/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jit_BaselineInspector_h #define jit_BaselineInspector_h #include "jit/BaselineIC.h" #include "jit/BaselineJIT.h" #include "jit/MIR.h" namespace js { namespace jit { class BaselineInspector; class ICInspector { protected: BaselineInspector* inspector_; jsbytecode* pc_; ICEntry* icEntry_; ICInspector(BaselineInspector* inspector, jsbytecode* pc, ICEntry* icEntry) : inspector_(inspector), pc_(pc), icEntry_(icEntry) { } }; class SetElemICInspector : public ICInspector { public: SetElemICInspector(BaselineInspector* inspector, jsbytecode* pc, ICEntry* icEntry) : ICInspector(inspector, pc, icEntry) { } bool sawOOBDenseWrite() const; bool sawOOBTypedArrayWrite() const; bool sawDenseWrite() const; bool sawTypedArrayWrite() const; }; class BaselineInspector { private: JSScript* script; BaselineICEntry* prevLookedUpEntry; public: explicit BaselineInspector(JSScript* script) : script(script), prevLookedUpEntry(nullptr) { MOZ_ASSERT(script); } bool hasBaselineScript() const { return script->hasBaselineScript(); } BaselineScript* baselineScript() const { return script->baselineScript(); } private: #ifdef DEBUG bool isValidPC(jsbytecode* pc) { return script->containsPC(pc); } #endif BaselineICEntry& icEntryFromPC(jsbytecode* pc) { MOZ_ASSERT(hasBaselineScript()); MOZ_ASSERT(isValidPC(pc)); BaselineICEntry& ent = baselineScript()->icEntryFromPCOffset(script->pcToOffset(pc), prevLookedUpEntry); MOZ_ASSERT(ent.isForOp()); prevLookedUpEntry = &ent; return ent; } template <typename ICInspectorType> ICInspectorType makeICInspector(jsbytecode* pc, ICStub::Kind expectedFallbackKind) { BaselineICEntry* ent = nullptr; if (hasBaselineScript()) { ent = &icEntryFromPC(pc); MOZ_ASSERT(ent->fallbackStub()->kind() == expectedFallbackKind); } return ICInspectorType(this, pc, ent); } ICStub* monomorphicStub(jsbytecode* pc); MOZ_MUST_USE bool dimorphicStub(jsbytecode* pc, ICStub** pfirst, ICStub** psecond); public: typedef Vector<ReceiverGuard, 4, JitAllocPolicy> ReceiverVector; typedef Vector<ObjectGroup*, 4, JitAllocPolicy> ObjectGroupVector; MOZ_MUST_USE bool maybeInfoForPropertyOp(jsbytecode* pc, ReceiverVector& receivers); SetElemICInspector setElemICInspector(jsbytecode* pc) { return makeICInspector<SetElemICInspector>(pc, ICStub::SetElem_Fallback); } MIRType expectedResultType(jsbytecode* pc); MCompare::CompareType expectedCompareType(jsbytecode* pc); MIRType expectedBinaryArithSpecialization(jsbytecode* pc); MIRType expectedPropertyAccessInputType(jsbytecode* pc); bool hasSeenNonNativeGetElement(jsbytecode* pc); bool hasSeenNegativeIndexGetElement(jsbytecode* pc); bool hasSeenAccessedGetter(jsbytecode* pc); bool hasSeenDoubleResult(jsbytecode* pc); bool hasSeenNonStringIterMore(jsbytecode* pc); MOZ_MUST_USE bool isOptimizableCallStringSplit(jsbytecode* pc, JSString** strOut, JSString** sepOut, ArrayObject** objOut); JSObject* getTemplateObject(jsbytecode* pc); JSObject* getTemplateObjectForNative(jsbytecode* pc, Native native); JSObject* getTemplateObjectForClassHook(jsbytecode* pc, const Class* clasp); JSObject* getTemplateObjectForSimdCtor(jsbytecode* pc, SimdType simdType); // Sometimes the group a template object will have is known, even if the // object itself isn't. ObjectGroup* getTemplateObjectGroup(jsbytecode* pc); JSFunction* getSingleCallee(jsbytecode* pc); LexicalEnvironmentObject* templateNamedLambdaObject(); CallObject* templateCallObject(); MOZ_MUST_USE bool commonGetPropFunction(jsbytecode* pc, JSObject** holder, Shape** holderShape, JSFunction** commonGetter, Shape** globalShape, bool* isOwnProperty, ReceiverVector& receivers); MOZ_MUST_USE bool commonSetPropFunction(jsbytecode* pc, JSObject** holder, Shape** holderShape, JSFunction** commonSetter, bool* isOwnProperty, ReceiverVector& receivers); MOZ_MUST_USE bool instanceOfData(jsbytecode* pc, Shape** shape, uint32_t* slot, JSObject** prototypeObject); }; } // namespace jit } // namespace js #endif /* jit_BaselineInspector_h */