// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* * digitinterval.h * * created on: 2015jan6 * created by: Travis Keep */ #ifndef __DIGITINTERVAL_H__ #define __DIGITINTERVAL_H__ #include "unicode/uobject.h" #include "unicode/utypes.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /** * An interval of digits. * DigitIntervals are for fixed point formatting. A DigitInterval specifies * zero or more integer digits and zero or more fractional digits. This class * specifies particular digits in a number by their power of 10. For example, * the digit position just to the left of the decimal is 0, and the digit * position just left of that is 1. The digit position just to the right of * the decimal is -1. The digit position just to the right of that is -2. */ class U_I18N_API DigitInterval : public UMemory { public: /** * Spans all integer and fraction digits */ DigitInterval() : fLargestExclusive(INT32_MAX), fSmallestInclusive(INT32_MIN) { } /** * Makes this instance span all digits. */ void clear() { fLargestExclusive = INT32_MAX; fSmallestInclusive = INT32_MIN; } /** * Returns TRUE if this interval contains this digit position. */ UBool contains(int32_t digitPosition) const; /** * Returns true if this object is the same as rhs. */ UBool equals(const DigitInterval &rhs) const { return ((fLargestExclusive == rhs.fLargestExclusive) && (fSmallestInclusive == rhs.fSmallestInclusive)); } /** * Expand this interval so that it contains all of rhs. */ void expandToContain(const DigitInterval &rhs); /** * Shrink this interval so that it contains no more than rhs. */ void shrinkToFitWithin(const DigitInterval &rhs); /** * Expand this interval as necessary to contain digit with given exponent * After this method returns, this interval is guaranteed to contain * digitExponent. */ void expandToContainDigit(int32_t digitExponent); /** * Changes the number of digits to the left of the decimal point that * this interval spans. If count is negative, it means span all digits * to the left of the decimal point. */ void setIntDigitCount(int32_t count); /** * Changes the number of digits to the right of the decimal point that * this interval spans. If count is negative, it means span all digits * to the right of the decimal point. */ void setFracDigitCount(int32_t count); /** * Sets the least significant inclusive value to smallest. If smallest >= 0 * then least significant inclusive value becomes 0. */ void setLeastSignificantInclusive(int32_t smallest) { fSmallestInclusive = smallest < 0 ? smallest : 0; } /** * Sets the most significant exclusive value to largest. * If largest <= 0 then most significant exclusive value becomes 0. */ void setMostSignificantExclusive(int32_t largest) { fLargestExclusive = largest > 0 ? largest : 0; } /** * If returns 8, the most significant digit in interval is the 10^7 digit. * Returns INT32_MAX if this interval spans all digits to left of * decimal point. */ int32_t getMostSignificantExclusive() const { return fLargestExclusive; } /** * Returns number of digits to the left of the decimal that this * interval includes. This is a synonym for getMostSignificantExclusive(). */ int32_t getIntDigitCount() const { return fLargestExclusive; } /** * Returns number of digits to the right of the decimal that this * interval includes. */ int32_t getFracDigitCount() const { return fSmallestInclusive == INT32_MIN ? INT32_MAX : -fSmallestInclusive; } /** * Returns the total number of digits that this interval spans. * Caution: If this interval spans all digits to the left or right of * decimal point instead of some fixed number, then what length() * returns is undefined. */ int32_t length() const { return fLargestExclusive - fSmallestInclusive; } /** * If returns -3, the least significant digit in interval is the 10^-3 * digit. Returns INT32_MIN if this interval spans all digits to right of * decimal point. */ int32_t getLeastSignificantInclusive() const { return fSmallestInclusive; } private: int32_t fLargestExclusive; int32_t fSmallestInclusive; }; U_NAMESPACE_END #endif // __DIGITINTERVAL_H__