/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
//  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


#include <stddef.h>                     // for size_t
#include <stdint.h>                     // for uint32_t, uint8_t, uint64_t
#include "GLTextureImage.h"             // for TextureImage
#include "ImageTypes.h"                 // for StereoMode
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"         // for MOZ_ASSERT, etc
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"         // for override
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"             // for RefPtr, RefCounted
#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"             // for DrawTarget
#include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"          // for IntSize
#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h"          // for SurfaceFormat
#include "mozilla/ipc/Shmem.h"          // for Shmem
#include "mozilla/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h"  // for TextureFlags, etc
#include "mozilla/layers/ISurfaceAllocator.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/LayersSurfaces.h"  // for SurfaceDescriptor
#include "mozilla/mozalloc.h"           // for operator delete
#include "mozilla/gfx/CriticalSection.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"                   // for already_AddRefed
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"            // for TextureImage::AddRef, etc
#include "GfxTexturesReporter.h"
#include "pratom.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"

class gfxImageSurface;

namespace mozilla {

// When defined, we track which pool the tile came from and test for
// any inconsistencies.  This can be defined in release build as well.
#ifdef DEBUG

namespace layers {

class AsyncTransactionWaiter;
class BufferTextureData;
class CompositableForwarder;
class KnowsCompositor;
class LayersIPCChannel;
class CompositableClient;
struct PlanarYCbCrData;
class Image;
class PTextureChild;
class TextureChild;
class TextureData;
class GPUVideoTextureData;
struct RawTextureBuffer;
class RawYCbCrTextureBuffer;
class TextureClient;
class ITextureClientRecycleAllocator;
class TextureClientPool;
class TextureForwarder;
class KeepAlive;

 * TextureClient is the abstraction that allows us to share data between the
 * content and the compositor side.

enum TextureAllocationFlags {
  ALLOC_CLEAR_BUFFER = 1 << 1,  // Clear the buffer to whatever is best for the draw target
  ALLOC_CLEAR_BUFFER_WHITE = 1 << 2,  // explicit all white
  ALLOC_CLEAR_BUFFER_BLACK = 1 << 3,  // explicit all black

  // Allocate the texture for out-of-band content updates. This is mostly for
  // TextureClientD3D11, which may otherwise choose D3D10 or non-KeyedMutex
  // surfaces when used on the main thread.

  // Disable any cross-device synchronization. This is also for TextureClientD3D11,
  // and creates a texture without KeyedMutex.

  // The texture is going to be updated using UpdateFromSurface and needs to support
  // that call.

#ifdef XP_WIN
typedef void* SyncHandle;
typedef uintptr_t SyncHandle;
#endif // XP_WIN

class SyncObject : public RefCounted<SyncObject>
  virtual ~SyncObject() { }

  static already_AddRefed<SyncObject> CreateSyncObject(SyncHandle aHandle);

  enum class SyncType {

  virtual SyncType GetSyncType() = 0;
  virtual void FinalizeFrame() = 0;
  virtual bool IsSyncObjectValid() = 0;

  SyncObject() { }

 * This class may be used to asynchronously receive an update when the content
 * drawn to this texture client is available for reading in CPU memory. This
 * can only be used on texture clients that support draw target creation.
class TextureReadbackSink
   * Callback function to implement in order to receive a DataSourceSurface
   * containing the data read back from the texture client. This will always
   * be called on the main thread, and this may not hold on to the
   * DataSourceSurface beyond the execution of this function.
  virtual void ProcessReadback(gfx::DataSourceSurface *aSourceSurface) = 0;

  virtual ~TextureReadbackSink() {}

enum class BackendSelector

/// Temporary object providing direct access to a Texture's memory.
/// see TextureClient::CanExposeMappedData() and TextureClient::BorrowMappedData().
struct MappedTextureData
  uint8_t* data;
  gfx::IntSize size;
  int32_t stride;
  gfx::SurfaceFormat format;

struct MappedYCbCrChannelData
  uint8_t* data;
  gfx::IntSize size;
  int32_t stride;
  int32_t skip;

  bool CopyInto(MappedYCbCrChannelData& aDst);

struct MappedYCbCrTextureData {
  MappedYCbCrChannelData y;
  MappedYCbCrChannelData cb;
  MappedYCbCrChannelData cr;
  // Sad but because of how SharedPlanarYCbCrData is used we have to expose this for now.
  uint8_t* metadata;
  StereoMode stereoMode;

  bool CopyInto(MappedYCbCrTextureData& aDst)
    return y.CopyInto(aDst.y)
        && cb.CopyInto(aDst.cb)
        && cr.CopyInto(aDst.cr);

class ReadLockDescriptor;

// A class to help implement copy-on-write semantics for shared textures.
// A TextureClient/Host pair can opt into using a ReadLock by calling
// TextureClient::EnableReadLock. This will equip the TextureClient with a
// ReadLock object that will be automatically ReadLock()'ed by the texture itself
// when it is written into (see TextureClient::Unlock).
// A TextureReadLock's counter starts at 1 and is expected to be equal to 1 when the
// lock is destroyed. See ShmemTextureReadLock for explanations about why we use
// 1 instead of 0 as the initial state.
// TextureReadLock is mostly internally managed by the TextureClient/Host pair,
// and the compositable only has to forward it during updates. If an update message
// contains a null_t lock, it means that the texture was not written into on the
// content side, and there is no synchronization required on the compositor side
// (or it means that the texture pair did not opt into using ReadLocks).
// On the compositor side, the TextureHost can receive a ReadLock during a
// transaction, and will both ReadUnlock() it and drop it as soon as the shared
// data is available again for writing (the texture upload is done, or the compositor
// not reading the texture anymore). The lock is dropped to make sure it is
// ReadUnlock()'ed only once.
class TextureReadLock {
  virtual ~TextureReadLock() {}


  virtual int32_t ReadLock() = 0;
  virtual int32_t ReadUnlock() = 0;
  virtual int32_t GetReadCount() = 0;
  virtual bool IsValid() const = 0;

  static already_AddRefed<TextureReadLock>
  Create(LayersIPCChannel* aAllocator);

  static already_AddRefed<TextureReadLock>
  Deserialize(const ReadLockDescriptor& aDescriptor, ISurfaceAllocator* aAllocator);

  virtual bool Serialize(ReadLockDescriptor& aOutput) = 0;

  enum LockType {
  virtual LockType GetType() = 0;


#ifdef XP_WIN
class D3D11TextureData;

class TextureData {
  struct Info {
    gfx::IntSize size;
    gfx::SurfaceFormat format;
    bool hasIntermediateBuffer;
    bool hasSynchronization;
    bool supportsMoz2D;
    bool canExposeMappedData;

    : format(gfx::SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN)
    , hasIntermediateBuffer(false)
    , hasSynchronization(false)
    , supportsMoz2D(false)
    , canExposeMappedData(false)

  TextureData() { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(TextureData); }

  virtual ~TextureData() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(TextureData); }

  virtual void FillInfo(TextureData::Info& aInfo) const = 0;

  virtual bool Lock(OpenMode aMode) = 0;

  virtual void Unlock() = 0;

  virtual already_AddRefed<gfx::DrawTarget> BorrowDrawTarget() { return nullptr; }

  virtual bool BorrowMappedData(MappedTextureData&) { return false; }

  virtual bool BorrowMappedYCbCrData(MappedYCbCrTextureData&) { return false; }

  virtual void Deallocate(LayersIPCChannel* aAllocator) = 0;

  /// Depending on the texture's flags either Deallocate or Forget is called.
  virtual void Forget(LayersIPCChannel* aAllocator) {}

  virtual bool Serialize(SurfaceDescriptor& aDescriptor) = 0;

  virtual TextureData*
  CreateSimilar(LayersIPCChannel* aAllocator,
                LayersBackend aLayersBackend,
                TextureFlags aFlags = TextureFlags::DEFAULT,
                TextureAllocationFlags aAllocFlags = ALLOC_DEFAULT) const { return nullptr; }

  virtual bool UpdateFromSurface(gfx::SourceSurface* aSurface) { return false; };

  virtual bool ReadBack(TextureReadbackSink* aReadbackSink) { return false; }

  virtual void SyncWithObject(SyncObject* aFence) {};

  virtual TextureFlags GetTextureFlags() const { return TextureFlags::NO_FLAGS; }

#ifdef XP_WIN
  virtual D3D11TextureData* AsD3D11TextureData() {
    return nullptr;

  virtual BufferTextureData* AsBufferTextureData() { return nullptr; }

  virtual GPUVideoTextureData* AsGPUVideoTextureData() { return nullptr; }

 * TextureClient is a thin abstraction over texture data that need to be shared
 * between the content process and the compositor process. It is the
 * content-side half of a TextureClient/TextureHost pair. A corresponding
 * TextureHost lives on the compositor-side.
 * TextureClient's primary purpose is to present texture data in a way that is
 * understood by the IPC system. There are two ways to use it:
 * - Use it to serialize image data that is not IPC-friendly (most likely
 * involving a copy into shared memory)
 * - preallocate it and paint directly into it, which avoids copy but requires
 * the painting code to be aware of TextureClient (or at least the underlying
 * shared memory).
 * There is always one and only one TextureClient per TextureHost, and the
 * TextureClient/Host pair only owns one buffer of image data through its
 * lifetime. This means that the lifetime of the underlying shared data
 * matches the lifetime of the TextureClient/Host pair. It also means
 * TextureClient/Host do not implement double buffering, which is the
 * responsibility of the compositable (which would use two Texture pairs).
 * In order to send several different buffers to the compositor side, use
 * several TextureClients.
class TextureClient
  : public AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize<TextureClient>
  explicit TextureClient(TextureData* aData, TextureFlags aFlags, LayersIPCChannel* aAllocator);

  virtual ~TextureClient();

  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateWithData(TextureData* aData, TextureFlags aFlags, LayersIPCChannel* aAllocator);

  // Creates and allocates a TextureClient usable with Moz2D.
  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateForDrawing(KnowsCompositor* aAllocator,
                   gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                   gfx::IntSize aSize,
                   BackendSelector aSelector,
                   TextureFlags aTextureFlags,
                   TextureAllocationFlags flags = ALLOC_DEFAULT);

  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateFromSurface(KnowsCompositor* aAllocator,
                    gfx::SourceSurface* aSurface,
                    BackendSelector aSelector,
                    TextureFlags aTextureFlags,
                    TextureAllocationFlags aAllocFlags);

  // Creates and allocates a TextureClient supporting the YCbCr format.
  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateForYCbCr(KnowsCompositor* aAllocator,
                 gfx::IntSize aYSize,
                 gfx::IntSize aCbCrSize,
                 StereoMode aStereoMode,
                 YUVColorSpace aYUVColorSpace,
                 TextureFlags aTextureFlags);

  // Creates and allocates a TextureClient (can be accessed through raw
  // pointers).
  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateForRawBufferAccess(KnowsCompositor* aAllocator,
                           gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                           gfx::IntSize aSize,
                           gfx::BackendType aMoz2dBackend,
                           TextureFlags aTextureFlags,
                           TextureAllocationFlags flags = ALLOC_DEFAULT);

  // Creates and allocates a TextureClient (can beaccessed through raw
  // pointers) with a certain buffer size. It's unfortunate that we need this.
  // providing format and sizes could let us do more optimization.
  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateForYCbCrWithBufferSize(KnowsCompositor* aAllocator,
                               size_t aSize,
                               YUVColorSpace aYUVColorSpace,
                               TextureFlags aTextureFlags);

  // Creates and allocates a TextureClient of the same type.
  CreateSimilar(LayersBackend aLayersBackend = LayersBackend::LAYERS_NONE,
                TextureFlags aFlags = TextureFlags::DEFAULT,
                TextureAllocationFlags aAllocFlags = ALLOC_DEFAULT) const;

   * Locks the shared data, allowing the caller to get access to it.
   * Please always lock/unlock when accessing the shared data.
   * If Lock() returns false, you should not attempt to access the shared data.
  bool Lock(OpenMode aMode);

  void Unlock();

  bool IsLocked() const { return mIsLocked; }

  gfx::IntSize GetSize() const { return mInfo.size; }

  gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormat() const { return mInfo.format; }

   * Returns true if this texture has a synchronization mechanism (mutex, fence, etc.).
   * Textures that do not implement synchronization should be immutable or should
   * use immediate uploads (see TextureFlags in CompositorTypes.h)
   * Even if a texture does not implement synchronization, Lock and Unlock need
   * to be used appropriately since the latter are also there to map/numap data.
  bool HasSynchronization() const { return mInfo.hasSynchronization; }

   * Indicates whether the TextureClient implementation is backed by an
   * in-memory buffer. The consequence of this is that locking the
   * TextureClient does not contend with locking the texture on the host side.
  bool HasIntermediateBuffer() const { return mInfo.hasIntermediateBuffer; }

  bool CanExposeDrawTarget() const { return mInfo.supportsMoz2D; }

  bool CanExposeMappedData() const { return mInfo.canExposeMappedData; }

   * Returns a DrawTarget to draw into the TextureClient.
   * This function should never be called when not on the main thread!
   * This must never be called on a TextureClient that is not sucessfully locked.
   * When called several times within one Lock/Unlock pair, this method should
   * return the same DrawTarget.
   * The DrawTarget is automatically flushed by the TextureClient when the latter
   * is unlocked, and the DrawTarget that will be returned within the next
   * lock/unlock pair may or may not be the same object.
   * Do not keep references to the DrawTarget outside of the lock/unlock pair.
   * This is typically used as follows:
   * if (!texture->Lock(OpenMode::OPEN_READ_WRITE)) {
   *   return false;
   * }
   * {
   *   // Restrict this code's scope to ensure all references to dt are gone
   *   // when Unlock is called.
   *   DrawTarget* dt = texture->BorrowDrawTarget();
   *   // use the draw target ...
   * }
   * texture->Unlock();
  gfx::DrawTarget* BorrowDrawTarget();

   * Similar to BorrowDrawTarget but provides direct access to the texture's bits
   * instead of a DrawTarget.
  bool BorrowMappedData(MappedTextureData&);
  bool BorrowMappedYCbCrData(MappedYCbCrTextureData&);

   * This function can be used to update the contents of the TextureClient
   * off the main thread.
  void UpdateFromSurface(gfx::SourceSurface* aSurface);

   * This method is strictly for debugging. It causes locking and
   * needless copies.
  already_AddRefed<gfx::DataSourceSurface> GetAsSurface();

  virtual void PrintInfo(std::stringstream& aStream, const char* aPrefix);

   * Copies a rectangle from this texture client to a position in aTarget.
   * It is assumed that the necessary locks are in place; so this should at
   * least have a read lock and aTarget should at least have a write lock.
  bool CopyToTextureClient(TextureClient* aTarget,
                           const gfx::IntRect* aRect,
                           const gfx::IntPoint* aPoint);

   * Allocate and deallocate a TextureChild actor.
   * TextureChild is an implementation detail of TextureClient that is not
   * exposed to the rest of the code base. CreateIPDLActor and DestroyIPDLActor
   * are for use with the managing IPDL protocols only (so that they can
   * implement AllocPextureChild and DeallocPTextureChild).
  static PTextureChild* CreateIPDLActor();
  static bool DestroyIPDLActor(PTextureChild* actor);

   * Get the TextureClient corresponding to the actor passed in parameter.
  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient> AsTextureClient(PTextureChild* actor);

   * TextureFlags contain important information about various aspects
   * of the texture, like how its liferime is managed, and how it
   * should be displayed.
   * See TextureFlags in CompositorTypes.h.
  TextureFlags GetFlags() const { return mFlags; }

  bool HasFlags(TextureFlags aFlags) const
    return (mFlags & aFlags) == aFlags;

  void AddFlags(TextureFlags aFlags);

  void RemoveFlags(TextureFlags aFlags);

  // Must not be called when TextureClient is in use by CompositableClient.
  void RecycleTexture(TextureFlags aFlags);

   * After being shared with the compositor side, an immutable texture is never
   * modified, it can only be read. It is safe to not Lock/Unlock immutable
   * textures.
  bool IsImmutable() const { return !!(mFlags & TextureFlags::IMMUTABLE); }

  void MarkImmutable() { AddFlags(TextureFlags::IMMUTABLE); }

  bool IsSharedWithCompositor() const;

   * If this method returns false users of TextureClient are not allowed
   * to access the shared data.
  bool IsValid() const { return !!mData; }

   * Called when TextureClient is added to CompositableClient.
  void SetAddedToCompositableClient();

   * If this method retuns false, TextureClient is already added to CompositableClient,
   * since its creation or recycling.
  bool IsAddedToCompositableClient() const { return mAddedToCompositableClient; }

  * Create and init the TextureChild/Parent IPDL actor pair
  * with a CompositableForwarder.
  * Should be called only once per TextureClient.
  * The TextureClient must not be locked when calling this method.
  bool InitIPDLActor(CompositableForwarder* aForwarder);

   * Create and init the TextureChild/Parent IPDL actor pair
   * with a TextureForwarder.
   * Should be called only once per TextureClient.
   * The TextureClient must not be locked when calling this method.
  bool InitIPDLActor(KnowsCompositor* aForwarder);

   * Return a pointer to the IPDLActor.
   * This is to be used with IPDL messages only. Do not store the returned
   * pointer.
  PTextureChild* GetIPDLActor();

   * Triggers the destruction of the shared data and the corresponding TextureHost.
   * If the texture flags contain TextureFlags::DEALLOCATE_CLIENT, the destruction
   * will be synchronously coordinated with the compositor side, otherwise it
   * will be done asynchronously.
   * If sync is true, the destruction will be synchronous regardless of the
   * texture's flags (bad for performance, use with care).
  void Destroy(bool sync = false);

   * Track how much of this texture is wasted.
   * For example we might allocate a 256x256 tile but only use 10x10.
  void SetWaste(int aWasteArea) {
    mWasteTracker.Update(aWasteArea, BytesPerPixel(GetFormat()));

   * This sets the readback sink that this texture is to use. This will
   * receive the data for this texture as soon as it becomes available after
   * texture unlock.
  virtual void SetReadbackSink(TextureReadbackSink* aReadbackSink) {
    mReadbackSink = aReadbackSink;

  void SyncWithObject(SyncObject* aFence) { mData->SyncWithObject(aFence); }

  LayersIPCChannel* GetAllocator() { return mAllocator; }

  ITextureClientRecycleAllocator* GetRecycleAllocator() { return mRecycleAllocator; }
  void SetRecycleAllocator(ITextureClientRecycleAllocator* aAllocator);

  /// If you add new code that uses this method, you are probably doing something wrong.
  TextureData* GetInternalData() { return mData; }
  const TextureData* GetInternalData() const { return mData; }

  uint64_t GetSerial() const { return mSerial; }

  void CancelWaitForRecycle();

   * Set last transaction id of CompositableForwarder.
   * Called when TextureClient has TextureFlags::RECYCLE flag.
   * When CompositableForwarder forwards the TextureClient with
   * TextureFlags::RECYCLE, it holds TextureClient's ref until host side
   * releases it. The host side sends TextureClient release message.
   * The id is used to check if the message is for the last TextureClient
   * forwarding.
  void SetLastFwdTransactionId(uint64_t aTransactionId)
    MOZ_ASSERT(mFwdTransactionId <= aTransactionId);
    mFwdTransactionId = aTransactionId;

  uint64_t GetLastFwdTransactionId() { return mFwdTransactionId; }

  void EnableReadLock();

  TextureReadLock* GetReadLock() { return mReadLock; }

  bool IsReadLocked() const;

  void SerializeReadLock(ReadLockDescriptor& aDescriptor);

  static void TextureClientRecycleCallback(TextureClient* aClient, void* aClosure);
  // Internal helpers for creating texture clients using the actual forwarder instead
  // of KnowsCompositor. TextureClientPool uses these to let it cache texture clients
  // per-process instead of per ShadowLayerForwarder, but everyone else should
  // use the public functions instead.
  friend class TextureClientPool;
  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateForDrawing(TextureForwarder* aAllocator,
                   gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                   gfx::IntSize aSize,
                   LayersBackend aLayersBackend,
                   int32_t aMaxTextureSize,
                   BackendSelector aSelector,
                   TextureFlags aTextureFlags,
                   TextureAllocationFlags aAllocFlags = ALLOC_DEFAULT);
  static already_AddRefed<TextureClient>
  CreateForRawBufferAccess(LayersIPCChannel* aAllocator,
                           gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                           gfx::IntSize aSize,
                           gfx::BackendType aMoz2dBackend,
                           LayersBackend aLayersBackend,
                           TextureFlags aTextureFlags,
                           TextureAllocationFlags flags = ALLOC_DEFAULT);

   * Called once, during the destruction of the Texture, on the thread in which
   * texture's reference count reaches 0 (could be any thread).
   * Here goes the shut-down code that uses virtual methods.
   * Must only be called by Release().
  void Finalize() {}

  friend class AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize<TextureClient>;
   * Should only be called *once* per texture, in TextureClient::InitIPDLActor.
   * Some texture implementations rely on the fact that the descriptor will be
   * deserialized.
   * Calling ToSurfaceDescriptor again after it has already returned true,
   * or never constructing a TextureHost with aDescriptor may result in a memory
   * leak (see TextureClientD3D9 for example).
  bool ToSurfaceDescriptor(SurfaceDescriptor& aDescriptor);

  void LockActor() const;
  void UnlockActor() const;

  TextureData::Info mInfo;

  RefPtr<LayersIPCChannel> mAllocator;
  RefPtr<TextureChild> mActor;
  RefPtr<ITextureClientRecycleAllocator> mRecycleAllocator;
  RefPtr<TextureReadLock> mReadLock;

  TextureData* mData;
  RefPtr<gfx::DrawTarget> mBorrowedDrawTarget;

  TextureFlags mFlags;

  gl::GfxTextureWasteTracker mWasteTracker;

  OpenMode mOpenMode;
#ifdef DEBUG
  uint32_t mExpectedDtRefs;
  bool mIsLocked;
  // This member tracks that the texture was written into until the update
  // is sent to the compositor. We need this remember to lock mReadLock on
  // behalf of the compositor just before sending the notification.
  bool mUpdated;

  // Used when TextureClient is recycled with TextureFlags::RECYCLE flag.
  bool mAddedToCompositableClient;

  bool mWorkaroundAnnoyingSharedSurfaceLifetimeIssues;
  bool mWorkaroundAnnoyingSharedSurfaceOwnershipIssues;

  RefPtr<TextureReadbackSink> mReadbackSink;

  uint64_t mFwdTransactionId;

  // Serial id of TextureClient. It is unique in current process.
  const uint64_t mSerial;
  // Used to assign serial ids of TextureClient.
  static mozilla::Atomic<uint64_t> sSerialCounter;

  friend class TextureChild;
  friend void TestTextureClientSurface(TextureClient*, gfxImageSurface*);
  friend void TestTextureClientYCbCr(TextureClient*, PlanarYCbCrData&);

  // Pointer to the pool this tile came from.
  TextureClientPool* mPoolTracker;

 * Task that releases TextureClient pointer on a specified thread.
class TextureClientReleaseTask : public Runnable
    explicit TextureClientReleaseTask(TextureClient* aClient)
        : mTextureClient(aClient) {

    NS_IMETHOD Run() override
        mTextureClient = nullptr;
        return NS_OK;

    RefPtr<TextureClient> mTextureClient;

// Automatically lock and unlock a texture. Since texture locking is fallible,
// Succeeded() must be checked on the guard object before proceeding.
class MOZ_RAII TextureClientAutoLock

  TextureClientAutoLock(TextureClient* aTexture, OpenMode aMode
   : mTexture(aTexture),

    mSucceeded = mTexture->Lock(aMode);
#ifdef DEBUG
    mChecked = false;
  ~TextureClientAutoLock() {
    if (mSucceeded) {

  bool Succeeded() {
#ifdef DEBUG
    mChecked = true;
    return mSucceeded;

  TextureClient* mTexture;
#ifdef DEBUG
  bool mChecked;
  bool mSucceeded;

class KeepAlive
  virtual ~KeepAlive() {}

template<typename T>
class TKeepAlive : public KeepAlive
  explicit TKeepAlive(T* aData) : mData(aData) {}
  RefPtr<T> mData;

/// Convenience function to set the content of ycbcr texture.
bool UpdateYCbCrTextureClient(TextureClient* aTexture, const PlanarYCbCrData& aData);

} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla
