;; Auxiliary module to import from (module (func (export "func")) (func (export "func-i32") (param i32)) (func (export "func-f32") (param f32)) (func (export "func->i32") (result i32) (i32.const 22)) (func (export "func->f32") (result f32) (f32.const 11)) (func (export "func-i32->i32") (param i32) (result i32) (get_local 0)) (global (export "global-i32") i32 (i32.const 55)) (global (export "global-f32") f32 (f32.const 44)) (table (export "table-10-inf") 10 anyfunc) ;; (table (export "table-10-20") 10 20 anyfunc) (memory (export "memory-2-inf") 2) ;; (memory (export "memory-2-4") 2 4) ) (register "test") ;; Functions (module (type $func_i32 (func (param i32))) (type $func_i64 (func (param i64))) (import "spectest" "print" (func (param i32))) (func (import "spectest" "print") (param i64)) (import "spectest" "print" (func $print_i32 (param i32))) (import "spectest" "print" (func $print_i64 (param i64))) (import "spectest" "print" (func $print_i32_f32 (param i32 f32))) (import "spectest" "print" (func $print_i64_f64 (param i64 f64))) (func $print_i32-2 (import "spectest" "print") (param i32)) (func $print_i64-2 (import "spectest" "print") (param i64)) (table anyfunc (elem $print_i32 $print_i64)) (func (export "print32") (param $i i32) (call 0 (get_local $i)) (call $print_i32_f32 (i32.add (get_local $i) (i32.const 1)) (f32.const 42) ) (call $print_i32 (get_local $i)) (call $print_i32-2 (get_local $i)) (call_indirect $func_i32 (get_local $i) (i32.const 0)) ) (func (export "print64") (param $i i64) (call 1 (get_local $i)) (call $print_i64_f64 (i64.add (get_local $i) (i64.const 1)) (f64.const 53) ) (call $print_i64 (get_local $i)) (call $print_i64-2 (get_local $i)) (call_indirect $func_i64 (get_local $i) (i32.const 1)) ) ) (assert_return (invoke "print32" (i32.const 13))) (assert_return (invoke "print64" (i64.const 24))) (module (import "test" "func" (func))) (module (import "test" "func-i32" (func (param i32)))) (module (import "test" "func-f32" (func (param f32)))) (module (import "test" "func->i32" (func (result i32)))) (module (import "test" "func->f32" (func (result f32)))) (module (import "test" "func-i32->i32" (func (param i32) (result i32)))) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "unknown" (func))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "unknown" (func))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func" (func (param i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func" (func (result i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func" (func (param i32) (result i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32" (func))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32" (func (result i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32" (func (param f32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32" (func (param i64)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32" (func (param i32) (result i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func->i32" (func))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func->i32" (func (param i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func->i32" (func (result f32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func->i32" (func (result i64)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func->i32" (func (param i32) (result i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32->i32" (func))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32->i32" (func (param i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32->i32" (func (result i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "global-i32" (func (result i32)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (func))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (func))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "global" (func))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "table" (func))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "memory" (func))) "type mismatch" ) ;; Globals (module (import "spectest" "global" (global i32)) (global (import "spectest" "global") i32) (import "spectest" "global" (global $x i32)) (global $y (import "spectest" "global") i32) ;; limitation of the spidermonkey testing mode (an imported global can't be both a number and i64). ;;(import "spectest" "global" (global i64)) (import "spectest" "global" (global f32)) (import "spectest" "global" (global f64)) (func (export "get-0") (result i32) (get_global 0)) (func (export "get-1") (result i32) (get_global 1)) (func (export "get-x") (result i32) (get_global $x)) (func (export "get-y") (result i32) (get_global $y)) ) (assert_return (invoke "get-0") (i32.const 666)) (assert_return (invoke "get-1") (i32.const 666)) (assert_return (invoke "get-x") (i32.const 666)) (assert_return (invoke "get-y") (i32.const 666)) (module (import "test" "global-i32" (global i32))) (module (import "test" "global-f32" (global f32))) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "unknown" (global i32))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "unknown" (global i32))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func" (global i32))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (global i32))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (global i32))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "print" (global i32))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "table" (global i32))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "memory" (global i32))) "type mismatch" ) ;; Tables (module (type (func (result i32))) (import "spectest" "table" (table 10 20 anyfunc)) (elem 0 (i32.const 1) $f $g) (func (export "call") (param i32) (result i32) (call_indirect 0 (get_local 0))) (func $f (result i32) (i32.const 11)) (func $g (result i32) (i32.const 22)) ) (assert_trap (invoke "call" (i32.const 0)) "uninitialized element") (assert_return (invoke "call" (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 11)) (assert_return (invoke "call" (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 22)) (assert_trap (invoke "call" (i32.const 3)) "uninitialized element") (assert_trap (invoke "call" (i32.const 100)) "undefined element") (module (type (func (result i32))) (table (import "spectest" "table") 10 20 anyfunc) (elem 0 (i32.const 1) $f $g) (func (export "call") (param i32) (result i32) (call_indirect 0 (get_local 0))) (func $f (result i32) (i32.const 11)) (func $g (result i32) (i32.const 22)) ) (assert_trap (invoke "call" (i32.const 0)) "uninitialized element") (assert_return (invoke "call" (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 11)) (assert_return (invoke "call" (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 22)) (assert_trap (invoke "call" (i32.const 3)) "uninitialized element") (assert_trap (invoke "call" (i32.const 100)) "undefined element") (assert_invalid (module (import "" "" (table 10 anyfunc)) (import "" "" (table 10 anyfunc))) "multiple tables" ) (assert_invalid (module (import "" "" (table 10 anyfunc)) (table 10 anyfunc)) "multiple tables" ) (assert_invalid (module (table 10 anyfunc) (table 10 anyfunc)) "multiple tables" ) (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (table 10 anyfunc))) (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (table 5 anyfunc))) (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (table 0 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 10 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 5 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 0 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 10 20 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 5 20 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 0 20 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 10 25 anyfunc))) (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 5 25 anyfunc))) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "unknown" (table 10 anyfunc))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "unknown" (table 10 anyfunc))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (table 12 anyfunc))) "actual size smaller than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (table 10 20 anyfunc))) "maximum size larger than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 12 anyfunc))) "actual size smaller than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "table" (table 10 15 anyfunc))) "maximum size larger than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func" (table 10 anyfunc))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "global-i32" (table 10 anyfunc))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (table 10 anyfunc))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "print" (table 10 anyfunc))) "type mismatch" ) ;; Memories (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 1 2)) (data 0 (i32.const 10) "\10") (func (export "load") (param i32) (result i32) (i32.load (get_local 0))) ) (assert_return (invoke "load" (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 0)) (assert_return (invoke "load" (i32.const 10)) (i32.const 16)) (assert_return (invoke "load" (i32.const 8)) (i32.const 0x100000)) (assert_trap (invoke "load" (i32.const 1000000)) "out of bounds memory access") (module (memory (import "spectest" "memory") 1 2) (data 0 (i32.const 10) "\10") (func (export "load") (param i32) (result i32) (i32.load (get_local 0))) ) (assert_return (invoke "load" (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 0)) (assert_return (invoke "load" (i32.const 10)) (i32.const 16)) (assert_return (invoke "load" (i32.const 8)) (i32.const 0x100000)) (assert_trap (invoke "load" (i32.const 1000000)) "out of bounds memory access") (assert_invalid (module (import "" "" (memory 1)) (import "" "" (memory 1))) "multiple memories" ) (assert_invalid (module (import "" "" (memory 1)) (memory 0)) "multiple memories" ) (assert_invalid (module (memory 0) (memory 0)) "multiple memories" ) (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (memory 2))) (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (memory 1))) (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (memory 0))) (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 1))) (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 0))) (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 1 2))) (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 0 2))) (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 1 3))) (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 0 3))) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "unknown" (memory 1))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "unknown" (memory 1))) "unknown import" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (memory 3))) "actual size smaller than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "memory-2-inf" (memory 2 3))) "maximum size larger than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 2))) "actual size smaller than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 1 1))) "maximum size larger than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "func-i32" (memory 1))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "global-i32" (memory 1))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "test" "table-10-inf" (memory 1))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "print" (memory 1))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "global" (memory 1))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "table" (memory 1))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 2))) "actual size smaller than declared" ) (assert_unlinkable (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 1 1))) "maximum size larger than declared" ) (module (import "spectest" "memory" (memory 0 3)) ;; actual has max size 2 (func (export "grow") (param i32) (result i32) (grow_memory (get_local 0))) ) (assert_return (invoke "grow" (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 1)) (assert_return (invoke "grow" (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 1)) (assert_return (invoke "grow" (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 2)) (assert_return (invoke "grow" (i32.const 1)) (i32.const -1)) (assert_return (invoke "grow" (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 2))