load(libdir + 'asserts.js'); load(libdir + 'eqArrayHelper.js'); var arrayPattern = '[a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6]'; var objectPattern = '{0: a = 1, 1: b = 2, 2: c = 3, 3: d = 4, 4: e = 5, 5: f = 6}'; var objectPatternShorthand = '{a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6}'; var nestedPattern = '{a: a = 1, b: [b = 2] = [], c: {c: [c]} = {c: [3]}, d: {d, e} = {d: 4, e: 5}, f: f = 6}'; function testAll(fn) { assertEqArray(fn(arrayPattern, []), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(arrayPattern, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]); assertEqArray(fn(arrayPattern, [undefined, 0, false, null, "", undefined]), [1, 0, false, null, "", 6]); assertEqArray(fn(arrayPattern, [0, false]), [0, false, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPattern, []), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPattern, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPattern, [undefined, 0, false, null, "", undefined]), [1, 0, false, null, "", 6]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPattern, [0, false]), [0, false, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPatternShorthand, {}), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPatternShorthand, {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4, d: 5, e: 6, f: 7, g: 8, h: 9}), [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPatternShorthand, {a: undefined, b: 0, c: false, d: null, e: "", f: undefined}), [1, 0, false, null, "", 6]); assertEqArray(fn(objectPatternShorthand, {a: 0, b: false}), [0, false, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(nestedPattern, {}), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(nestedPattern, {a: 2, b: [], c: undefined}), [2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(nestedPattern, {a: undefined, b: [3], c: {c: [4]}}), [1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6]); assertEqArray(fn(nestedPattern, {a: undefined, b: [3], c: {c: [4]}, d: {d: 5, e: 6}}), [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6]); } function testVar(pattern, input) { return new Function('input', 'var ' + pattern + ' = input;' + 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f];' )(input); } testAll(testVar); function testLet(pattern, input) { return new Function('input', 'let ' + pattern + ' = input;' + 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f];' )(input); } testAll(testLet); function testConst(pattern, input) { return new Function('input', 'const ' + pattern + ' = input;' + 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f];' )(input); } testAll(testConst); function testGlobal(pattern, input) { return new Function('input', '(' + pattern + ' = input);' + 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f];' )(input); } testAll(testGlobal); function testClosure(pattern, input) { return new Function('input', 'var rest; (function () {' + '(' + pattern + ' = input);' + '})();' + 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f];' )(input); } testAll(testClosure); function testArgument(pattern, input) { return new Function('input', 'return (function (' + pattern + ') {' + 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f]; })(input);' )(input); } testAll(testArgument); function testArgumentFunction(pattern, input) { return new Function(pattern, 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f];' )(input); } // XXX: ES6 requires the `Function` constructor to accept arbitrary // `BindingElement`s as formal parameters. See Bug 1037939. // Once fixed, please update the assertions below. assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => testAll(testArgumentFunction), SyntaxError); function testThrow(pattern, input) { return new Function('input', 'try { throw input }' + 'catch(' + pattern + ') {' + 'return [a, b, c, d, e, f]; }' )(input); } testAll(testThrow); // test global const const [ca = 1, cb = 2] = []; assertEq(ca, 1); assertEq(cb, 2); const {a: {a: cc = 3} = {a: undefined}} = {}; assertEq(cc, 3); // test that the assignment happens in source order var a = undefined, b = undefined, c = undefined; ({a: a = 1, c: c = 2, b: b = 3} = { get a() { assertEq(a, undefined); assertEq(c, undefined); assertEq(b, undefined); return undefined; }, get b() { assertEq(a, 1); assertEq(c, 2); assertEq(b, undefined); return 4; }, get c() { assertEq(a, 1); assertEq(c, undefined); assertEq(b, undefined); return undefined; } }); assertEq(b, 4); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => { var {a: {a} = null} = {}; }, TypeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => { var [[a] = 2] = []; }, TypeError); // destructuring assignment might have duplicate variable names. var [a = 1, a = 2] = [3]; assertEq(a, 2); // assignment to properties of default params [a = {y: 2}, a.x = 1] = []; assertEq(typeof a, 'object'); assertEq(a.x, 1); assertEq(a.y, 2); // defaults are evaluated even if there is no binding var evaled = false; ({a: {} = (evaled = true, {})} = {}); assertEq(evaled, true); evaled = false; assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => { [[] = (evaled = true, 2)] = [] }, TypeError); assertEq(evaled, true); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => new Function('var [...rest = defaults] = [];'), SyntaxError); new Function(` b = undefined; for (var [a, b = 10] in " ") {} assertEq(b, 10);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (let [a, c = 10] in " ") { b = c; } assertEq(b, 10);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (let [a, c = (x => y)] in " ") { b = c; } assertEq(typeof b, "function");`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (let [a, __proto__ = 10] in " ") { b = __proto__; } assertEq(b, 10);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (let [a, __proto__ = (x => y)] in " ") { b = __proto__; } assertEq(typeof b, "function");`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (var {1: b = 10} in " ") {} assertEq(b, 10);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (let {1: c = 10} in " ") { b = c; } assertEq(b, 10);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (let { c = 10 } in " ") { b = c; } assertEq(b, 10);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; assertEq(Number.prototype.a, undefined); for (var { a: c = (x => y) } in [{}]) { b = c; } assertEq(typeof b, "function");`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "__proto__", { value: undefined, configurable: true }); for (var { __proto__: c = (x => y) } in [{}]) { b = c; } delete String.prototype.__proto__; assertEq(typeof b, "function");`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (var { a: c = (x => y) } of [{ a: undefined }]) { b = c; } assertEq(typeof b, "function");`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; for (var { __proto__: c = (x => y) } of [{ ["__proto__"]: undefined }]) { b = c; } assertEq(typeof b, "function");`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; var ts = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = () => 'hi'; String.prototype.hi = 42; for (var { [(x => y)]: c } in [0]) { b = c; } Function.prototype.toString = ts; delete String.prototype.hi; assertEq(b, 42);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; var ts = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = () => 'hi'; String.prototype.hi = 42; for (var { [(x => y)]: __proto__ } in [0]) { b = __proto__; } Function.prototype.toString = ts; delete String.prototype.hi; assertEq(b, 42);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; var ts = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = () => 'hi'; for (var { [(x => y)]: c } of [{ 'hi': 42 }]) { b = c; } Function.prototype.toString = ts; assertEq(b, 42);`)(); new Function(` b = undefined; var ts = Function.prototype.toString; Function.prototype.toString = () => 'hi'; for (var { [(x => y)]: __proto__ } of [{ hi: 42 }]) { b = __proto__; } Function.prototype.toString = ts; assertEq(b, 42);`)();