo(b)); mozilla::Maybe<JS::ubi::ShortestPaths> maybeShortestPaths; { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC noGC(cx); JS::ubi::NodeSet targets; CHECK(targets.init()); CHECK(targets.put(&b)); maybeShortestPaths = JS::ubi::ShortestPaths::Create(cx, noGC, 10, &a, mozilla::Move(targets)); } CHECK(maybeShortestPaths); auto& paths = *maybeShortestPaths; size_t numPathsFound = 0; bool ok = paths.forEachPath(&b, [&](JS::ubi::Path& path) { numPathsFound++; dumpPath(path); LAMBDA_CHECK(path.length() == 2); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[0]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&a)); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[1]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&c)); return true; }); CHECK(ok); CHECK(numPathsFound == 1); return true; } END_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_one_path) BEGIN_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_multiple_paths) { // Create the following graph: // // .---. // .-----| a |-----. // | '---' | // V | V // .---. | .---. // | b | | | d | // '---' | '---' // | | | // V | V // .---. | .---. // | c | | | e | // '---' V '---' // | .---. | // '---->| f |<----' // '---' FakeNode a('a'); FakeNode b('b'); FakeNode c('c'); FakeNode d('d'); FakeNode e('e'); FakeNode f('f'); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(b)); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(f)); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(d)); CHECK(b.addEdgeTo(c)); CHECK(c.addEdgeTo(f)); CHECK(d.addEdgeTo(e)); CHECK(e.addEdgeTo(f)); mozilla::Maybe<JS::ubi::ShortestPaths> maybeShortestPaths; { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC noGC(cx); JS::ubi::NodeSet targets; CHECK(targets.init()); CHECK(targets.put(&f)); maybeShortestPaths = JS::ubi::ShortestPaths::Create(cx, noGC, 10, &a, mozilla::Move(targets)); } CHECK(maybeShortestPaths); auto& paths = *maybeShortestPaths; size_t numPathsFound = 0; bool ok = paths.forEachPath(&f, [&](JS::ubi::Path& path) { numPathsFound++; dumpPath(path); switch (path.back()->predecessor().as<FakeNode>()->name) { case 'a': { LAMBDA_CHECK(path.length() == 1); break; } case 'c': { LAMBDA_CHECK(path.length() == 3); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[0]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&a)); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[1]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&b)); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[2]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&c)); break; } case 'e': { LAMBDA_CHECK(path.length() == 3); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[0]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&a)); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[1]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&d)); LAMBDA_CHECK(path[2]->predecessor() == JS::ubi::Node(&e)); break; } default: { // Unexpected path! LAMBDA_CHECK(false); } } return true; }); CHECK(ok); fprintf(stderr, "numPathsFound = %llu\n", (long long unsigned) numPathsFound); CHECK(numPathsFound == 3); return true; } END_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_multiple_paths) BEGIN_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_more_paths_than_max) { // Create the following graph: // // .---. // .-----| a |-----. // | '---' | // V | V // .---. | .---. // | b | | | d | // '---' | '---' // | | | // V | V // .---. | .---. // | c | | | e | // '---' V '---' // | .---. | // '---->| f |<----' // '---' FakeNode a('a'); FakeNode b('b'); FakeNode c('c'); FakeNode d('d'); FakeNode e('e'); FakeNode f('f'); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(b)); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(f)); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(d)); CHECK(b.addEdgeTo(c)); CHECK(c.addEdgeTo(f)); CHECK(d.addEdgeTo(e)); CHECK(e.addEdgeTo(f)); mozilla::Maybe<JS::ubi::ShortestPaths> maybeShortestPaths; { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC noGC(cx); JS::ubi::NodeSet targets; CHECK(targets.init()); CHECK(targets.put(&f)); maybeShortestPaths = JS::ubi::ShortestPaths::Create(cx, noGC, 1, &a, mozilla::Move(targets)); } CHECK(maybeShortestPaths); auto& paths = *maybeShortestPaths; size_t numPathsFound = 0; bool ok = paths.forEachPath(&f, [&](JS::ubi::Path& path) { numPathsFound++; dumpPath(path); return true; }); CHECK(ok); fprintf(stderr, "numPathsFound = %llu\n", (long long unsigned) numPathsFound); CHECK(numPathsFound == 1); return true; } END_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_more_paths_than_max) BEGIN_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_multiple_edges_to_target) { // Create the following graph: // // .---. // .-----| a |-----. // | '---' | // | | | // |x |y |z // | | | // | V | // | .---. | // '---->| b |<----' // '---' FakeNode a('a'); FakeNode b('b'); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(b, u"x")); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(b, u"y")); CHECK(a.addEdgeTo(b, u"z")); mozilla::Maybe<JS::ubi::ShortestPaths> maybeShortestPaths; { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC noGC(cx); JS::ubi::NodeSet targets; CHECK(targets.init()); CHECK(targets.put(&b)); maybeShortestPaths = JS::ubi::ShortestPaths::Create(cx, noGC, 10, &a, mozilla::Move(targets)); } CHECK(maybeShortestPaths); auto& paths = *maybeShortestPaths; size_t numPathsFound = 0; bool foundX = false; bool foundY = false; bool foundZ = false; bool ok = paths.forEachPath(&b, [&](JS::ubi::Path& path) { numPathsFound++; dumpPath(path); LAMBDA_CHECK(path.length() == 1); LAMBDA_CHECK(path.back()->name()); LAMBDA_CHECK(js_strlen(path.back()->name().get()) == 1); auto c = uint8_t(path.back()->name().get()[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Edge name = '%c'\n", c); switch (c) { case 'x': { foundX = true; break; } case 'y': { foundY = true; break; } case 'z': { foundZ = true; break; } default: { // Unexpected edge! LAMBDA_CHECK(false); } } return true; }); CHECK(ok); fprintf(stderr, "numPathsFound = %llu\n", (long long unsigned) numPathsFound); CHECK(numPathsFound == 3); CHECK(foundX); CHECK(foundY); CHECK(foundZ); return true; } END_TEST(test_JS_ubi_ShortestPaths_multiple_edges_to_target) #undef LAMBDA_CHECK