$usage = "Usage: combine.pl { 8 | 16 } < pixman-combine.c.template"; $#ARGV == 0 or die $usage; # Get the component size. $size = int($ARGV[0]); $size == 8 or $size == 16 or die $usage; $pixel_size = $size * 4; $half_pixel_size = $size * 2; sub mask { my $str = shift; my $suffix; $suffix = "ULL" if $size > 8; return "0x" . $str . $suffix; } # Generate mask strings. $nibbles = $size / 4; $mask = "f" x $nibbles; $zero_mask = "0" x $nibbles; $one_half = "8" . "0" x ($nibbles - 1); print "/* WARNING: This file is generated by combine.pl from combine.inc.\n"; print " Please edit one of those files rather than this one. */\n"; print "\n"; print "#line 1 \"pixman-combine.c.template\"\n"; $mask_ = mask($mask); $one_half_ = mask($one_half); $g_mask = mask($mask . $zero_mask); $b_mask = mask($mask . $zero_mask x 2); $a_mask = mask($mask . $zero_mask x 3); $rb_mask = mask($mask . $zero_mask . $mask); $ag_mask = mask($mask . $zero_mask . $mask . $zero_mask); $rb_one_half = mask($one_half . $zero_mask . $one_half); $rb_mask_plus_one = mask("1" . $zero_mask x 2 . "1" . $zero_mask); while (<STDIN>) { # Mask and 1/2 value for a single component. s/#define COMPONENT_SIZE\b/$& $size/; s/#define MASK\b/$& $mask_/; s/#define ONE_HALF\b/$& $one_half_/; # Shifts and masks for green, blue, and alpha. s/#define G_SHIFT\b/$& $size/; s/#define R_SHIFT\b/$& $size * 2/; s/#define A_SHIFT\b/$& $size * 3/; s/#define G_MASK\b/$& $g_mask/; s/#define R_MASK\b/$& $b_mask/; s/#define A_MASK\b/$& $a_mask/; # Special values for dealing with red + blue at the same time. s/#define RB_MASK\b/$& $rb_mask/; s/#define AG_MASK\b/$& $ag_mask/; s/#define RB_ONE_HALF\b/$& $rb_one_half/; s/#define RB_MASK_PLUS_ONE\b/$& $rb_mask_plus_one/; # Add 32/64 suffix to combining function types. s/\bCombineFunc\b/CombineFunc$pixel_size/; s/\bFbComposeFunctions\b/FbComposeFunctions$pixel_size/; s/combine_width/combine_$pixel_size/; s/_pixman_setup_combiner_functions_width/_pixman_setup_combiner_functions_$pixel_size/; s/UNc/UN$size/g; s/ALPHA_c/ALPHA_$size/g; s/RED_c/RED_$size/g; s/GREEN_c/GREEN_$size/g; s/BLUE_c/BLUE_$size/g; # Convert comp*_t values into the appropriate real types. s/comp1_t/uint${size}_t/g; s/comp2_t/uint${half_pixel_size}_t/g; s/comp4_t/uint${pixel_size}_t/g; # Change the function table name for the 64-bit version. s/pixman_composeFunctions/pixman_composeFunctions64/ if $size == 16; # Change the header for the 64-bit version s/pixman-combine.h/pixman-combine64.h/ if $size == 16; s/pixman-combine.h/pixman-combine32.h/ if $size == 8; print; }