# DO NOT EDIT! This is a auto-generated temporary list for Stylo testing
# GIF tests 

# tests for bug 519589
== 1bit-255-trans.gif 1bit-255-trans.gif
== in-colormap-trans.gif in-colormap-trans.gif
== out-of-colormap-trans.gif out-of-colormap-trans.gif

# a GIF file that uses the comment extension
fails == comment.gif comment.gif

# a GIF file with a background smaller than the size of the canvas
== small-background-size.gif small-background-size.gif
== small-background-size-2.gif small-background-size-2.gif

# a transparent gif that disposes previous frames with clear; we must properly
# clear each frame to pass.
random == delaytest.html?transparent-animation.gif delaytest.html?transparent-animation.gif
# incorrect timing dependence (bug 558678)

# test for bug 641198
skip == test_bug641198.html test_bug641198.html
# Disabled; see bug 1120144.

# Bug 1062886: a gif with a single color and an offset
== one-color-offset.gif one-color-offset.gif

# Bug 1068230
== tile-transform.html tile-transform.html

# Bug 1234077
== truncated-framerect.html truncated-framerect.html

# webcam-simulacrum.mgif is a hand-edited file containing red.gif and blue.gif,
# concatenated together with the relevant headers for
# multipart/x-mixed-replace. Specifically, with the headers in
# webcam-simulacrum.mjpg^headers^, the web browser will get the following:
# HTTP 200 OK
# Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=BOUNDARYOMG
# Content-Type: image/gif\r\n
# \r\n
# <contents of red.gif> (no newline)
# Content-Type: image/gif\r\n
# \r\n
# <contents of blue.gif> (no newline)
# (The boundary is arbitrary, and just has to be defined as something that
# won't be in the text of the contents themselves. --$(boundary)\r\n means
# "Here is the beginning of a boundary," and --$(boundary)-- means "All done
# sending you parts.")
skip-if(B2G) HTTP == webcam.html webcam.html
# bug 773482