/* Generated by make_unicode.py DO NOT MODIFY */ /* Unicode version: 9.0.0 */ #ifndef V8_JSREGEXPCHARACTERS_INL_H_ #define V8_JSREGEXPCHARACTERS_INL_H_ namespace js { namespace irregexp { static inline bool RangeContainsLatin1Equivalents(CharacterRange range, bool unicode) { if (unicode) { // "LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S" case folds to "LATIN SMALL LETTER S". if (range.Contains(0x017F)) return true; // "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S" case folds to "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S". if (range.Contains(0x1E9E)) return true; // "KELVIN SIGN" case folds to "LATIN SMALL LETTER K". if (range.Contains(0x212A)) return true; // "ANGSTROM SIGN" case folds to "LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE". if (range.Contains(0x212B)) return true; } // "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU" case maps to "MICRO SIGN". // "GREEK SMALL LETTER MU" case maps to "MICRO SIGN". if (range.Contains(0x039C) || range.Contains(0x03BC)) return true; // "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS" case maps to "LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS". if (range.Contains(0x0178)) return true; return false; } } } // namespace js::irregexp #endif // V8_JSREGEXPCHARACTERS_INL_H_