/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jit/StupidAllocator.h" #include "jstypes.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; static inline uint32_t DefaultStackSlot(uint32_t vreg) { // On x86/x64, we have to keep the stack aligned on 16 bytes for spilling // SIMD registers. To avoid complexity in this stupid allocator, we just // allocate 16 bytes stack slot for all vreg. return vreg * 2 * sizeof(Value); } LAllocation* StupidAllocator::stackLocation(uint32_t vreg) { LDefinition* def = virtualRegisters[vreg]; if (def->policy() == LDefinition::FIXED && def->output()->isArgument()) return def->output(); return new(alloc()) LStackSlot(DefaultStackSlot(vreg)); } StupidAllocator::RegisterIndex StupidAllocator::registerIndex(AnyRegister reg) { for (size_t i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) { if (reg == registers[i].reg) return i; } MOZ_CRASH("Bad register"); } bool StupidAllocator::init() { if (!RegisterAllocator::init()) return false; if (!virtualRegisters.appendN((LDefinition*)nullptr, graph.numVirtualRegisters())) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < graph.numBlocks(); i++) { LBlock* block = graph.getBlock(i); for (LInstructionIterator ins = block->begin(); ins != block->end(); ins++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < ins->numDefs(); j++) { LDefinition* def = ins->getDef(j); virtualRegisters[def->virtualRegister()] = def; } for (size_t j = 0; j < ins->numTemps(); j++) { LDefinition* def = ins->getTemp(j); if (def->isBogusTemp()) continue; virtualRegisters[def->virtualRegister()] = def; } } for (size_t j = 0; j < block->numPhis(); j++) { LPhi* phi = block->getPhi(j); LDefinition* def = phi->getDef(0); uint32_t vreg = def->virtualRegister(); virtualRegisters[vreg] = def; } } // Assign physical registers to the tracked allocation. { registerCount = 0; LiveRegisterSet remainingRegisters(allRegisters_.asLiveSet()); while (!remainingRegisters.emptyGeneral()) registers[registerCount++].reg = AnyRegister(remainingRegisters.takeAnyGeneral()); while (!remainingRegisters.emptyFloat()) registers[registerCount++].reg = AnyRegister(remainingRegisters.takeAnyFloat()); MOZ_ASSERT(registerCount <= MAX_REGISTERS); } return true; } bool StupidAllocator::allocationRequiresRegister(const LAllocation* alloc, AnyRegister reg) { if (alloc->isRegister() && alloc->toRegister() == reg) return true; if (alloc->isUse()) { const LUse* use = alloc->toUse(); if (use->policy() == LUse::FIXED) { AnyRegister usedReg = GetFixedRegister(virtualRegisters[use->virtualRegister()], use); if (usedReg.aliases(reg)) return true; } } return false; } bool StupidAllocator::registerIsReserved(LInstruction* ins, AnyRegister reg) { // Whether reg is already reserved for an input or output of ins. for (LInstruction::InputIterator alloc(*ins); alloc.more(); alloc.next()) { if (allocationRequiresRegister(*alloc, reg)) return true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numTemps(); i++) { if (allocationRequiresRegister(ins->getTemp(i)->output(), reg)) return true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numDefs(); i++) { if (allocationRequiresRegister(ins->getDef(i)->output(), reg)) return true; } return false; } AnyRegister StupidAllocator::ensureHasRegister(LInstruction* ins, uint32_t vreg) { // Ensure that vreg is held in a register before ins. // Check if the virtual register is already held in a physical register. RegisterIndex existing = findExistingRegister(vreg); if (existing != UINT32_MAX) { if (registerIsReserved(ins, registers[existing].reg)) { evictAliasedRegister(ins, existing); } else { registers[existing].age = ins->id(); return registers[existing].reg; } } RegisterIndex best = allocateRegister(ins, vreg); loadRegister(ins, vreg, best, virtualRegisters[vreg]->type()); return registers[best].reg; } StupidAllocator::RegisterIndex StupidAllocator::allocateRegister(LInstruction* ins, uint32_t vreg) { // Pick a register for vreg, evicting an existing register if necessary. // Spill code will be placed before ins, and no existing allocated input // for ins will be touched. MOZ_ASSERT(ins); LDefinition* def = virtualRegisters[vreg]; MOZ_ASSERT(def); RegisterIndex best = UINT32_MAX; for (size_t i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) { AnyRegister reg = registers[i].reg; if (!def->isCompatibleReg(reg)) continue; // Skip the register if it is in use for an allocated input or output. if (registerIsReserved(ins, reg)) continue; if (registers[i].vreg == MISSING_ALLOCATION || best == UINT32_MAX || registers[best].age > registers[i].age) { best = i; } } evictAliasedRegister(ins, best); return best; } void StupidAllocator::syncRegister(LInstruction* ins, RegisterIndex index) { if (registers[index].dirty) { LMoveGroup* input = getInputMoveGroup(ins); LAllocation source(registers[index].reg); uint32_t existing = registers[index].vreg; LAllocation* dest = stackLocation(existing); input->addAfter(source, *dest, registers[index].type); registers[index].dirty = false; } } void StupidAllocator::evictRegister(LInstruction* ins, RegisterIndex index) { syncRegister(ins, index); registers[index].set(MISSING_ALLOCATION); } void StupidAllocator::evictAliasedRegister(LInstruction* ins, RegisterIndex index) { for (size_t i = 0; i < registers[index].reg.numAliased(); i++) { uint32_t aindex = registerIndex(registers[index].reg.aliased(i)); syncRegister(ins, aindex); registers[aindex].set(MISSING_ALLOCATION); } } void StupidAllocator::loadRegister(LInstruction* ins, uint32_t vreg, RegisterIndex index, LDefinition::Type type) { // Load a vreg from its stack location to a register. LMoveGroup* input = getInputMoveGroup(ins); LAllocation* source = stackLocation(vreg); LAllocation dest(registers[index].reg); input->addAfter(*source, dest, type); registers[index].set(vreg, ins); registers[index].type = type; } StupidAllocator::RegisterIndex StupidAllocator::findExistingRegister(uint32_t vreg) { for (size_t i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) { if (registers[i].vreg == vreg) return i; } return UINT32_MAX; } bool StupidAllocator::go() { // This register allocator is intended to be as simple as possible, while // still being complicated enough to share properties with more complicated // allocators. Namely, physical registers may be used to carry virtual // registers across LIR instructions, but not across basic blocks. // // This algorithm does not pay any attention to liveness. It is performed // as a single forward pass through the basic blocks in the program. As // virtual registers and temporaries are defined they are assigned physical // registers, evicting existing allocations in an LRU fashion. // For virtual registers not carried in a register, a canonical spill // location is used. Each vreg has a different spill location; since we do // not track liveness we cannot determine that two vregs have disjoint // lifetimes. Thus, the maximum stack height is the number of vregs (scaled // by two on 32 bit platforms to allow storing double values). graph.setLocalSlotCount(DefaultStackSlot(graph.numVirtualRegisters())); if (!init()) return false; for (size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < graph.numBlocks(); blockIndex++) { LBlock* block = graph.getBlock(blockIndex); MOZ_ASSERT(block->mir()->id() == blockIndex); for (size_t i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) registers[i].set(MISSING_ALLOCATION); for (LInstructionIterator iter = block->begin(); iter != block->end(); iter++) { LInstruction* ins = *iter; if (ins == *block->rbegin()) syncForBlockEnd(block, ins); allocateForInstruction(ins); } } return true; } void StupidAllocator::syncForBlockEnd(LBlock* block, LInstruction* ins) { // Sync any dirty registers, and update the synced state for phi nodes at // each successor of a block. We cannot conflate the storage for phis with // that of their inputs, as we cannot prove the live ranges of the phi and // its input do not overlap. The values for the two may additionally be // different, as the phi could be for the value of the input in a previous // loop iteration. for (size_t i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) syncRegister(ins, i); LMoveGroup* group = nullptr; MBasicBlock* successor = block->mir()->successorWithPhis(); if (successor) { uint32_t position = block->mir()->positionInPhiSuccessor(); LBlock* lirsuccessor = successor->lir(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lirsuccessor->numPhis(); i++) { LPhi* phi = lirsuccessor->getPhi(i); uint32_t sourcevreg = phi->getOperand(position)->toUse()->virtualRegister(); uint32_t destvreg = phi->getDef(0)->virtualRegister(); if (sourcevreg == destvreg) continue; LAllocation* source = stackLocation(sourcevreg); LAllocation* dest = stackLocation(destvreg); if (!group) { // The moves we insert here need to happen simultaneously with // each other, yet after any existing moves before the instruction. LMoveGroup* input = getInputMoveGroup(ins); if (input->numMoves() == 0) { group = input; } else { group = LMoveGroup::New(alloc()); block->insertAfter(input, group); } } group->add(*source, *dest, phi->getDef(0)->type()); } } } void StupidAllocator::allocateForInstruction(LInstruction* ins) { // Sync all registers before making a call. if (ins->isCall()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) syncRegister(ins, i); } // Allocate for inputs which are required to be in registers. for (LInstruction::InputIterator alloc(*ins); alloc.more(); alloc.next()) { if (!alloc->isUse()) continue; LUse* use = alloc->toUse(); uint32_t vreg = use->virtualRegister(); if (use->policy() == LUse::REGISTER) { AnyRegister reg = ensureHasRegister(ins, vreg); alloc.replace(LAllocation(reg)); } else if (use->policy() == LUse::FIXED) { AnyRegister reg = GetFixedRegister(virtualRegisters[vreg], use); RegisterIndex index = registerIndex(reg); if (registers[index].vreg != vreg) { // Need to evict multiple registers evictAliasedRegister(ins, registerIndex(reg)); // If this vreg is already assigned to an incorrect register RegisterIndex existing = findExistingRegister(vreg); if (existing != UINT32_MAX) evictRegister(ins, existing); loadRegister(ins, vreg, index, virtualRegisters[vreg]->type()); } alloc.replace(LAllocation(reg)); } else { // Inputs which are not required to be in a register are not // allocated until after temps/definitions, as the latter may need // to evict registers which hold these inputs. } } // Find registers to hold all temporaries and outputs of the instruction. for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numTemps(); i++) { LDefinition* def = ins->getTemp(i); if (!def->isBogusTemp()) allocateForDefinition(ins, def); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ins->numDefs(); i++) { LDefinition* def = ins->getDef(i); allocateForDefinition(ins, def); } // Allocate for remaining inputs which do not need to be in registers. for (LInstruction::InputIterator alloc(*ins); alloc.more(); alloc.next()) { if (!alloc->isUse()) continue; LUse* use = alloc->toUse(); uint32_t vreg = use->virtualRegister(); MOZ_ASSERT(use->policy() != LUse::REGISTER && use->policy() != LUse::FIXED); RegisterIndex index = findExistingRegister(vreg); if (index == UINT32_MAX) { LAllocation* stack = stackLocation(use->virtualRegister()); alloc.replace(*stack); } else { registers[index].age = ins->id(); alloc.replace(LAllocation(registers[index].reg)); } } // If this is a call, evict all registers except for those holding outputs. if (ins->isCall()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) { if (!registers[i].dirty) registers[i].set(MISSING_ALLOCATION); } } } void StupidAllocator::allocateForDefinition(LInstruction* ins, LDefinition* def) { uint32_t vreg = def->virtualRegister(); if ((def->output()->isRegister() && def->policy() == LDefinition::FIXED) || def->policy() == LDefinition::MUST_REUSE_INPUT) { // Result will be in a specific register, spill any vreg held in // that register before the instruction. RegisterIndex index = registerIndex(def->policy() == LDefinition::FIXED ? def->output()->toRegister() : ins->getOperand(def->getReusedInput())->toRegister()); evictRegister(ins, index); registers[index].set(vreg, ins, true); registers[index].type = virtualRegisters[vreg]->type(); def->setOutput(LAllocation(registers[index].reg)); } else if (def->policy() == LDefinition::FIXED) { // The result must be a stack location. def->setOutput(*stackLocation(vreg)); } else { // Find a register to hold the result of the instruction. RegisterIndex best = allocateRegister(ins, vreg); registers[best].set(vreg, ins, true); registers[best].type = virtualRegisters[vreg]->type(); def->setOutput(LAllocation(registers[best].reg)); } }