Because the ```gpu_test_expectations``` directory is based on parts of Chromium's ```gpu/config`` directory, we want to keep a patch of the changes added to make it compile with ANGLE. This will allow us to merge Chromium changes easily in our ```gpu_test_expectations```. In order to make a change to this directory, do the following: * copy the directory somewhere like in ```gpu_test_expectations_reverted``` * in ```gpu_test_expectations_reverted``` run ```patch -p 1 -R < angle-mods.patch``` * do your changes in ```gpu_test_expectations``` * delete angle-mods.patch in both directories * run ```diff -rupN gpu_test_expectations_reverted gpu_test_expectations > angle-mods.patch``` * copy ```angle-mods.patch``` in ```gpu_test_expectations``` How to update from Chromium: * ```git apply -R angle-mods.patch```, ```git add . -u```, ```git commit``` * Copy over Chromium files, ```git add . -u```, ```git commit``` * ```git revert HEAD~``` * ```rm angle-mods.patch``` * ```git diff HEAD~ (`)ls(`) > angle-mods.patch```,```git add angle-mods.patch```, ```git commit --amend``` * ```git rebase -i``` to squash the three patches into one.