@ECHO OFF REM REM Copyright (c) 2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be REM found in the LICENSE file. REM PATH %PATH%;%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86;%DXSDK_DIR%\Utilities\bin\x86 setlocal set errorCount=0 set successCount=0 set debug=0 if "%1" == "debug" ( set debug=1 ) if "%1" == "release" ( set debug=0 ) :: | Input file | Entry point | Type | Output file | Debug | call:BuildShader Blit.vs standardvs vs_2_0 compiled\standardvs.h %debug% call:BuildShader Blit.vs flipyvs vs_2_0 compiled\flipyvs.h %debug% call:BuildShader Blit.ps passthroughps ps_2_0 compiled\passthroughps.h %debug% call:BuildShader Blit.ps luminanceps ps_2_0 compiled\luminanceps.h %debug% call:BuildShader Blit.ps componentmaskps ps_2_0 compiled\componentmaskps.h %debug% echo. if %successCount% GTR 0 ( echo %successCount% shaders compiled successfully. ) if %errorCount% GTR 0 ( echo There were %errorCount% shader compilation errors. ) endlocal exit /b :BuildShader set input=%~1 set entry=%~2 set type=%~3 set output=%~4 set debug=%~5 if %debug% == 0 ( set "buildCMD=fxc /nologo /E %entry% /T %type% /Fh %output% %input%" ) else ( set "buildCMD=fxc /nologo /Zi /Od /E %entry% /T %type% /Fh %output% %input%" ) set error=0 %buildCMD% || set error=1 if %error% == 0 ( set /a successCount=%successCount%+1 ) else ( set /a errorCount=%errorCount%+1 ) exit /b