  <title>Test for scrolling selection into view</title>
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  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

<pre id="test">
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// We open a window which contains two copies of the same gif. One at a scaled size, one at the
// natural image size. We rely on the bug only showing up in the scaled image. The gif has three
// frames and a delay of 100ms. The first is all white. The second has a very small update area
// in the upper left, it changes the pixels to slightly off white. The third changes all the
// pixels to blue. When the bug appears we only update the upper left pixels when looping around
// from the last frame to the first frame. We compare a middle pixel of the two images to make
// sure that they are the same at 100ms for a second. If the bug appears then the middle pixel
// on the scaled image will always be blue and so should not match the middle pixel on the
// unscaled image which should be white two thirds of the time. If the timers fire at bad times
// and only fire when both frames are displaying blue we won't be able to detect this bug and the
// test will pass without testing anything important, but that's not a big deal. That should be
// rare enough, and the next time the test is run will should do proper testing.

SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout("Pre-existing timeouts when converting from mochitest-chrome");

var win = null;

function openWindow() {
  win = window.open("bug1132427.html",
                "", "scrollbars=yes,toolbar,menubar,width=600,height=800");

function doTest() {
  setTimeout(continueTest, 1000);

function checkPixel(canvas, context, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
  var pix = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
  for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    is(pix[4 * (y1 * canvas.width + x1) + i], pix[4 * (y2 * canvas.width + x2) + i], "pixels should match");

var iterationsLeft = 10;

function continueTest() {
  // we need to drawWindow the chrome window so we can get a dump of the retained widget layers
  // if we have to repaint to fulfill this drawWindow request then it will be impossible to
  // observe the bug
  var chromewin = SpecialPowers.wrap(win).QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)

  var el = window.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas");
  el.width = chromewin.innerWidth;
  el.height = chromewin.innerHeight;
  var ctx = el.getContext("2d");
  // pass the correct flags so we don't have to flush the retained layers
  SpecialPowers.wrap(ctx).drawWindow(chromewin, 0, 0, chromewin.innerWidth, chromewin.innerHeight, "rgba(0,0,0,0)",

  var leftbox = win.document.getElementById("left").getBoundingClientRect();
  var rightbox = win.document.getElementById("right").getBoundingClientRect();
  // this is actually chrome on left and right, but in practice we have none so it doesn't matter
  var chromeleft = win.outerWidth - win.innerWidth;
  // this is actually chrome on top and bottom, but bottom chrome is usually small to none and we have
  // 100px to spare in hitting the middle of the image elements (they are 200x200)
  var chrometop = win.outerHeight - win.innerHeight;

  // compare the middle of the two image elements
  checkPixel(el, ctx, chromeleft + leftbox.left + Math.floor(leftbox.width/2), chrometop + leftbox.top + Math.floor(leftbox.height/2),
                      chromeleft + rightbox.left + Math.floor(rightbox.width/2), chrometop + rightbox.top + Math.floor(rightbox.height/2));

  if (iterationsLeft > 0) {
    // now test 100ms later, we should have the next frame of the gif then
    setTimeout(continueTest, 100);
  } else {
