// Binary: cache/js-dbg-64-d51bd1645a2f-linux // Flags: -m -n -a // gczeal(4); var callStack = new Array(); var gTestcases = new Array(); var gTc = gTestcases.length; function TestCase(n, d, e, a) { this.name = n; this.description = d; this.expect = e; this.actual = a; this.passed = getTestCaseResult(e, a); this.reason = ''; this.bugnumber = ''; this.type = (typeof window == 'undefined' ? 'shell' : 'browser'); gTestcases[gTc++] = this; } function enterFunc (funcName) { try { throw foo; } catch(ex) {} } function getTestCaseResult(expected, actual) {} function writeHeaderToLog( string ) {} var lfcode = new Array(); lfcode.push("\ var code = ''; \ code+=createCode((gczeal(2))); \ function createCode(i) { \ jstop+= + delete + i + \" string.';\"; \ } \ "); lfcode.push("\ var SECTION = '9.9-1'; \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(true)).__proto__', Boolean.prototype, (Object(true)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(1)).__proto__', Number.prototype, (Object(1)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(-1)).__proto__', Number.prototype, (Object(-1)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(Number.MAX_VALUE)).__proto__', Number.prototype, (Object(Number.MAX_VALUE)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(Number.MIN_VALUE)).__proto__', Number.prototype, (Object(Number.MIN_VALUE)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).__proto__', Number.prototype, (Object(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).__proto__', Number.prototype, (Object(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(Number.NaN)).__proto__', Number.prototype, (Object(Number.NaN)).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( ) ; \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object(\"\")).__proto__', String.prototype, (Object('')).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, \"(Object('foo')).__proto__\", String.prototype, (Object('foo')).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, \"Object( '' ).__proto__\", String.prototype, (Object(\"\")).__proto__ ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, '(Object( new MyObject(true) )).toString()', '[object Object]', eval('(Object( new MyObject(true) )).toString()') ); \ "); lfcode.push("jsTestDriverEnd();"); lfcode.push(""); lfcode.push("\ enterFunc ('test'); \ Array.prototype[1] = 'bar'; \ var a = []; \ exitFunc ('test'); \ "); lfcode.push(""); lfcode.push("\ var VERSION = 'ECMA_1'; \ var TITLE = 'Value Properties of the Math Object'; \ writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + ' '+ TITLE); \ new TestCase( '', 'Math.E', \ this . TITLE ); \ 'typeof Math.E', \ new TestCase( '', \ 'Math.LN10', \ 'typeof Math.LN10', \ typeof Math.LN10 ); \ new TestCase( '', \ 'Math.LN2', \ Math.LN2 ); \ new TestCase( '', \ Math.LOG2E ); \ new TestCase( '', \ Math.SQRT1_2); \ new TestCase( '', \ typeof Math.SQRT2 ); \ new TestCase( SECTION, \ eval('var MATHPROPS=\"\";for( p in Math ){ MATHPROPS +=p; };MATHPROPS') ); \ "); while (true) { var file = lfcode.shift(); if (file == undefined) { break; } try { eval(file); } catch(exc1) { print(exc1); }; }