// // Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // UtilsHLSL.cpp: // Utility methods for GLSL to HLSL translation. // #include "compiler/translator/UtilsHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h" #include "compiler/translator/StructureHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h" namespace sh { TString SamplerString(const TBasicType type) { if (IsShadowSampler(type)) { return "SamplerComparisonState"; } else { return "SamplerState"; } } TString SamplerString(HLSLTextureSamplerGroup type) { if (type >= HLSL_COMPARISON_SAMPLER_GROUP_BEGIN && type <= HLSL_COMPARISON_SAMPLER_GROUP_END) { return "SamplerComparisonState"; } else { return "SamplerState"; } } HLSLTextureSamplerGroup TextureGroup(const TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtSampler2D: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D; case EbtSamplerCube: return HLSL_TEXTURE_CUBE; case EbtSamplerExternalOES: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D; case EbtSampler2DArray: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY; case EbtSampler3D: return HLSL_TEXTURE_3D; case EbtISampler2D: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_INT4; case EbtISampler3D: return HLSL_TEXTURE_3D_INT4; case EbtISamplerCube: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_INT4; case EbtISampler2DArray: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_INT4; case EbtUSampler2D: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_UINT4; case EbtUSampler3D: return HLSL_TEXTURE_3D_UINT4; case EbtUSamplerCube: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_UINT4; case EbtUSampler2DArray: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_UINT4; case EbtSampler2DShadow: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_COMPARISON; case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: return HLSL_TEXTURE_CUBE_COMPARISON; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_COMPARISON; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return HLSL_TEXTURE_UNKNOWN; } TString TextureString(const HLSLTextureSamplerGroup type) { switch (type) { case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D: return "Texture2D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_CUBE: return "TextureCube"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY: return "Texture2DArray"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_3D: return "Texture3D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_INT4: return "Texture2D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_3D_INT4: return "Texture3D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_INT4: return "Texture2DArray"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_UINT4: return "Texture2D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_3D_UINT4: return "Texture3D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_UINT4: return "Texture2DArray"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_COMPARISON: return "Texture2D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_CUBE_COMPARISON: return "TextureCube"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_COMPARISON: return "Texture2DArray"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return ""; } TString TextureString(const TBasicType type) { return TextureString(TextureGroup(type)); } TString TextureGroupSuffix(const HLSLTextureSamplerGroup type) { switch (type) { case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D: return "2D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_CUBE: return "Cube"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY: return "2DArray"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_3D: return "3D"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_INT4: return "2D_int4_"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_3D_INT4: return "3D_int4_"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_INT4: return "2DArray_int4_"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_UINT4: return "2D_uint4_"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_3D_UINT4: return "3D_uint4_"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_UINT4: return "2DArray_uint4_"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_COMPARISON: return "2D_comparison"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_CUBE_COMPARISON: return "Cube_comparison"; case HLSL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_COMPARISON: return "2DArray_comparison"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return ""; } TString TextureGroupSuffix(const TBasicType type) { return TextureGroupSuffix(TextureGroup(type)); } TString TextureTypeSuffix(const TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtISamplerCube: return "Cube_int4_"; case EbtUSamplerCube: return "Cube_uint4_"; case EbtSamplerExternalOES: return "_External"; default: // All other types are identified by their group suffix return TextureGroupSuffix(type); } } TString DecorateUniform(const TName &name, const TType &type) { return DecorateIfNeeded(name); } TString DecorateField(const TString &string, const TStructure &structure) { if (structure.name().compare(0, 3, "gl_") != 0) { return Decorate(string); } return string; } TString DecoratePrivate(const TString &privateText) { return "dx_" + privateText; } TString Decorate(const TString &string) { if (string.compare(0, 3, "gl_") != 0) { return "_" + string; } return string; } TString DecorateIfNeeded(const TName &name) { if (name.isInternal()) { return name.getString(); } else { return Decorate(name.getString()); } } TString DecorateFunctionIfNeeded(const TName &name) { if (name.isInternal()) { return TFunction::unmangleName(name.getString()); } else { return Decorate(TFunction::unmangleName(name.getString())); } } TString TypeString(const TType &type) { const TStructure* structure = type.getStruct(); if (structure) { const TString& typeName = structure->name(); if (typeName != "") { return StructNameString(*structure); } else // Nameless structure, define in place { return StructureHLSL::defineNameless(*structure); } } else if (type.isMatrix()) { int cols = type.getCols(); int rows = type.getRows(); return "float" + str(cols) + "x" + str(rows); } else { switch (type.getBasicType()) { case EbtFloat: switch (type.getNominalSize()) { case 1: return "float"; case 2: return "float2"; case 3: return "float3"; case 4: return "float4"; } case EbtInt: switch (type.getNominalSize()) { case 1: return "int"; case 2: return "int2"; case 3: return "int3"; case 4: return "int4"; } case EbtUInt: switch (type.getNominalSize()) { case 1: return "uint"; case 2: return "uint2"; case 3: return "uint3"; case 4: return "uint4"; } case EbtBool: switch (type.getNominalSize()) { case 1: return "bool"; case 2: return "bool2"; case 3: return "bool3"; case 4: return "bool4"; } case EbtVoid: return "void"; case EbtSampler2D: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2DArray: return "sampler2D"; case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtUSamplerCube: return "samplerCUBE"; case EbtSamplerExternalOES: return "sampler2D"; default: break; } } UNREACHABLE(); return ""; } TString StructNameString(const TStructure &structure) { if (structure.name().empty()) { return ""; } // For structures at global scope we use a consistent // translation so that we can link between shader stages. if (structure.atGlobalScope()) { return Decorate(structure.name()); } return "ss" + str(structure.uniqueId()) + "_" + structure.name(); } TString QualifiedStructNameString(const TStructure &structure, bool useHLSLRowMajorPacking, bool useStd140Packing) { if (structure.name() == "") { return ""; } TString prefix = ""; // Structs packed with row-major matrices in HLSL are prefixed with "rm" // GLSL column-major maps to HLSL row-major, and the converse is true if (useStd140Packing) { prefix += "std_"; } if (useHLSLRowMajorPacking) { prefix += "rm_"; } return prefix + StructNameString(structure); } TString InterpolationString(TQualifier qualifier) { switch (qualifier) { case EvqVaryingIn: return ""; case EvqFragmentIn: return ""; case EvqSmoothIn: return "linear"; case EvqFlatIn: return "nointerpolation"; case EvqCentroidIn: return "centroid"; case EvqVaryingOut: return ""; case EvqVertexOut: return ""; case EvqSmoothOut: return "linear"; case EvqFlatOut: return "nointerpolation"; case EvqCentroidOut: return "centroid"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return ""; } TString QualifierString(TQualifier qualifier) { switch (qualifier) { case EvqIn: return "in"; case EvqOut: return "inout"; // 'out' results in an HLSL error if not all fields are written, for GLSL it's undefined case EvqInOut: return "inout"; case EvqConstReadOnly: return "const"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return ""; } TString DisambiguateFunctionName(const TIntermSequence *parameters) { TString disambiguatingString; for (auto parameter : *parameters) { const TType ¶mType = parameter->getAsTyped()->getType(); // Disambiguation is needed for float2x2 and float4 parameters. These are the only parameter // types that HLSL thinks are identical. float2x3 and float3x2 are different types, for // example. Other parameter types are not added to function names to avoid making function // names longer. if (paramType.getObjectSize() == 4 && paramType.getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { disambiguatingString += "_" + TypeString(paramType); } } return disambiguatingString; } } // namespace sh