;; Test `get_local` operator (module ;; Typing (func (export "type-local-i32") (result i32) (local i32) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-local-i64") (result i64) (local i64) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-local-f32") (result f32) (local f32) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-local-f64") (result f64) (local f64) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-param-i32") (param i32) (result i32) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-param-i64") (param i64) (result i64) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-param-f32") (param f32) (result f32) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-param-f64") (param f64) (result f64) (get_local 0)) (func (export "type-mixed") (param i64 f32 f64 i32 i32) (local f32 i64 i64 f64) (drop (i64.eqz (get_local 0))) (drop (f32.neg (get_local 1))) (drop (f64.neg (get_local 2))) (drop (i32.eqz (get_local 3))) (drop (i32.eqz (get_local 4))) (drop (f32.neg (get_local 5))) (drop (i64.eqz (get_local 6))) (drop (i64.eqz (get_local 7))) (drop (f64.neg (get_local 8))) ) ;; Reading (func (export "read") (param i64 f32 f64 i32 i32) (result f64) (local f32 i64 i64 f64) (set_local 5 (f32.const 5.5)) (set_local 6 (i64.const 6)) (set_local 8 (f64.const 8)) (f64.add (f64.convert_u/i64 (get_local 0)) (f64.add (f64.promote/f32 (get_local 1)) (f64.add (get_local 2) (f64.add (f64.convert_u/i32 (get_local 3)) (f64.add (f64.convert_s/i32 (get_local 4)) (f64.add (f64.promote/f32 (get_local 5)) (f64.add (f64.convert_u/i64 (get_local 6)) (f64.add (f64.convert_u/i64 (get_local 7)) (get_local 8) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (assert_return (invoke "type-local-i32") (i32.const 0)) (assert_return (invoke "type-local-i64") (i64.const 0)) (assert_return (invoke "type-local-f32") (f32.const 0)) (assert_return (invoke "type-local-f64") (f64.const 0)) (assert_return (invoke "type-param-i32" (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 2)) (assert_return (invoke "type-param-i64" (i64.const 3)) (i64.const 3)) (assert_return (invoke "type-param-f32" (f32.const 4.4)) (f32.const 4.4)) (assert_return (invoke "type-param-f64" (f64.const 5.5)) (f64.const 5.5)) (assert_return (invoke "type-mixed" (i64.const 1) (f32.const 2.2) (f64.const 3.3) (i32.const 4) (i32.const 5) ) ) (assert_return (invoke "read" (i64.const 1) (f32.const 2) (f64.const 3.3) (i32.const 4) (i32.const 5) ) (f64.const 34.8) ) ;; Invalid typing of access to locals (assert_invalid (module (func $type-local-num-vs-num (result i64) (local i32) (get_local 0))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $type-local-num-vs-num (local f32) (i32.eqz (get_local 0)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $type-local-num-vs-num (local f64 i64) (f64.neg (get_local 1)))) "type mismatch" ) ;; Invalid typing of access to parameters (assert_invalid (module (func $type-param-num-vs-num (param i32) (result i64) (get_local 0))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $type-param-num-vs-num (param f32) (i32.eqz (get_local 0)))) "type mismatch" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $type-param-num-vs-num (param f64 i64) (f64.neg (get_local 1)))) "type mismatch" ) ;; Invalid local index (assert_invalid (module (func $unbound-local (local i32 i64) (get_local 3))) "unknown local" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $large-local (local i32 i64) (get_local 14324343))) "unknown local" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $unbound-param (param i32 i64) (get_local 2))) "unknown local" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $large-param (local i32 i64) (get_local 714324343))) "unknown local" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $unbound-mixed (param i32) (local i32 i64) (get_local 3))) "unknown local" ) (assert_invalid (module (func $large-mixed (param i64) (local i32 i64) (get_local 214324343))) "unknown local" )