// Debugger.prototype.findAllGlobals finds ALL the globals! var g1 = newGlobal(); // Created before the Debugger; debuggee. var g2 = newGlobal(); // Created before the Debugger; not debuggee. var dbg = new Debugger; var g3 = newGlobal(); // Created after the Debugger; debuggee. var g4 = newGlobal(); // Created after the Debugger; not debuggee. var g1w = dbg.addDebuggee(g1); var g3w = dbg.addDebuggee(g3); var a = dbg.findAllGlobals(); // Get Debugger.Objects viewing the globals from their own compartments; // this is the sort that findAllGlobals and addDebuggee return. var g2w = g1w.makeDebuggeeValue(g2).unwrap(); var g4w = g1w.makeDebuggeeValue(g4).unwrap(); var thisw = g1w.makeDebuggeeValue(this).unwrap(); // Check that they're all there. assertEq(a.indexOf(g1w) != -1, true); assertEq(a.indexOf(g2w) != -1, true); assertEq(a.indexOf(g3w) != -1, true); assertEq(a.indexOf(g4w) != -1, true); assertEq(a.indexOf(thisw) != -1, true);