// Each resumption of a generator gets a fresh frame, whose onPop handler // fires the next time the generator yields. // This is not the behavior the spec requests, but it's what we do for the // moment, and it's good to check that at least we don't crash. var g = newGlobal(); var dbg = new Debugger(g); var log; var debuggerFrames = []; var poppedFrames = []; dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function handleDebugger(frame) { log += 'd'; assertEq(frame.type, "call"); assertEq(debuggerFrames.indexOf(frame), -1); assertEq(poppedFrames.indexOf(frame), -1); debuggerFrames.push(frame); if (frame.eval('i').return % 3 == 0) { frame.onPop = function handlePop(c) { log += ')' + c.return; assertEq(debuggerFrames.indexOf(this) != -1, true); assertEq(poppedFrames.indexOf(this), -1); poppedFrames.push(this); }; } }; g.eval("function g() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { debugger; yield i; } }"); log =''; assertEq(g.eval("var t = 0; for (j in g()) t += j; t;"), 45); assertEq(log, "d)0ddd)3ddd)6ddd)9");