This directory holds Python code to support debugging SpiderMonkey with GDB. It includes pretty-printers for common SpiderMonkey types like jsval, jsid, and JSObject, and makes GDB "see through" the SpiderMonkey rooting types like js::Rooted and JS::Handle. For example: (gdb) frame #0 js::baseops::SetPropertyHelper (cx=0xbf3460, obj=(JSObject * const) 0x7ffff150b060 [object global] delegate, receiver=(JSObject * const) 0x7ffff150b060 [object global] delegate, id=$jsid("x"), defineHow=4, vp=$jsval(1), strict=0) at /home/jimb/moz/archer/js/src/jsobj.cpp:4495 4495 MOZ_ASSERT((defineHow & ~(DNP_CACHE_RESULT | DNP_UNQUALIFIED)) == 0); (gdb) Things to note here: - obj, a JS::HandleObject, prints as: obj=(JSObject * const) 0x7ffff150b060 [object global] delegate, This immediately shows the handle's referent, along with a JavaScript-like summary of the object. - id, a JS::HandleId, prints as: id=$jsid("x"), We show the handle's referent, and print the identifier as a string. - vp, a JS::MutableHandleValue, prints as: vp=$jsval(1) We show the handle's referent, using the jsval's tag to print it in its JavaScript form. You can still see the raw form of a value with 'print/r': (gdb) p/r obj $1 = {> = {}, ptr = 0x7fffffffca60} (gdb) You can also use GDB's 'disable pretty-printer' command to turn off individual pretty-printers; try 'info pretty-printer' first. GDB should pick these extensions up automatically when you debug the shell, by auto-loading the '' file that js/src/shell/ places in the same directory as the 'js' executable. You may need to add a command like the following to your '$HOME/.gdbinit' file: # Tell GDB to trust auto-load files found under ~/moz. add-auto-load-safe-path ~/moz If you do need this, GDB will tell you. In general, pretty-printers for pointer types include a summary of the pointer's referent: (gdb) b math_atan2 Breakpoint 1 at 0x542e0a: file /home/jimb/moz/archer/js/src/jsmath.cpp, line 214. (gdb) run js> Math.atan2('Spleen', 42) Breakpoint 1, math_atan2 (cx=0xbf3440, argc=2, vp=0x7ffff172f0a0) (gdb) print vp[0] $1 = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7ffff151c0c0 [object Function "atan2"]) (gdb) print vp[1] $2 = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7ffff150d0a0 [object Math]) (gdb) print vp[2] $3 = $jsval("Spleen") (gdb) print vp[3] $4 = $jsval(42) (gdb) We used to also have pretty-printers for the actual contents of a JSString struct, that knew which union branches were live and which were dead. These were more fragile than the summary pretty-printers, and harder to test, so I've removed them until we can see how to do better. There are unit tests; see 'Running the unit tests', below. I'd love for others to pitch in. GDB's Python API is documented in the GDB manual. I've recently rewritten the printers. The new code is simpler, and more robust; unit tests are easier to write; and the new test harness can run the tests in parallel. If a printer you'd contributed to in the past was dropped in the process, I apologize; I felt we should have good test coverage for any printer landed in-tree. You may also be interested in 'Personal pretty-printers', below. Directory layout ---------------- - js/src/gdb/mozilla: The actual SpiderMonkey support code. GDB auto-loads this when you debug an executable or shared library that contains SpiderMonkey. - js/src/gdb/tests: Unit tests for the above. - Each '.py' file is a unit test, to be run by js/src/gdb/ - Each '.cpp' file contains C++ code fragments for some unit test to use. - js/src/gdb/lib-for-tests: Python modules used by the unit tests. In js/src/gdb: - test harness for GDB SpiderMonkey support unit tests. See 'Running the unit tests', below. -, Python modules used by - gdb-tests.cpp, gdb-tests.h: Driver program for C++ code fragments. - Template for GDB autoload file for gdb-tests. Personal pretty-printers ------------------------ If you'd like to write your own pretty-printers, you can put them in a module named 'my_mozilla_printers' in a directory somewhere on your Python module search path. Our autoload code tries to import 'my_mozilla_printers' after importing our other SpiderMonkey support modules. For example: $ echo $PYTHONPATH /home/jimb/python $ cat ~/python/ import gdb from mozilla.prettyprinters import ptr_pretty_printer # Simple char16_t * printer. Doesn't show address; chases null pointers. @ptr_pretty_printer('char16_t') class char16Ptr(object): def __init__(self, value, cache): self.value = value def display_hint(self): return 'string' def to_string(self): c = u'' for i in xrange(50): if self.value[i] == 0: break c += unichr(self.value[i]) return c $ ... (gdb) whatis sample type = char16_t [4] (gdb) print &sample[0] $1 = "Hi!" Running the unit tests ---------------------- These extensions have unit tests, invoked as follows: $ python [OPTIONS] OBJDIR [TESTS...] where OBJDIR is a directory containing a standalone SpiderMonkey build; TESTS are names of selected tests to run (if omitted, we run them all); and OPTIONS are drawn from the list below. --gdb=EXECUTABLE Instead of running whatever 'gdb' we find in our search path, use EXECUTABLE to run the tests. --srcdir=SRCDIR Find the sources corresponding to LIBDIR/ in SRCDIR. Without this option, we use the parent of the directory containing ''. Note that SRCDIR must be a complete SpiderMonkey source directory, as our tests #include internal SpiderMonkey header files (to test pretty-printers for internal types, like parse nodes.) --testdir=TESTDIR Search for Python scripts and any accompanying C++ source code in TESTDIR. If omitted, we use the 'tests' directory in the directory containing ''. --builddir=BUILDDIR Build the C++ executable that GDB debugs to run the tests in BUILDDIR. If omitted, create a 'gdb-tests' subdirectory of LIBDIR. (It is safe to use relative paths for LIBDIR, SRCDIR, and so on. They are always interpreted relative to the directory that was current when was started.) For example, since I build in a subdirectory 'obj~' of the 'js/src' directory, I use this command from 'js/src' to run the pretty-printer unit tests: $ python gdb/ obj~ Writing new unit tests ---------------------- Each unit test consists of a Python script, possibly with some accompanying C++ code. Running tests works like this: - The script calls 'make' in 'BUILDDIR/gdb' to build 'gdb-tests'. - Then, for each '.py' test script in js/src/gdb/tests, the harness starts GDB on the 'gdb-tests' executable, and then has GDB run js/src/gdb/lib-for-tests/, passing it the test script's path as its first command-line argument. Thanks To: ---------- - David Anderson - Steve Fink - Chris Leary - Josh Matthews - Jason Orendorff - Andrew Sutherland