/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include "Common.h" #include "Decoder.h" #include "DecoderFactory.h" #include "SourceBuffer.h" #include "SurfaceFilters.h" #include "SurfacePipe.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::gfx; using namespace mozilla::image; template <typename Func> void WithDownscalingFilter(const IntSize& aInputSize, const IntSize& aOutputSize, Func aFunc) { RefPtr<Decoder> decoder = CreateTrivialDecoder(); ASSERT_TRUE(decoder != nullptr); WithFilterPipeline(decoder, Forward<Func>(aFunc), DownscalingConfig { aInputSize, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 }, SurfaceConfig { decoder, 0, aOutputSize, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8, false }); } void AssertConfiguringDownscalingFilterFails(const IntSize& aInputSize, const IntSize& aOutputSize) { RefPtr<Decoder> decoder = CreateTrivialDecoder(); ASSERT_TRUE(decoder != nullptr); AssertConfiguringPipelineFails(decoder, DownscalingConfig { aInputSize, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 }, SurfaceConfig { decoder, 0, aOutputSize, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8, false }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixels100_100to99_99) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(99, 99), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { CheckWritePixels(aDecoder, aFilter, /* aOutputRect = */ Some(IntRect(0, 0, 99, 99))); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixels100_100to33_33) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(33, 33), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { CheckWritePixels(aDecoder, aFilter, /* aOutputRect = */ Some(IntRect(0, 0, 33, 33))); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixels100_100to1_1) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(1, 1), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { CheckWritePixels(aDecoder, aFilter, /* aOutputRect = */ Some(IntRect(0, 0, 1, 1))); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixels100_100to33_99) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(33, 99), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { CheckWritePixels(aDecoder, aFilter, /* aOutputRect = */ Some(IntRect(0, 0, 33, 99))); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixels100_100to99_33) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(99, 33), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { CheckWritePixels(aDecoder, aFilter, /* aOutputRect = */ Some(IntRect(0, 0, 99, 33))); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixels100_100to99_1) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(99, 1), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { CheckWritePixels(aDecoder, aFilter, /* aOutputRect = */ Some(IntRect(0, 0, 99, 1))); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixels100_100to1_99) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(1, 99), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { CheckWritePixels(aDecoder, aFilter, /* aOutputRect = */ Some(IntRect(0, 0, 1, 99))); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, DownscalingFailsFor100_100to101_101) { // Upscaling is disallowed. AssertConfiguringDownscalingFilterFails(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(101, 101)); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, DownscalingFailsFor100_100to100_100) { // "Scaling" to the same size is disallowed. AssertConfiguringDownscalingFilterFails(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(100, 100)); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, DownscalingFailsFor0_0toMinus1_Minus1) { // A 0x0 input size is disallowed. AssertConfiguringDownscalingFilterFails(IntSize(0, 0), IntSize(-1, -1)); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, DownscalingFailsForMinus1_Minus1toMinus2_Minus2) { // A negative input size is disallowed. AssertConfiguringDownscalingFilterFails(IntSize(-1, -1), IntSize(-2, -2)); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, DownscalingFailsFor100_100to0_0) { // A 0x0 output size is disallowed. AssertConfiguringDownscalingFilterFails(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(0, 0)); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, DownscalingFailsFor100_100toMinus1_Minus1) { // A negative output size is disallowed. AssertConfiguringDownscalingFilterFails(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(-1, -1)); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixelsOutput100_100to20_20) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(20, 20), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { // Fill the image. It consists of 25 lines of green, followed by 25 lines of // red, followed by 25 lines of green, followed by 25 more lines of red. uint32_t count = 0; auto result = aFilter->WritePixels<uint32_t>([&]() -> NextPixel<uint32_t> { uint32_t color = (count <= 25 * 100) || (count > 50 * 100 && count <= 75 * 100) ? BGRAColor::Green().AsPixel() : BGRAColor::Red().AsPixel(); ++count; return AsVariant(color); }); EXPECT_EQ(WriteState::FINISHED, result); EXPECT_EQ(100u * 100u, count); AssertCorrectPipelineFinalState(aFilter, IntRect(0, 0, 100, 100), IntRect(0, 0, 20, 20)); // Check that the generated image is correct. Note that we skip rows near // the transitions between colors, since the downscaler does not produce a // sharp boundary at these points. Even some of the rows we test need a // small amount of fuzz; this is just the nature of Lanczos downscaling. RawAccessFrameRef currentFrame = aDecoder->GetCurrentFrameRef(); RefPtr<SourceSurface> surface = currentFrame->GetSourceSurface(); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 0, 4, BGRAColor::Green(), /* aFuzz = */ 2)); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 6, 3, BGRAColor::Red(), /* aFuzz = */ 3)); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 11, 3, BGRAColor::Green(), /* aFuzz = */ 3)); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 16, 4, BGRAColor::Red(), /* aFuzz = */ 3)); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, WritePixelsOutput100_100to10_20) { WithDownscalingFilter(IntSize(100, 100), IntSize(10, 20), [](Decoder* aDecoder, SurfaceFilter* aFilter) { // Fill the image. It consists of 25 lines of green, followed by 25 lines of // red, followed by 25 lines of green, followed by 25 more lines of red. uint32_t count = 0; auto result = aFilter->WritePixels<uint32_t>([&]() -> NextPixel<uint32_t> { uint32_t color = (count <= 25 * 100) || (count > 50 * 100 && count <= 75 * 100) ? BGRAColor::Green().AsPixel() : BGRAColor::Red().AsPixel(); ++count; return AsVariant(color); }); EXPECT_EQ(WriteState::FINISHED, result); EXPECT_EQ(100u * 100u, count); AssertCorrectPipelineFinalState(aFilter, IntRect(0, 0, 100, 100), IntRect(0, 0, 10, 20)); // Check that the generated image is correct. Note that we skip rows near // the transitions between colors, since the downscaler does not produce a // sharp boundary at these points. Even some of the rows we test need a // small amount of fuzz; this is just the nature of Lanczos downscaling. RawAccessFrameRef currentFrame = aDecoder->GetCurrentFrameRef(); RefPtr<SourceSurface> surface = currentFrame->GetSourceSurface(); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 0, 4, BGRAColor::Green(), /* aFuzz = */ 2)); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 6, 3, BGRAColor::Red(), /* aFuzz = */ 3)); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 11, 3, BGRAColor::Green(), /* aFuzz = */ 3)); EXPECT_TRUE(RowsAreSolidColor(surface, 16, 4, BGRAColor::Red(), /* aFuzz = */ 3)); }); } TEST(ImageDownscalingFilter, ConfiguringPalettedDownscaleFails) { RefPtr<Decoder> decoder = CreateTrivialDecoder(); ASSERT_TRUE(decoder != nullptr); // DownscalingFilter does not support paletted images, so configuration should // fail. AssertConfiguringPipelineFails(decoder, DownscalingConfig { IntSize(100, 100), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 }, PalettedSurfaceConfig { decoder, 0, IntSize(20, 20), IntRect(0, 0, 20, 20), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8, 8, false }); }