var count = 0; function Parent() { // Scanning "this" properties here with Object.keys() solved the bug in my case //Object.keys(this); this.log('Parent ctor'); this.meth1(); this.log('data3 before : ' + this.data3); this.meth2(); // Added properties lost in ChildA this.log('data3 after : ' + this.data3); this.log(''); if (count++) assertEq(this.data3, 'z'); } Parent.prototype.meth1 = function () { this.log('Parent.meth1()'); }; Parent.prototype.meth2 = function () { this.log('Parent.meth2()'); // Requirement for the bug : Parent.meth2() needs to add data this.data4 = 'x'; }; Parent.prototype.log = function (data) { print(data); } // Intermediate constructor to instantiate children prototype without executing Parent constructor code function ParentEmptyCtor() { } ParentEmptyCtor.prototype = Parent.prototype; function ChildA() { this.log('ChildA ctor');; } ChildA.prototype = new ParentEmptyCtor(); // Using Object.create() instead solves the bug //ChildA.prototype = Object.create(ParentEmptyCtor.prototype); ChildA.prototype.constructor = ChildA; ChildA.prototype.meth1 = function () { this.log('ChildA.meth1()'); this.data3 = 'z'; }; ChildA.prototype.meth2 = function () { this.log('ChildA.meth2()'); }; function ChildB() { this.log('ChildB ctor');; } ChildB.prototype = new ParentEmptyCtor(); //ChildB.prototype = Object.create(ParentEmptyCtor.prototype); ChildB.prototype.constructor = ChildB; function demo() { // Requirement for the bug : ChildB needs to be instantiated before ChildA new ChildB(); new ChildA(); } demo();