# DO NOT EDIT! This is a auto-generated temporary list for Stylo testing # bmpsuite "bad" tests # See ../README.mozilla for details. # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=30000, compression=0, colors=2 # "Header indicates an absurdly large number of bits/pixel." # [We reject it. So does Chromium.] skip == wrapper.html?badbitcount.bmp wrapper.html?badbitcount.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=1, compression=0, colors=2 # "Header incorrectly indicates that the bitmap is several GB in size." # [We accept it. So does Chromium.] fails == badbitssize.bmp badbitssize.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=1, compression=0, colors=2 # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=1, compression=0, colors=2 # "Density (pixels per meter) suggests the image is much larger in one # dimension than the other." # [We accept them. So does Chromium.] fails == baddens1.bmp baddens1.bmp fails == baddens2.bmp baddens2.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=1, compression=0, colors=2 # "Header incorrectly indicates that the file is several GB in size." # [We accept it. So does Chromium.] fails == badfilesize.bmp badfilesize.bmp # BMP: # "Header size is 66 bytes, which is not a valid size for any known BMP # version." # [We reject it. So does Chromium.] skip == wrapper.html?badheadersize.bmp wrapper.html?badheadersize.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=8, compression=0, colors=305402420 # "Header incorrectly indicates that the palette contains an absurdly large # number of colors." # [We reject it. Chromium accepts it but draws nothing. Rejecting seems # preferable give that the data is clearly untrustworthy.] skip == wrapper.html?badpalettesize.bmp wrapper.html?badpalettesize.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=1, compression=0, colors=2 # "The 'planes' setting, which is required to be 1, is not 1." # [We accept it. So does Chromium.] fails == badplanes.bmp badplanes.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=8, compression=1, colors=253 # "An invalid RLE-compressed image that tries to cause buffer overruns." # [We accept it, drawing the valid first part and leaving the rest black. # Chromium accepts it, drawing the valid first part and leaving the rest # transparent. Using black for the invalid part is arguably better because it # makes the image edges more obvious.] == badrle.bmp badrle.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, -127 x 64, bpp=1, compression=0, colors=2 # "The image claims to be a negative number of pixels in width." # [We reject it. So does Chromium.] skip == wrapper.html?badwidth.bmp wrapper.html?badwidth.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=8, compression=0, colors=101 # "Many of the palette indices used in the image are not present in the # palette." # [We accept it and use black for the missing colors. So does Chromium.] fails == pal8badindex.bmp pal8badindex.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 3000000 x 2000000, bpp=24, compression=0, colors=0 # "An image with a very large reported width and height." # [We reject it. So does Chromium.] skip == wrapper.html?reallybig.bmp wrapper.html?reallybig.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x -64, bpp=8, compression=1, colors=252 # "An RLE-compressed image that tries to use top-down orientation, which isn’t # allowed." # [We accept it. Chromium rejects it. Accepting seems better given that we can # decode it perfectly well.] == rletopdown.bmp rletopdown.bmp # BMP: bihsize=40, 127 x 64, bpp=1, compression=0, colors=2 # "A file that has been truncated in the middle of the bitmap." # [We accept it, drawing the part that is present and leaving the rest black. # Chromium draws the part that is present and leaves the rest transparent. # Using black for the invalid part is arguably better because it makes the # image edges more obvious.] fails == shortfile.bmp shortfile.bmp