import fcntl, os, select, time from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # Run a series of subprocesses. Try to keep up to a certain number going in # parallel at any given time. Enforce time limits. # # This is implemented using non-blocking I/O, and so is Unix-specific. # # We assume that, if a task closes its standard error, then it's safe to # wait for it to terminate. So an ill-behaved task that closes its standard # output and then hangs will hang us, as well. However, as it takes special # effort to close one's standard output, this seems unlikely to be a # problem in practice. class TaskPool(object): # A task we should run in a subprocess. Users should subclass this and # fill in the methods as given. class Task(object): def __init__(self): self.pipe = None self.start_time = None # Record that this task is running, with |pipe| as its Popen object, # and should time out at |deadline|. def start(self, pipe, deadline): self.pipe = pipe self.deadline = deadline # Return a shell command (a string or sequence of arguments) to be # passed to Popen to run the task. The command will be given # /dev/null as its standard input, and pipes as its standard output # and error. def cmd(self): raise NotImplementedError # TaskPool calls this method to report that the process wrote # |string| to its standard output. def onStdout(self, string): raise NotImplementedError # TaskPool calls this method to report that the process wrote # |string| to its standard error. def onStderr(self, string): raise NotImplementedError # TaskPool calls this method to report that the process terminated, # yielding |returncode|. def onFinished(self, returncode): raise NotImplementedError # TaskPool calls this method to report that the process timed out and # was killed. def onTimeout(self): raise NotImplementedError # If a task output handler (onStdout, onStderr) throws this, we terminate # the task. class TerminateTask(Exception): pass def __init__(self, tasks, cwd='.', job_limit=4, timeout=150): self.pending = iter(tasks) self.cwd = cwd self.job_limit = job_limit self.timeout = timeout self.next_pending = self.get_next_pending() # Set self.next_pending to the next task that has not yet been executed. def get_next_pending(self): try: return except StopIteration: return None def run_all(self): # The currently running tasks: a set of Task instances. running = set() with open(os.devnull, 'r') as devnull: while True: while len(running) < self.job_limit and self.next_pending: t = self.next_pending p = Popen(t.cmd(), bufsize=16384, stdin=devnull, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self.cwd) # Put the stdout and stderr pipes in non-blocking mode. See # the post-'select' code below for details. flags = fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) flags = fcntl.fcntl(p.stderr, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(p.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) t.start(p, time.time() + self.timeout) running.add(t) self.next_pending = self.get_next_pending() # If we have no tasks running, and the above wasn't able to # start any new ones, then we must be done! if not running: break # How many seconds do we have until the earliest deadline? now = time.time() secs_to_next_deadline = max(min([t.deadline for t in running]) - now, 0) # Wait for output or a timeout. stdouts_and_stderrs = ([t.pipe.stdout for t in running] + [t.pipe.stderr for t in running]) (readable,w,x) =, [], [], secs_to_next_deadline) finished = set() terminate = set() for t in running: # Since we've placed the pipes in non-blocking mode, these # 'read's will simply return as many bytes as are available, # rather than blocking until they have accumulated the full # amount requested (or reached EOF). The 'read's should # never throw, since 'select' has told us there was # something available. if t.pipe.stdout in readable: output = if output != "": try: t.onStdout(output) except TerminateTask: terminate.add(t) if t.pipe.stderr in readable: output = if output != "": try: t.onStderr(output) except TerminateTask: terminate.add(t) else: # We assume that, once a task has closed its stderr, # it will soon terminate. If a task closes its # stderr and then hangs, we'll hang too, here. t.pipe.wait() t.onFinished(t.pipe.returncode) finished.add(t) # Remove the finished tasks from the running set. (Do this here # to avoid mutating the set while iterating over it.) running -= finished # Terminate any tasks whose handlers have asked us to do so. for t in terminate: t.pipe.terminate() t.pipe.wait() running.remove(t) # Terminate any tasks which have missed their deadline. finished = set() for t in running: if now >= t.deadline: t.pipe.terminate() t.pipe.wait() t.onTimeout() finished.add(t) # Remove the finished tasks from the running set. (Do this here # to avoid mutating the set while iterating over it.) running -= finished return None def get_cpu_count(): """ Guess at a reasonable parallelism count to set as the default for the current machine and run. """ # Python 2.6+ try: import multiprocessing return multiprocessing.cpu_count() except (ImportError,NotImplementedError): pass # POSIX try: res = int(os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')) if res > 0: return res except (AttributeError,ValueError): pass # Windows try: res = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS']) if res > 0: return res except (KeyError, ValueError): pass return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': # Test TaskPool by using it to implement the unique 'sleep sort' algorithm. def sleep_sort(ns, timeout): sorted=[] class SortableTask(TaskPool.Task): def __init__(self, n): super(SortableTask, self).__init__() self.n = n def start(self, pipe, deadline): super(SortableTask, self).start(pipe, deadline) def cmd(self): return ['sh', '-c', 'echo out; sleep %d; echo err>&2' % (self.n,)] def onStdout(self, text): print '%d stdout: %r' % (self.n, text) def onStderr(self, text): print '%d stderr: %r' % (self.n, text) def onFinished(self, returncode): print '%d (rc=%d)' % (self.n, returncode) sorted.append(self.n) def onTimeout(self): print '%d timed out' % (self.n,) p = TaskPool([SortableTask(_) for _ in ns], job_limit=len(ns), timeout=timeout) p.run_all() return sorted print repr(sleep_sort([1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34], 15))