/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jit/BaselineJIT.h" #include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "jit/BaselineCompiler.h" #include "jit/BaselineIC.h" #include "jit/CompileInfo.h" #include "jit/JitCommon.h" #include "jit/JitSpewer.h" #include "vm/Debugger.h" #include "vm/Interpreter.h" #include "vm/TraceLogging.h" #include "wasm/WasmInstance.h" #include "jsobjinlines.h" #include "jsopcodeinlines.h" #include "jsscriptinlines.h" #include "jit/JitFrames-inl.h" #include "jit/MacroAssembler-inl.h" #include "vm/Stack-inl.h" using mozilla::BinarySearchIf; using mozilla::DebugOnly; using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; /* static */ PCMappingSlotInfo::SlotLocation PCMappingSlotInfo::ToSlotLocation(const StackValue* stackVal) { if (stackVal->kind() == StackValue::Register) { if (stackVal->reg() == R0) return SlotInR0; MOZ_ASSERT(stackVal->reg() == R1); return SlotInR1; } MOZ_ASSERT(stackVal->kind() != StackValue::Stack); return SlotIgnore; } void ICStubSpace::freeAllAfterMinorGC(JSRuntime* rt) { rt->gc.freeAllLifoBlocksAfterMinorGC(&allocator_); } BaselineScript::BaselineScript(uint32_t prologueOffset, uint32_t epilogueOffset, uint32_t profilerEnterToggleOffset, uint32_t profilerExitToggleOffset, uint32_t postDebugPrologueOffset) : method_(nullptr), templateEnv_(nullptr), fallbackStubSpace_(), dependentWasmImports_(nullptr), prologueOffset_(prologueOffset), epilogueOffset_(epilogueOffset), profilerEnterToggleOffset_(profilerEnterToggleOffset), profilerExitToggleOffset_(profilerExitToggleOffset), #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING # ifdef DEBUG traceLoggerScriptsEnabled_(false), traceLoggerEngineEnabled_(false), # endif traceLoggerScriptEvent_(), #endif postDebugPrologueOffset_(postDebugPrologueOffset), flags_(0), inlinedBytecodeLength_(0), maxInliningDepth_(UINT8_MAX), pendingBuilder_(nullptr) { } static const unsigned BASELINE_MAX_ARGS_LENGTH = 20000; static bool CheckFrame(InterpreterFrame* fp) { if (fp->isDebuggerEvalFrame()) { // Debugger eval-in-frame. These are likely short-running scripts so // don't bother compiling them for now. JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineAbort, "debugger frame"); return false; } if (fp->isFunctionFrame() && fp->numActualArgs() > BASELINE_MAX_ARGS_LENGTH) { // Fall back to the interpreter to avoid running out of stack space. JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineAbort, "Too many arguments (%u)", fp->numActualArgs()); return false; } return true; } static JitExecStatus EnterBaseline(JSContext* cx, EnterJitData& data) { if (data.osrFrame) { // Check for potential stack overflow before OSR-ing. uint8_t spDummy; uint32_t extra = BaselineFrame::Size() + (data.osrNumStackValues * sizeof(Value)); uint8_t* checkSp = (&spDummy) - extra; JS_CHECK_RECURSION_WITH_SP(cx, checkSp, return JitExec_Aborted); } else { JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return JitExec_Aborted); } #ifdef DEBUG // Assert we don't GC before entering JIT code. A GC could discard JIT code // or move the function stored in the CalleeToken (it won't be traced at // this point). We use Maybe<> here so we can call reset() to call the // AutoAssertNoGC destructor before we enter JIT code. mozilla::Maybe<JS::AutoAssertNoGC> nogc; nogc.emplace(cx); #endif MOZ_ASSERT(jit::IsBaselineEnabled(cx)); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(data.osrFrame, CheckFrame(data.osrFrame)); EnterJitCode enter = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->enterBaseline(); bool constructingLegacyGen = data.constructing && CalleeTokenToFunction(data.calleeToken)->isLegacyGenerator(); // Caller must construct |this| before invoking the Ion function. Legacy // generators can be called with 'new' but when we resume them, the // this-slot and arguments are |undefined| (they are stored in the // CallObject). MOZ_ASSERT_IF(data.constructing && !constructingLegacyGen, data.maxArgv[0].isObject() || data.maxArgv[0].isMagic(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)); data.result.setInt32(data.numActualArgs); { AssertCompartmentUnchanged pcc(cx); ActivationEntryMonitor entryMonitor(cx, data.calleeToken); JitActivation activation(cx); if (data.osrFrame) data.osrFrame->setRunningInJit(); #ifdef DEBUG nogc.reset(); #endif // Single transition point from Interpreter to Baseline. CALL_GENERATED_CODE(enter, data.jitcode, data.maxArgc, data.maxArgv, data.osrFrame, data.calleeToken, data.envChain.get(), data.osrNumStackValues, data.result.address()); if (data.osrFrame) data.osrFrame->clearRunningInJit(); } MOZ_ASSERT(!cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->hasIonReturnOverride()); // Jit callers wrap primitive constructor return, except for derived // class constructors, which are forced to do it themselves. if (!data.result.isMagic() && data.constructing && data.result.isPrimitive() && !constructingLegacyGen) { MOZ_ASSERT(data.maxArgv[0].isObject()); data.result = data.maxArgv[0]; } // Release temporary buffer used for OSR into Ion. cx->runtime()->getJitRuntime(cx)->freeOsrTempData(); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(data.result.isMagic(), data.result.isMagic(JS_ION_ERROR)); return data.result.isMagic() ? JitExec_Error : JitExec_Ok; } JitExecStatus jit::EnterBaselineMethod(JSContext* cx, RunState& state) { BaselineScript* baseline = state.script()->baselineScript(); EnterJitData data(cx); data.jitcode = baseline->method()->raw(); Rooted<GCVector<Value>> vals(cx, GCVector<Value>(cx)); if (!SetEnterJitData(cx, data, state, &vals)) return JitExec_Error; JitExecStatus status = EnterBaseline(cx, data); if (status != JitExec_Ok) return status; state.setReturnValue(data.result); return JitExec_Ok; } JitExecStatus jit::EnterBaselineAtBranch(JSContext* cx, InterpreterFrame* fp, jsbytecode* pc) { MOZ_ASSERT(JSOp(*pc) == JSOP_LOOPENTRY); BaselineScript* baseline = fp->script()->baselineScript(); EnterJitData data(cx); data.jitcode = baseline->nativeCodeForPC(fp->script(), pc); // Skip debug breakpoint/trap handler, the interpreter already handled it // for the current op. if (fp->isDebuggee()) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseline->hasDebugInstrumentation()); data.jitcode += MacroAssembler::ToggledCallSize(data.jitcode); } data.osrFrame = fp; data.osrNumStackValues = fp->script()->nfixed() + cx->interpreterRegs().stackDepth(); AutoValueVector vals(cx); RootedValue thisv(cx); if (fp->isFunctionFrame()) { data.constructing = fp->isConstructing(); data.numActualArgs = fp->numActualArgs(); data.maxArgc = Max(fp->numActualArgs(), fp->numFormalArgs()) + 1; // +1 = include |this| data.maxArgv = fp->argv() - 1; // -1 = include |this| data.envChain = nullptr; data.calleeToken = CalleeToToken(&fp->callee(), data.constructing); } else { thisv.setUndefined(); data.constructing = false; data.numActualArgs = 0; data.maxArgc = 1; data.maxArgv = thisv.address(); data.envChain = fp->environmentChain(); data.calleeToken = CalleeToToken(fp->script()); if (fp->isEvalFrame()) { if (!vals.reserve(2)) return JitExec_Aborted; vals.infallibleAppend(thisv); if (fp->script()->isDirectEvalInFunction()) vals.infallibleAppend(fp->newTarget()); else vals.infallibleAppend(NullValue()); data.maxArgc = 2; data.maxArgv = vals.begin(); } } TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(cx->runtime()); TraceLogStopEvent(logger, TraceLogger_Interpreter); TraceLogStartEvent(logger, TraceLogger_Baseline); JitExecStatus status = EnterBaseline(cx, data); if (status != JitExec_Ok) return status; fp->setReturnValue(data.result); return JitExec_Ok; } MethodStatus jit::BaselineCompile(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, bool forceDebugInstrumentation) { MOZ_ASSERT(!script->hasBaselineScript()); MOZ_ASSERT(script->canBaselineCompile()); MOZ_ASSERT(IsBaselineEnabled(cx)); script->ensureNonLazyCanonicalFunction(); LifoAlloc alloc(TempAllocator::PreferredLifoChunkSize); TempAllocator* temp = alloc.new_<TempAllocator>(&alloc); if (!temp) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return Method_Error; } JitContext jctx(cx, temp); BaselineCompiler compiler(cx, *temp, script); if (!compiler.init()) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return Method_Error; } if (forceDebugInstrumentation) compiler.setCompileDebugInstrumentation(); MethodStatus status = compiler.compile(); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(status == Method_Compiled, script->hasBaselineScript()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(status != Method_Compiled, !script->hasBaselineScript()); if (status == Method_CantCompile) script->setBaselineScript(cx->runtime(), BASELINE_DISABLED_SCRIPT); return status; } static MethodStatus CanEnterBaselineJIT(JSContext* cx, HandleScript script, InterpreterFrame* osrFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(jit::IsBaselineEnabled(cx)); // Skip if the script has been disabled. if (!script->canBaselineCompile()) return Method_Skipped; if (script->length() > BaselineScript::MAX_JSSCRIPT_LENGTH) return Method_CantCompile; if (script->nslots() > BaselineScript::MAX_JSSCRIPT_SLOTS) return Method_CantCompile; if (script->hasBaselineScript()) return Method_Compiled; // Check this before calling ensureJitCompartmentExists, so we're less // likely to report OOM in JSRuntime::createJitRuntime. if (!CanLikelyAllocateMoreExecutableMemory()) return Method_Skipped; if (!cx->compartment()->ensureJitCompartmentExists(cx)) return Method_Error; // Check script warm-up counter. if (script->incWarmUpCounter() <= JitOptions.baselineWarmUpThreshold) return Method_Skipped; // Frames can be marked as debuggee frames independently of its underlying // script being a debuggee script, e.g., when performing // Debugger.Frame.prototype.eval. return BaselineCompile(cx, script, osrFrame && osrFrame->isDebuggee()); } MethodStatus jit::CanEnterBaselineAtBranch(JSContext* cx, InterpreterFrame* fp, bool newType) { if (!CheckFrame(fp)) return Method_CantCompile; // This check is needed in the following corner case. Consider a function h, // // function h(x) { // h(false); // if (!x) // return; // for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) // /* do stuff */ // } // // Suppose h is not yet compiled in baseline and is executing in the // interpreter. Let this interpreter frame be f_older. The debugger marks // f_older as isDebuggee. At the point of the recursive call h(false), h is // compiled in baseline without debug instrumentation, pushing a baseline // frame f_newer. The debugger never flags f_newer as isDebuggee, and never // recompiles h. When the recursive call returns and execution proceeds to // the loop, the interpreter attempts to OSR into baseline. Since h is // already compiled in baseline, execution jumps directly into baseline // code. This is incorrect as h's baseline script does not have debug // instrumentation. if (fp->isDebuggee() && !Debugger::ensureExecutionObservabilityOfOsrFrame(cx, fp)) return Method_Error; RootedScript script(cx, fp->script()); return CanEnterBaselineJIT(cx, script, fp); } MethodStatus jit::CanEnterBaselineMethod(JSContext* cx, RunState& state) { if (state.isInvoke()) { InvokeState& invoke = *state.asInvoke(); if (invoke.args().length() > BASELINE_MAX_ARGS_LENGTH) { JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineAbort, "Too many arguments (%u)", invoke.args().length()); return Method_CantCompile; } if (!state.maybeCreateThisForConstructor(cx)) { if (cx->isThrowingOutOfMemory()) { cx->recoverFromOutOfMemory(); return Method_Skipped; } return Method_Error; } } else { if (state.asExecute()->isDebuggerEval()) { JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineAbort, "debugger frame"); return Method_CantCompile; } } RootedScript script(cx, state.script()); return CanEnterBaselineJIT(cx, script, /* osrFrame = */ nullptr); }; BaselineScript* BaselineScript::New(JSScript* jsscript, uint32_t prologueOffset, uint32_t epilogueOffset, uint32_t profilerEnterToggleOffset, uint32_t profilerExitToggleOffset, uint32_t postDebugPrologueOffset, size_t icEntries, size_t pcMappingIndexEntries, size_t pcMappingSize, size_t bytecodeTypeMapEntries, size_t yieldEntries, size_t traceLoggerToggleOffsetEntries) { static const unsigned DataAlignment = sizeof(uintptr_t); size_t icEntriesSize = icEntries * sizeof(BaselineICEntry); size_t pcMappingIndexEntriesSize = pcMappingIndexEntries * sizeof(PCMappingIndexEntry); size_t bytecodeTypeMapSize = bytecodeTypeMapEntries * sizeof(uint32_t); size_t yieldEntriesSize = yieldEntries * sizeof(uintptr_t); size_t tlEntriesSize = traceLoggerToggleOffsetEntries * sizeof(uint32_t); size_t paddedICEntriesSize = AlignBytes(icEntriesSize, DataAlignment); size_t paddedPCMappingIndexEntriesSize = AlignBytes(pcMappingIndexEntriesSize, DataAlignment); size_t paddedPCMappingSize = AlignBytes(pcMappingSize, DataAlignment); size_t paddedBytecodeTypesMapSize = AlignBytes(bytecodeTypeMapSize, DataAlignment); size_t paddedYieldEntriesSize = AlignBytes(yieldEntriesSize, DataAlignment); size_t paddedTLEntriesSize = AlignBytes(tlEntriesSize, DataAlignment); size_t allocBytes = paddedICEntriesSize + paddedPCMappingIndexEntriesSize + paddedPCMappingSize + paddedBytecodeTypesMapSize + paddedYieldEntriesSize + paddedTLEntriesSize; BaselineScript* script = jsscript->zone()->pod_malloc_with_extra<BaselineScript, uint8_t>(allocBytes); if (!script) return nullptr; new (script) BaselineScript(prologueOffset, epilogueOffset, profilerEnterToggleOffset, profilerExitToggleOffset, postDebugPrologueOffset); size_t offsetCursor = sizeof(BaselineScript); MOZ_ASSERT(offsetCursor == AlignBytes(sizeof(BaselineScript), DataAlignment)); script->icEntriesOffset_ = offsetCursor; script->icEntries_ = icEntries; offsetCursor += paddedICEntriesSize; script->pcMappingIndexOffset_ = offsetCursor; script->pcMappingIndexEntries_ = pcMappingIndexEntries; offsetCursor += paddedPCMappingIndexEntriesSize; script->pcMappingOffset_ = offsetCursor; script->pcMappingSize_ = pcMappingSize; offsetCursor += paddedPCMappingSize; script->bytecodeTypeMapOffset_ = bytecodeTypeMapEntries ? offsetCursor : 0; offsetCursor += paddedBytecodeTypesMapSize; script->yieldEntriesOffset_ = yieldEntries ? offsetCursor : 0; offsetCursor += paddedYieldEntriesSize; script->traceLoggerToggleOffsetsOffset_ = tlEntriesSize ? offsetCursor : 0; script->numTraceLoggerToggleOffsets_ = traceLoggerToggleOffsetEntries; offsetCursor += paddedTLEntriesSize; MOZ_ASSERT(offsetCursor == sizeof(BaselineScript) + allocBytes); return script; } void BaselineScript::trace(JSTracer* trc) { TraceEdge(trc, &method_, "baseline-method"); TraceNullableEdge(trc, &templateEnv_, "baseline-template-environment"); // Mark all IC stub codes hanging off the IC stub entries. for (size_t i = 0; i < numICEntries(); i++) { BaselineICEntry& ent = icEntry(i); ent.trace(trc); } } /* static */ void BaselineScript::writeBarrierPre(Zone* zone, BaselineScript* script) { if (zone->needsIncrementalBarrier()) script->trace(zone->barrierTracer()); } void BaselineScript::Trace(JSTracer* trc, BaselineScript* script) { script->trace(trc); } void BaselineScript::Destroy(FreeOp* fop, BaselineScript* script) { MOZ_ASSERT(!script->hasPendingIonBuilder()); script->unlinkDependentWasmImports(fop); /* * When the script contains pointers to nursery things, the store buffer can * contain entries that point into the fallback stub space. Since we can * destroy scripts outside the context of a GC, this situation could result * in us trying to mark invalid store buffer entries. * * Defer freeing any allocated blocks until after the next minor GC. */ script->fallbackStubSpace_.freeAllAfterMinorGC(fop->runtime()); fop->delete_(script); } void JS::DeletePolicy<js::jit::BaselineScript>::operator()(const js::jit::BaselineScript* script) { BaselineScript::Destroy(rt_->defaultFreeOp(), const_cast<BaselineScript*>(script)); } void BaselineScript::clearDependentWasmImports() { // Remove any links from wasm::Instances that contain optimized import calls into // this BaselineScript. if (dependentWasmImports_) { for (DependentWasmImport& dep : *dependentWasmImports_) dep.instance->deoptimizeImportExit(dep.importIndex); dependentWasmImports_->clear(); } } void BaselineScript::unlinkDependentWasmImports(FreeOp* fop) { // Remove any links from wasm::Instances that contain optimized FFI calls into // this BaselineScript. clearDependentWasmImports(); if (dependentWasmImports_) { fop->delete_(dependentWasmImports_); dependentWasmImports_ = nullptr; } } bool BaselineScript::addDependentWasmImport(JSContext* cx, wasm::Instance& instance, uint32_t idx) { if (!dependentWasmImports_) { dependentWasmImports_ = cx->new_<Vector<DependentWasmImport>>(cx); if (!dependentWasmImports_) return false; } return dependentWasmImports_->emplaceBack(instance, idx); } void BaselineScript::removeDependentWasmImport(wasm::Instance& instance, uint32_t idx) { if (!dependentWasmImports_) return; for (DependentWasmImport& dep : *dependentWasmImports_) { if (dep.instance == &instance && dep.importIndex == idx) { dependentWasmImports_->erase(&dep); break; } } } BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::icEntry(size_t index) { MOZ_ASSERT(index < numICEntries()); return icEntryList()[index]; } PCMappingIndexEntry& BaselineScript::pcMappingIndexEntry(size_t index) { MOZ_ASSERT(index < numPCMappingIndexEntries()); return pcMappingIndexEntryList()[index]; } CompactBufferReader BaselineScript::pcMappingReader(size_t indexEntry) { PCMappingIndexEntry& entry = pcMappingIndexEntry(indexEntry); uint8_t* dataStart = pcMappingData() + entry.bufferOffset; uint8_t* dataEnd = (indexEntry == numPCMappingIndexEntries() - 1) ? pcMappingData() + pcMappingSize_ : pcMappingData() + pcMappingIndexEntry(indexEntry + 1).bufferOffset; return CompactBufferReader(dataStart, dataEnd); } struct ICEntries { BaselineScript* const baseline_; explicit ICEntries(BaselineScript* baseline) : baseline_(baseline) {} BaselineICEntry& operator[](size_t index) const { return baseline_->icEntry(index); } }; BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::icEntryFromReturnOffset(CodeOffset returnOffset) { size_t loc; #ifdef DEBUG bool found = #endif BinarySearchIf(ICEntries(this), 0, numICEntries(), [&returnOffset](BaselineICEntry& entry) { size_t roffset = returnOffset.offset(); size_t entryRoffset = entry.returnOffset().offset(); if (roffset < entryRoffset) return -1; if (entryRoffset < roffset) return 1; return 0; }, &loc); MOZ_ASSERT(found); MOZ_ASSERT(loc < numICEntries()); MOZ_ASSERT(icEntry(loc).returnOffset().offset() == returnOffset.offset()); return icEntry(loc); } static inline size_t ComputeBinarySearchMid(BaselineScript* baseline, uint32_t pcOffset) { size_t loc; BinarySearchIf(ICEntries(baseline), 0, baseline->numICEntries(), [pcOffset](BaselineICEntry& entry) { uint32_t entryOffset = entry.pcOffset(); if (pcOffset < entryOffset) return -1; if (entryOffset < pcOffset) return 1; return 0; }, &loc); return loc; } uint8_t* BaselineScript::returnAddressForIC(const BaselineICEntry& ent) { return method()->raw() + ent.returnOffset().offset(); } BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::icEntryFromPCOffset(uint32_t pcOffset) { // Multiple IC entries can have the same PC offset, but this method only looks for // those which have isForOp() set. size_t mid = ComputeBinarySearchMid(this, pcOffset); // Found an IC entry with a matching PC offset. Search backward, and then // forward from this IC entry, looking for one with the same PC offset which // has isForOp() set. for (size_t i = mid; i < numICEntries() && icEntry(i).pcOffset() == pcOffset; i--) { if (icEntry(i).isForOp()) return icEntry(i); } for (size_t i = mid+1; i < numICEntries() && icEntry(i).pcOffset() == pcOffset; i++) { if (icEntry(i).isForOp()) return icEntry(i); } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid PC offset for IC entry."); } BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::icEntryFromPCOffset(uint32_t pcOffset, BaselineICEntry* prevLookedUpEntry) { // Do a linear forward search from the last queried PC offset, or fallback to a // binary search if the last offset is too far away. if (prevLookedUpEntry && pcOffset >= prevLookedUpEntry->pcOffset() && (pcOffset - prevLookedUpEntry->pcOffset()) <= 10) { BaselineICEntry* firstEntry = &icEntry(0); BaselineICEntry* lastEntry = &icEntry(numICEntries() - 1); BaselineICEntry* curEntry = prevLookedUpEntry; while (curEntry >= firstEntry && curEntry <= lastEntry) { if (curEntry->pcOffset() == pcOffset && curEntry->isForOp()) break; curEntry++; } MOZ_ASSERT(curEntry->pcOffset() == pcOffset && curEntry->isForOp()); return *curEntry; } return icEntryFromPCOffset(pcOffset); } BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::callVMEntryFromPCOffset(uint32_t pcOffset) { // Like icEntryFromPCOffset, but only looks for the fake ICEntries // inserted by VM calls. size_t mid = ComputeBinarySearchMid(this, pcOffset); for (size_t i = mid; i < numICEntries() && icEntry(i).pcOffset() == pcOffset; i--) { if (icEntry(i).kind() == ICEntry::Kind_CallVM) return icEntry(i); } for (size_t i = mid+1; i < numICEntries() && icEntry(i).pcOffset() == pcOffset; i++) { if (icEntry(i).kind() == ICEntry::Kind_CallVM) return icEntry(i); } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid PC offset for callVM entry."); } BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::stackCheckICEntry(bool earlyCheck) { // The stack check will always be at offset 0, so just do a linear search // from the beginning. This is only needed for debug mode OSR, when // patching a frame that has invoked a Debugger hook via the interrupt // handler via the stack check, which is part of the prologue. ICEntry::Kind kind = earlyCheck ? ICEntry::Kind_EarlyStackCheck : ICEntry::Kind_StackCheck; for (size_t i = 0; i < numICEntries() && icEntry(i).pcOffset() == 0; i++) { if (icEntry(i).kind() == kind) return icEntry(i); } MOZ_CRASH("No stack check ICEntry found."); } BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::warmupCountICEntry() { // The stack check will be at a very low offset, so just do a linear search // from the beginning. for (size_t i = 0; i < numICEntries() && icEntry(i).pcOffset() == 0; i++) { if (icEntry(i).kind() == ICEntry::Kind_WarmupCounter) return icEntry(i); } MOZ_CRASH("No warmup count ICEntry found."); } BaselineICEntry& BaselineScript::icEntryFromReturnAddress(uint8_t* returnAddr) { MOZ_ASSERT(returnAddr > method_->raw()); MOZ_ASSERT(returnAddr < method_->raw() + method_->instructionsSize()); CodeOffset offset(returnAddr - method_->raw()); return icEntryFromReturnOffset(offset); } void BaselineScript::copyYieldEntries(JSScript* script, Vector<uint32_t>& yieldOffsets) { uint8_t** entries = yieldEntryList(); for (size_t i = 0; i < yieldOffsets.length(); i++) { uint32_t offset = yieldOffsets[i]; entries[i] = nativeCodeForPC(script, script->offsetToPC(offset)); } } void BaselineScript::copyICEntries(JSScript* script, const BaselineICEntry* entries, MacroAssembler& masm) { // Fix up the return offset in the IC entries and copy them in. // Also write out the IC entry ptrs in any fallback stubs that were added. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numICEntries(); i++) { BaselineICEntry& realEntry = icEntry(i); realEntry = entries[i]; if (!realEntry.hasStub()) { // VM call without any stubs. continue; } // If the attached stub is a fallback stub, then fix it up with // a pointer to the (now available) realEntry. if (realEntry.firstStub()->isFallback()) realEntry.firstStub()->toFallbackStub()->fixupICEntry(&realEntry); if (realEntry.firstStub()->isTypeMonitor_Fallback()) { ICTypeMonitor_Fallback* stub = realEntry.firstStub()->toTypeMonitor_Fallback(); stub->fixupICEntry(&realEntry); } if (realEntry.firstStub()->isTableSwitch()) { ICTableSwitch* stub = realEntry.firstStub()->toTableSwitch(); stub->fixupJumpTable(script, this); } } } void BaselineScript::adoptFallbackStubs(FallbackICStubSpace* stubSpace) { fallbackStubSpace_.adoptFrom(stubSpace); } void BaselineScript::copyPCMappingEntries(const CompactBufferWriter& entries) { MOZ_ASSERT(entries.length() > 0); MOZ_ASSERT(entries.length() == pcMappingSize_); memcpy(pcMappingData(), entries.buffer(), entries.length()); } void BaselineScript::copyPCMappingIndexEntries(const PCMappingIndexEntry* entries) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numPCMappingIndexEntries(); i++) pcMappingIndexEntry(i) = entries[i]; } uint8_t* BaselineScript::nativeCodeForPC(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, PCMappingSlotInfo* slotInfo) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(script->hasBaselineScript(), script->baselineScript() == this); uint32_t pcOffset = script->pcToOffset(pc); // Look for the first PCMappingIndexEntry with pc > the pc we are // interested in. uint32_t i = 1; for (; i < numPCMappingIndexEntries(); i++) { if (pcMappingIndexEntry(i).pcOffset > pcOffset) break; } // The previous entry contains the current pc. MOZ_ASSERT(i > 0); i--; PCMappingIndexEntry& entry = pcMappingIndexEntry(i); MOZ_ASSERT(pcOffset >= entry.pcOffset); CompactBufferReader reader(pcMappingReader(i)); jsbytecode* curPC = script->offsetToPC(entry.pcOffset); uint32_t nativeOffset = entry.nativeOffset; MOZ_ASSERT(script->containsPC(curPC)); MOZ_ASSERT(curPC <= pc); while (reader.more()) { // If the high bit is set, the native offset relative to the // previous pc != 0 and comes next. uint8_t b = reader.readByte(); if (b & 0x80) nativeOffset += reader.readUnsigned(); if (curPC == pc) { if (slotInfo) *slotInfo = PCMappingSlotInfo(b & ~0x80); return method_->raw() + nativeOffset; } curPC += GetBytecodeLength(curPC); } MOZ_CRASH("No native code for this pc"); } jsbytecode* BaselineScript::approximatePcForNativeAddress(JSScript* script, uint8_t* nativeAddress) { MOZ_ASSERT(script->baselineScript() == this); MOZ_ASSERT(nativeAddress >= method_->raw()); MOZ_ASSERT(nativeAddress < method_->raw() + method_->instructionsSize()); uint32_t nativeOffset = nativeAddress - method_->raw(); MOZ_ASSERT(nativeOffset < method_->instructionsSize()); // Look for the first PCMappingIndexEntry with native offset > the native offset we are // interested in. uint32_t i = 1; for (; i < numPCMappingIndexEntries(); i++) { if (pcMappingIndexEntry(i).nativeOffset > nativeOffset) break; } // Go back an entry to search forward from. MOZ_ASSERT(i > 0); i--; PCMappingIndexEntry& entry = pcMappingIndexEntry(i); CompactBufferReader reader(pcMappingReader(i)); jsbytecode* curPC = script->offsetToPC(entry.pcOffset); uint32_t curNativeOffset = entry.nativeOffset; MOZ_ASSERT(script->containsPC(curPC)); // The native code address can occur before the start of ops. // Associate those with bytecode offset 0. if (curNativeOffset > nativeOffset) return script->code(); jsbytecode* lastPC = curPC; while (true) { // If the high bit is set, the native offset relative to the // previous pc != 0 and comes next. uint8_t b = reader.readByte(); if (b & 0x80) curNativeOffset += reader.readUnsigned(); // Return the last PC that matched nativeOffset. Some bytecode // generate no native code (e.g., constant-pushing bytecode like // JSOP_INT8), and so their entries share the same nativeOffset as the // next op that does generate code. if (curNativeOffset > nativeOffset) return lastPC; // The native address may lie in-between the last delta-entry in // a pcMappingIndexEntry, and the next pcMappingIndexEntry. if (!reader.more()) return curPC; lastPC = curPC; curPC += GetBytecodeLength(curPC); } } void BaselineScript::toggleDebugTraps(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc) { MOZ_ASSERT(script->baselineScript() == this); // Only scripts compiled for debug mode have toggled calls. if (!hasDebugInstrumentation()) return; SrcNoteLineScanner scanner(script->notes(), script->lineno()); AutoWritableJitCode awjc(method()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numPCMappingIndexEntries(); i++) { PCMappingIndexEntry& entry = pcMappingIndexEntry(i); CompactBufferReader reader(pcMappingReader(i)); jsbytecode* curPC = script->offsetToPC(entry.pcOffset); uint32_t nativeOffset = entry.nativeOffset; MOZ_ASSERT(script->containsPC(curPC)); while (reader.more()) { uint8_t b = reader.readByte(); if (b & 0x80) nativeOffset += reader.readUnsigned(); scanner.advanceTo(script->pcToOffset(curPC)); if (!pc || pc == curPC) { bool enabled = (script->stepModeEnabled() && scanner.isLineHeader()) || script->hasBreakpointsAt(curPC); // Patch the trap. CodeLocationLabel label(method(), CodeOffset(nativeOffset)); Assembler::ToggleCall(label, enabled); } curPC += GetBytecodeLength(curPC); } } } #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING void BaselineScript::initTraceLogger(JSRuntime* runtime, JSScript* script, const Vector<CodeOffset>& offsets) { #ifdef DEBUG traceLoggerScriptsEnabled_ = TraceLogTextIdEnabled(TraceLogger_Scripts); traceLoggerEngineEnabled_ = TraceLogTextIdEnabled(TraceLogger_Engine); #endif TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(runtime); MOZ_ASSERT(offsets.length() == numTraceLoggerToggleOffsets_); for (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.length(); i++) traceLoggerToggleOffsets()[i] = offsets[i].offset(); if (TraceLogTextIdEnabled(TraceLogger_Engine) || TraceLogTextIdEnabled(TraceLogger_Scripts)) { traceLoggerScriptEvent_ = TraceLoggerEvent(logger, TraceLogger_Scripts, script); for (size_t i = 0; i < numTraceLoggerToggleOffsets_; i++) { CodeLocationLabel label(method_, CodeOffset(traceLoggerToggleOffsets()[i])); Assembler::ToggleToCmp(label); } } } void BaselineScript::toggleTraceLoggerScripts(JSRuntime* runtime, JSScript* script, bool enable) { DebugOnly<bool> engineEnabled = TraceLogTextIdEnabled(TraceLogger_Engine); MOZ_ASSERT(enable == !traceLoggerScriptsEnabled_); MOZ_ASSERT(engineEnabled == traceLoggerEngineEnabled_); // Patch the logging script textId to be correct. // When logging log the specific textId else the global Scripts textId. TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(runtime); if (enable && !traceLoggerScriptEvent_.hasPayload()) traceLoggerScriptEvent_ = TraceLoggerEvent(logger, TraceLogger_Scripts, script); AutoWritableJitCode awjc(method()); // Enable/Disable the traceLogger. for (size_t i = 0; i < numTraceLoggerToggleOffsets_; i++) { CodeLocationLabel label(method_, CodeOffset(traceLoggerToggleOffsets()[i])); if (enable) Assembler::ToggleToCmp(label); else Assembler::ToggleToJmp(label); } #if DEBUG traceLoggerScriptsEnabled_ = enable; #endif } void BaselineScript::toggleTraceLoggerEngine(bool enable) { DebugOnly<bool> scriptsEnabled = TraceLogTextIdEnabled(TraceLogger_Scripts); MOZ_ASSERT(enable == !traceLoggerEngineEnabled_); MOZ_ASSERT(scriptsEnabled == traceLoggerScriptsEnabled_); AutoWritableJitCode awjc(method()); // Enable/Disable the traceLogger prologue and epilogue. for (size_t i = 0; i < numTraceLoggerToggleOffsets_; i++) { CodeLocationLabel label(method_, CodeOffset(traceLoggerToggleOffsets()[i])); if (enable) Assembler::ToggleToCmp(label); else Assembler::ToggleToJmp(label); } #if DEBUG traceLoggerEngineEnabled_ = enable; #endif } #endif void BaselineScript::toggleProfilerInstrumentation(bool enable) { if (enable == isProfilerInstrumentationOn()) return; JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineIC, " toggling profiling %s for BaselineScript %p", enable ? "on" : "off", this); // Toggle the jump CodeLocationLabel enterToggleLocation(method_, CodeOffset(profilerEnterToggleOffset_)); CodeLocationLabel exitToggleLocation(method_, CodeOffset(profilerExitToggleOffset_)); if (enable) { Assembler::ToggleToCmp(enterToggleLocation); Assembler::ToggleToCmp(exitToggleLocation); flags_ |= uint32_t(PROFILER_INSTRUMENTATION_ON); } else { Assembler::ToggleToJmp(enterToggleLocation); Assembler::ToggleToJmp(exitToggleLocation); flags_ &= ~uint32_t(PROFILER_INSTRUMENTATION_ON); } } void BaselineScript::purgeOptimizedStubs(Zone* zone) { JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineIC, "Purging optimized stubs"); for (size_t i = 0; i < numICEntries(); i++) { BaselineICEntry& entry = icEntry(i); if (!entry.hasStub()) continue; ICStub* lastStub = entry.firstStub(); while (lastStub->next()) lastStub = lastStub->next(); if (lastStub->isFallback()) { // Unlink all stubs allocated in the optimized space. ICStub* stub = entry.firstStub(); ICStub* prev = nullptr; while (stub->next()) { if (!stub->allocatedInFallbackSpace()) { lastStub->toFallbackStub()->unlinkStub(zone, prev, stub); stub = stub->next(); continue; } prev = stub; stub = stub->next(); } if (lastStub->isMonitoredFallback()) { // Monitor stubs can't make calls, so are always in the // optimized stub space. ICTypeMonitor_Fallback* lastMonStub = lastStub->toMonitoredFallbackStub()->fallbackMonitorStub(); lastMonStub->resetMonitorStubChain(zone); } } else if (lastStub->isTypeMonitor_Fallback()) { lastStub->toTypeMonitor_Fallback()->resetMonitorStubChain(zone); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(lastStub->isTableSwitch()); } } #ifdef DEBUG // All remaining stubs must be allocated in the fallback space. for (size_t i = 0; i < numICEntries(); i++) { BaselineICEntry& entry = icEntry(i); if (!entry.hasStub()) continue; ICStub* stub = entry.firstStub(); while (stub->next()) { MOZ_ASSERT(stub->allocatedInFallbackSpace()); stub = stub->next(); } } #endif } void jit::FinishDiscardBaselineScript(FreeOp* fop, JSScript* script) { if (!script->hasBaselineScript()) return; if (script->baselineScript()->active()) { // Script is live on the stack. Keep the BaselineScript, but destroy // stubs allocated in the optimized stub space. script->baselineScript()->purgeOptimizedStubs(script->zone()); // Reset |active| flag so that we don't need a separate script // iteration to unmark them. script->baselineScript()->resetActive(); // The baseline caches have been wiped out, so the script will need to // warm back up before it can be inlined during Ion compilation. script->baselineScript()->clearIonCompiledOrInlined(); return; } BaselineScript* baseline = script->baselineScript(); script->setBaselineScript(nullptr, nullptr); BaselineScript::Destroy(fop, baseline); } void jit::AddSizeOfBaselineData(JSScript* script, mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* data, size_t* fallbackStubs) { if (script->hasBaselineScript()) script->baselineScript()->addSizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf, data, fallbackStubs); } void jit::ToggleBaselineProfiling(JSRuntime* runtime, bool enable) { JitRuntime* jrt = runtime->jitRuntime(); if (!jrt) return; for (ZonesIter zone(runtime, SkipAtoms); !zone.done(); zone.next()) { for (auto script = zone->cellIter<JSScript>(); !script.done(); script.next()) { if (!script->hasBaselineScript()) continue; AutoWritableJitCode awjc(script->baselineScript()->method()); script->baselineScript()->toggleProfilerInstrumentation(enable); } } } #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING void jit::ToggleBaselineTraceLoggerScripts(JSRuntime* runtime, bool enable) { for (ZonesIter zone(runtime, SkipAtoms); !zone.done(); zone.next()) { for (auto script = zone->cellIter<JSScript>(); !script.done(); script.next()) { if (!script->hasBaselineScript()) continue; script->baselineScript()->toggleTraceLoggerScripts(runtime, script, enable); } } } void jit::ToggleBaselineTraceLoggerEngine(JSRuntime* runtime, bool enable) { for (ZonesIter zone(runtime, SkipAtoms); !zone.done(); zone.next()) { for (auto script = zone->cellIter<JSScript>(); !script.done(); script.next()) { if (!script->hasBaselineScript()) continue; script->baselineScript()->toggleTraceLoggerEngine(enable); } } } #endif static void MarkActiveBaselineScripts(JSRuntime* rt, const JitActivationIterator& activation) { for (jit::JitFrameIterator iter(activation); !iter.done(); ++iter) { switch (iter.type()) { case JitFrame_BaselineJS: iter.script()->baselineScript()->setActive(); break; case JitFrame_Exit: if (iter.exitFrame()->is<LazyLinkExitFrameLayout>()) { LazyLinkExitFrameLayout* ll = iter.exitFrame()->as<LazyLinkExitFrameLayout>(); ScriptFromCalleeToken(ll->jsFrame()->calleeToken())->baselineScript()->setActive(); } break; case JitFrame_Bailout: case JitFrame_IonJS: { // Keep the baseline script around, since bailouts from the ion // jitcode might need to re-enter into the baseline jitcode. iter.script()->baselineScript()->setActive(); for (InlineFrameIterator inlineIter(rt, &iter); inlineIter.more(); ++inlineIter) inlineIter.script()->baselineScript()->setActive(); break; } default:; } } } void jit::MarkActiveBaselineScripts(Zone* zone) { JSRuntime* rt = zone->runtimeFromMainThread(); for (JitActivationIterator iter(rt); !iter.done(); ++iter) { if (iter->compartment()->zone() == zone) MarkActiveBaselineScripts(rt, iter); } }