// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /** * Copyright (c) 1999-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. * * Generator for source/i18n/collunsafe.h * see Makefile */ #include #include "unicode/uversion.h" #include "unicode/uniset.h" #include "collationroot.h" #include "collationtailoring.h" /** * Define the type of generator to use. Choose one. */ #define SERIALIZE 1 //< Default: use UnicodeSet.serialize() and a new internal c'tor #define RANGES 0 //< Enumerate ranges (works, not as fast. No support in collationdatareader.cpp) #define PATTERN 0 //< Generate a UnicodeSet pattern (depends on #11891 AND probably slower. No support in collationdatareader.cpp) int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; // Get the unsafeBackwardsSet const CollationCacheEntry *rootEntry = CollationRoot::getRootCacheEntry(errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Err: %s getting root cache entry\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return 1; } const UVersionInfo &version = rootEntry->tailoring->version; const UnicodeSet *unsafeBackwardSet = rootEntry->tailoring->unsafeBackwardSet; char verString[20]; u_versionToString(version, verString); fprintf(stderr, "Generating data for ICU %s, Collation %s\n", U_ICU_VERSION, verString); int32_t rangeCount = unsafeBackwardSet->getRangeCount(); #if SERIALIZE fprintf(stderr, ".. serializing\n"); // UnicodeSet serialization UErrorCode preflightCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; // preflight int32_t serializedCount = unsafeBackwardSet->serialize(NULL,0,preflightCode); if(U_FAILURE(preflightCode) && preflightCode != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Err: %s preflighting unicode set\n", u_errorName(preflightCode)); return 1; } uint16_t *serializedData = new uint16_t[serializedCount]; // serialize unsafeBackwardSet->serialize(serializedData, serializedCount, errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { delete [] serializedData; fprintf(stderr, "Err: %s serializing unicodeset\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return 1; } #endif #if PATTERN fprintf(stderr,".. pattern. (Note: collationdatareader.cpp does not support this form also see #11891)\n"); // attempt to use pattern UnicodeString pattern; UnicodeSet set(*unsafeBackwardSet); set.compact(); set.toPattern(pattern, FALSE); if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { // This fails (bug# ?) - which is why this method was abandoned. // UnicodeSet usA(pattern, errorCode); // fprintf(stderr, "\n%s:%d: err creating set A %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(errorCode)); // return 1; } const UChar *buf = pattern.getBuffer(); int32_t needed = pattern.length(); // print { char buf2[2048]; int32_t len2 = pattern.extract(0, pattern.length(), buf2, "utf-8"); buf2[len2]=0; fprintf(stderr,"===\n%s\n===\n", buf2); } const UnicodeString unsafeBackwardPattern(FALSE, buf, needed); if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { //UnicodeSet us(unsafeBackwardPattern, errorCode); // fprintf(stderr, "\n%s:%d: err creating set %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(errorCode)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Uset OK - \n"); } #endif // Generate the output file. printf("// collunsafe.h\n"); printf("// %s\n", U_COPYRIGHT_STRING); printf("\n"); printf("// To be included by collationdatareader.cpp, and generated by gencolusb.\n"); printf("// Machine generated, do not edit.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("#ifndef COLLUNSAFE_H\n" "#define COLLUNSAFE_H\n" "\n" "#include \"unicode/utypes.h\"\n" "\n" "#define COLLUNSAFE_ICU_VERSION \"" U_ICU_VERSION "\"\n"); printf("#define COLLUNSAFE_COLL_VERSION \"%s\"\n", verString); #if PATTERN printf("#define COLLUNSAFE_PATTERN 1\n"); printf("static const int32_t collunsafe_len = %d;\n", needed); printf("static const UChar collunsafe_pattern[collunsafe_len] = {\n"); for(int i=0;i0) && (i%8 == 0) ) { printf(" // %d\n", i); } printf("0x%04X", buf[i]); // TODO check if(i != (needed-1)) { printf(", "); } } printf(" //%d\n};\n", (needed-1)); #endif #if RANGE fprintf(stderr, "COLLUNSAFE_RANGE - no code support in collationdatareader.cpp for this\n"); printf("#define COLLUNSAFE_RANGE 1\n"); printf("static const int32_t unsafe_rangeCount = %d;\n", rangeCount); printf("static const UChar32 unsafe_ranges[%d] = { \n", rangeCount*2); for(int32_t i=0;igetRangeStart(i), unsafeBackwardSet->getRangeEnd(i), i); } printf("};\n"); #endif #if SERIALIZE printf("#define COLLUNSAFE_SERIALIZE 1\n"); printf("static const int32_t unsafe_serializedCount = %d;\n", serializedCount); printf("static const uint16_t unsafe_serializedData[%d] = { \n", serializedCount); for(int32_t i=0;i0) && (i%8 == 0) ) { printf(" // %d\n", i); } printf("0x%04X", serializedData[i]); // TODO check if(i != (serializedCount-1)) { printf(", "); } } printf("};\n"); #endif printf("#endif\n"); fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout); return(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)?0:1); }